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Govt Gives Harare City Council 7-day Ultimatum To Deal With Vendors

1 year agoFri, 24 Nov 2023 08:29:18 GMT
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Govt Gives Harare City Council 7-day Ultimatum To Deal With Vendors

The Government has given the Harare City Council a seven-day ultimatum to remove traders operating from undesignated spots in order to curb the spread of cholera.

Addressing a post-Cabinet media briefing in Harare this week, the Minister of Health and Child Care Douglas Mombeshora warned the local authority that if it fails to decisively deal with the vendors, the central Government “will move in”. Said Mombeshora:

So we have had a conversation with the Municipality of Harare authorities to take remedial measures, failure of which we will have to move in as Government, and definitely, we have to remove these illegal vendors because they will cost us lives.

We have to save lives, we have to stop this cholera from spreading so no one should be left doing the wrong thing because we will lose lives.

We gave them a week to take corrective measures, failure of which Government we will move in.

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He said the overcrowding of vendors at illegal places where there are no sanitary facilities has resulted in more cholera hotspots. Said Mombeshora:

After looking at all factors we came up with that decision having realised that vendors are all over the roads, at shopping centres people are cooking food, selling tomatoes, and vegetables but if you look at it there is no water to clean these commodities and there are no toilets so what is happening from morning till evening when all these vendors are there and they are overcrowded areas.

Designated places have toilets, proper tables and water to wash hands, vegetables and goods, so that is what we want to see taking place in Harare.

He also said in Harare, there are challenges with water supply, poor refuse disposal and poor sewage reticulation.

Mombeshora said Kuwadzana suburb accounts for 40 percent of cholera cases in Harare.

More: Pindula News



pazuva · 1 year ago
Very late after the damage has been but however well come. Deal with the fandanentals eg water (zinwa) and gabbage collection(ema)
rugadza f · 1 year ago
we went to school we know the root cause of the whole suffering in zim even the rural folk now know the truth Faz , CiO tell mnangagwa the truth bcz your days are numbered
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I give Mnangagwa 7days to let Mthwakazi go simple Ndebeles are not Zimbabweans honest truth and they will never be
bk85 · 1 year ago
Vendors for ED now is ED for Vendors kkkkkkkk
Hameno · 1 year ago
chawagona chii before wadealer nema vendors
Hameno · 1 year ago
chawagona chii before wadealer nema vendors
Natto · 1 year ago
clean and safe water first before all this nonsensical issues
.I see fools in power · 1 year ago
this gvt is nuts instead of finding ways to provide clean water for Hre they are now threatening vendors this is NONSENSE mhani
ini · 1 year ago
apa mdara Ed anenge akasungirira ka 5million kema by elections achitadza kugadzirisa nyaya yemvura nxaa
@Abc · 1 year ago
chero mutown macho mukachena iwe usina kana dollar uri pa pindula zvokubetserei😂regai vanoda kuchengeta mhuri dzavo vatsvage mari🧐After all type dzenyu vana@Abc watosiirwa mari yemuriwo ne chingwa namomz hauna worry, Fon wakatengerwa even hembe including nduwe ukutengerwa
Zuze · 1 year ago
Chamaghona hamuna kuvharisa mukoto we musombodhiya nekuti musombodhiya uri healthy uno sanitizer mu****u zvekuti haurware ne cholera.
Jojo · 1 year ago
yeah hakuna mabasa but our streets make Harare one of the most unclean cities in the whole world. I was in Botswana and I found it funny that it was difficult kuwana munhu anotengesa airtime pa road. Our gvt should work on terms which simply make our people see vending business as of no value and these health issues won't recur. Dealing with vendors directly and pushing the council on the issue will definitely not solve the problem since the same process will be repeated next year. They should focus much on job creation and as much as they do their research they'll find out its not only these manufacturing industries can solve the issue but even and mostly the IT and entertainment industry if they consider how other countries like Nigeria has benefited from those African movies..IT ( talking of software development which include games, company websites and systems, manufacturing IT devices like phones and routers among other hardware etc) has also made a significant improvement on its GDP. I personally have an idea on the use of CGI and motion graphics on our local films and videos. The coming in of Ai makes it smoother...I personally think we need thinkers
aaaa · 1 year ago
munoda kti tirarame cy munyika hamuna mabsa tozviitira mabsa edu emaoko yamhosva fti musadaro plz
Abc · 1 year ago
you deserve it mutown munofanira kuchena ma vendor ndo anomamira mumikoto good move next time you will really learn how to protect your vote
cid · 1 year ago
vanhu ava vane time vachitengesa pavari kutengesera hatina kumbonzwa kuti pakuita cholera , problem ye cholera is unavailability of clean water in Harare,,, rectify the water issue and everything else will fall into place.By the way if they are sure that vendors are the cause of cholera is there any need to warn that "government will intervene" or they would just do the right thing😏This means it's the opposition CCC councilor's who are supposed to harass the vendor's considering that they are the ones running Harare😜
Tkt · 1 year ago
Hs the Gvt provided all the necessary funding required? NO has the government created employment? NO can the government do the above in 7 days? NO SAKA how do they think a mere City Council will do such a thing in 7 days?
ED · 1 year ago
Do as we say, not as we do.
Pasi pamera Ziso · 1 year ago
Is this the @Tkt of the ZANU fame? A Saul turned into Paul!!!! The Damascene Moment Mwari kudzwai 🙏🏾
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
hooo kupasisa chi**** ndokwamakaona kuti kunoita.madii kupasisa chivendor zvripamutemo.vamwe vanhu Amuna nzvimbo kudenga
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
hooo kupasisa chi**** ndokwamakaona kuti kunoita.madii kupasisa chivendor zvripamutemo.vamwe vanhu Amuna nzvimbo kudenga
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
hooo kupasisa chi**** ndokwamakaona kuti kunoita.madii kupasisa chivendor zvripamutemo.vamwe vanhu Amuna nzvimbo kudenga
me · 1 year ago
zvakaoma hazvo vanhu vorarama sei
Ininiwo · 1 year ago
Tiri kurarama nenyasha. Nyika is on Autopilot.
Fugu Pfeeee · 1 year ago
I give the Zimbabwe Government a 7-day ultimatum to deal with Tshabangu.

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