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Harare Vendors Vow To Defy Govt 7-day Ultimatum To Vacate CBD

1 year agoFri, 24 Nov 2023 11:02:58 GMT
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Harare Vendors Vow To Defy Govt 7-day Ultimatum To Vacate CBD

Vendors in Harare have vowed to defy a directive by authorities to vacate the Central Building District (CBD) and the streets they sell their wares from, saying they will only move if the Government creates jobs for them.

This comes after the Government gave the Harare City Council a seven-day ultimatum to remove the vendors out of the city due to rising cholera cases.

One vendor only identified as Varaidzo told that they cannot leave the CBD because they have to fend for their families. She said:

We need jobs. There are no jobs in the country. Ngavatipe mabasa kuState House ikoko. Where can we go from here? Most of us are widows and single mothers fending for our kids through vending.

We went to school. If the economy was flourishing, we would be employed somewhere. We are not happy being on these pavements.

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Let us join the government officials in their offices. I am sorry we cannot leave the CBD.

Another vendor who declined to be identified said the Government and the city council were to blame for the cholera outbreak as they are failing to collect rubbish, effectively manage sewage and fail to provide clean water. Said the vendor:

We have educational certificates under our pillows but we have no jobs. They must show us the doors of companies that are employing people right now. We will go there. How do we take care of our kids?

Council and government must work together to provide services to citizens. We have garbage all over the streets and raw sewage everywhere.

Now we are being accused of fueling cholera in the city. Tell those authorities to put their houses in order because our wares are clean.

The Harare City Council spokesperson Stanley Gama said that the council held an emergency meeting on Thursday to find ways to deal with the government directive on illegal vending in the CBD.

Meanwhile, Councillor Womberaiishe Nhende responsible for SMSEs at Town House said the council already has designated places for vendors. He said:

Harare City had plans already in place to deal with city challenges. The City has designated places for vendors but they are coming back to the streets alleging proximity to their customers has been compromised.

This has created this ugly situation. Due to the outbreak that has been declared a national disaster, we have been begging the government to help the city improve on the vendor’s issues. Their livelihood is at stake.

A state of emergency was recently declared in Harare over the cholera outbreak that has killed more than 150 people across the country.

More: Pindula News



🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 · 1 year ago
taneta nawo ma headlines aya asina chiguro mufunge dosto roga roga mumisoro yevatauri. same fanane nemabhero akaitwa banned kunana 2011 uko but now we're near the end of 2023 ten years later bhero ririkungorira. same fanane nenhau yema vendor and by the way everyone is a vendor bcoz vending is selling and everyone sells something a good or a service inorder to survive. pane zvinhu zvakawandisa panyika zvisingabvumirwe on paper but zvinoitwa everyday in practice eg: 1)gold smuggling 2) kutengesa mbanje 3)makorokoza 4)extra lessons 5) mushikashika 6) kutengesa ana epidem betasol lemon bars 7)bribery ukabatwa nevakomana vekanzuru kana traffic police 8)kuroora under age nekuti unoenda kwamadzvimbo kwavanoti ED pfeee. 9)................. the list is endless saka panyika pano hapadi kurara changamuka vhura ziso kwete kungodyira hook line and sinker nekut zvataurwa ne ihulumende.
skun · 1 year ago
people are desperate..if u look at the displays in CBD unochema nemumoyo..**** chete ndoyanyanya..I feel sorry for them but the CBD cannot be a place of's a jungle in the has become the fan base of all types of activities that are left uncontrolled.. government needs to improve the lives of people not only wait for people to vote for them..enuf is not being done by the so called people's government..
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Rambai makagara mu cbd tione,hanty maimhanya muchiti zanu ikawhina makeke,saka kekenurai tione,uya ai shudha vanhu pa 2018 aripo ,akatomirira kuita shoot futi
· 1 year ago
Up yours you sadistic animal
Arrogance Arrogant · 1 year ago
by any means necessary whether they want to move or not we will descend on the streets and pulverize the vendors to pulp because we do not want more cholera cases in Harare we do not find each other to come up with a solution we dictate we are the owners of this country tinokutongai vavukuri
cid · 1 year ago
one thing Yu forget is that it is in Harare and Bulawayo that's where CCC have the majority of it's votes.Cholera is just a word they are just using but the motive is to punish Harare people for voting CCC.Mind Yu the CBD is not the epicenter of cholera🤔infact how many cases of cholera has been reported in the CBD?Zanu is making sure CCC punishes its own supporter's 🤣 Cholera is there in Murambinda they are not chasing vendors.Trust me vendors in Bulawayo after elections Yu are next
Chbba · 1 year ago
Vendors 4ED muriko here uko
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Cholera kills
· 1 year ago
.... so does ZANU.
aleck · 1 year ago
Be still ngongongo parichauya muchaita murambamhuru makananga BOCHA marange
TTT · 1 year ago
This is good as it also affects the farmer in Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe
doug · 1 year ago
The vendors are simply saying that they are not vendors by birth, and they are saying they are vending for survival as the very government that is chasing them from their vending places is the one that created them due to not making policies that should have created jobs instead, and they would not have vendors.
skun · 1 year ago
spot on
Zuze · 1 year ago
I am waiting for the day Government deploys Black Boots on the streets of Harare. That would be the last act of provocation by this clueless government. Taking away unemployed people's livelihoods will ignite the required mass action that opposition parties have been trying to avoid, Chamisa especially. I dare the government deploy Black Boots. That will signal the end of this regime.
Ini Zvangu · 1 year ago
Dont worry the police are being sent home coz they have no uniform. The money was used to buy Zanu pf party regalia.
skye · 1 year ago
u are ryt
Anonymous · 1 year ago
You overrate Zimbabweans nhaika. Pfuti ngaingorira uone kuti mutown munosara munhu here

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