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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Pedzai Sakupwanya Candidature Divides ZANU PF

1 year agoTue, 21 Nov 2023 05:44:04 GMT
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Pedzai Sakupwanya Candidature Divides ZANU PF

Factional fights have reportedly rocked ZANU PF Harare provincial structures, with some members accusing provincial chairperson Godwills Masimirembwa of sabotaging Pedzai Sakupwanya‘s campaign ahead of the 09 December by-elections.

Sakukwanya, a close ally of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, is running for the Mabvuku-Tafara National Assembly constituency seat for a second time against CCC’s Munyaradzi Kufahakutizwi.

Kufahakutizwi was declared the winner in the 23-24 August harmonised elections but was recalled in October by CCC’s self-proclaimed interim secretary-general Sengezo Tshabangu, prompting a by-election.

Reports indicate that Sakupwanya’s candidature has divided ZANU PF Harare structures following allegations that the Masimirembwa executive is blocking influential party members from the province to campaign for him.

An audio clip leaked to NewsDay exposes the divisions in ZANU PF. In the audio, a party member who identified himself as comrade Nyokai Mabhunu lambasts Masimirembwa for allegedly sabotaging Sakupwanya. Said Mabhunu:

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What you are doing chairman Godwills Masimirembwa is not good. You are selecting who should go and not to campaign for our Mabvuku-Tafara candidate Pedzisai Scott Sakupwanya.

Those people who are powerful in mobilising are not allowed to go and campaign while CCC was on the ground.

To the intelligence people, I want this video to go before the President. Scott cannot continue to lose. What wrong has he done for you to block him?

Scott himself has already admitted that he lost last time because he was sabotaged by Harare province. There is a need for Harare province to reform.

Masimirembwa, Masimirembwa, Masimirembwa, your personal interest is too much. You should put the interests of the party first. You are a grown-up man.

When are you retiring from your position as chairman to allow the party to move forward in Harare?

It’s better you go to the central committee and be idle because you are killing (sic) Harare.

Efforts by NewsDay to get a comment from Masimirembwa on Monday were fruitless as he was not picking up calls.

He was, however, quoted recently pledging to do all within his capacity to ensure that Sakupwanya wins the seat.

ZANU PF director for information Farai Marapira urged party members to unite despite professing ignorance about the audio. Said Marapira:

I am not in possession of such audio, but such behaviour will be against the ethos of the revolutionary party because ZANU PF was founded on the principles of unity.

I cannot comment much, but this is very much not ZANU PF behaviour. If Sakupwanya wins, it is a victory for the party.

In the August general elections, Kufahakutizwi garnered 15 934 votes against Sakupwany’s 12 038 votes.

More: Pindula News



scott · 1 year ago
namesake yangu dai aka shandisa strategy yaaka shandisa pakaita councillor following the recalling ya Barney mu ward 21 by dhagi. But even akaita mp haana chimuko. Haana kumbo attenda council meeting kana 1 kubva paakaitwa sworn in. Its clear iye haana kana initiative yake asi kuti anoshandiswa ne the powerful in the party. idea ne kushandisa ma resources aanawo ... aichera ma boreholes pane akacherwa kare nema ngo imagine.. ari kushanda futi. ....sazita wangu andikona ini🙌🙌🙌. iye zvino his name is mired in murder of Tapfuma. . From onset vaimu advisor vaimu rasisa. instead of scaring pple he has invigorated them into not voting for him. Poeple are bitter. they will speak the only way they know how to... by voting against him. aponda nyama amutsa izwi. it's a pity.. vanenzevee ngavanzwe zvinotaura mweya kusangano. #izwimunondo #restin powerpastor
Vote Kufahakutizwi · 1 year ago
Iro pic raScott rinoratidza kuti he is HIV positive
Ten · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ndaseka hangu. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Fifi · 1 year ago
🤣 Ndamboda kuzvitaura. He sleeps around with loose women like Chi baby che Zanu
Ini Zvangu · 1 year ago
Face nebhachi are at variance
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Usadherera munhu anotamba netype yaanaNemaisa unopedzerwa neStribog
· 1 year ago
Scot nemari yaanayo ashaya mushonga unopedza bundu riri pa huma yake
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Mazita acho ana Kufahakutizwi, Nyokai Mabhunu hahahaha. Sakupwanya is greedy pic. Zimbabwe is under Dictatorship, dai Mwari vaita kuti ED abve pliz. We need a leader who will create jobs and increase salaries of Civil servants. And also someone who will make our health sector better becoz kuri kufiyiwa kuma Hospitals uko
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 KUNE VAAAAYA VANGA VASINA KUONA MESSAGE YANGU YANE ZUROOOO HEYO IYO. Ndakafarira Huuuuuuuyeeeee Stadium yekuRwanda, artificial turf yavo inenge inga nakidzaaa kukwiiira bhebhiiiiii. ✈✈🍌🍌 Yooooooohweeeeeeee 😣😣😣😣 Kaaaaaaniiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii haaaaaayiiiiiiiiiii haaaaaaayiiiiiii. 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽👏👏👏🍯🍯🍯🌽🌽🎷🎷🎶🎶🎶. Vanhuweeeee kaniiiii huuuuuuh pa weekend Ziguri ranguuuuuu rakasevenzaaaaa zvekuti mwiri wangu uri kurwadzaaaaa. Ndiri kuto nzwira tsitsi bhebhi rangu rakaenda kumba kwake richingoti yuuuuuuwiiiii yuuuuwiiiii ndaneta nekunakirwaaaa nemi mazondi nyanyira. Takatetena kutetena chaiko. Ndakaita kuvhuuuuurirwaaa makumbooooo zve 180 degrees apa she had light thighs and curvy hips. Ayinaka musikana iyeye chayizvooooo 🎶🎶🎶🎷🎷🎷🌽🌽🍯🚀🚀🚀🚀. Hakuna chinodarikaaaaaa kunzwaaaa Ziguuuuri guru guru richipinda muduri rehuchi rakatota uchinzwa richiita tsveeeeeeedzereraaaaa nekuitaa stretch the whole sheath. Ndiri kunzwaaaaa kufaraaaaaa yuuuuuuuwiiiiiiiii. 😊😊😊😊🌽🌽🌽 Ndege yatosimukaaaaa hayo as I vividly remember marathon yekupoooomba yandakaita pa weekend ne simbiiiiii. Kutapiraaaaa #RESPECT!!!
Tshabangu³ · 1 year ago
Can someone explain to me why Tshabangu did not field a candidate in mabvuku? Wasn't that a way of clearing the path for Scott to Parliament? Who are the principal beneficiaries of Scott's ascent to Parliament?
rms · 1 year ago
well analysis let those who say zanu knows nothing about the recalls which are being done by tshabangu answer if they are there
. · 1 year ago
who cares nonsense every time
XXX · 1 year ago
It can not surprise most citizens that Pedzisai "Scott" Sakupwanya has divided ZANU PF. Sakupwanya is not resident in Harare and is not known in Harare. He was imposed in Harare by the elite who mines gold with him in Penalonga near Mutare. This means that some people in ZANU PF view it as corruption. EHE ICHO !!!!!
revolutionary credentials · 1 year ago
ZANU PF is a party with genuine revolutionary credentials and it will win this time and prove its mettle as the unmatched and unparalleled leaders of Zimbabwe #makatotongwa 2023-2028
jane · 1 year ago
zanu pf is a party with a history of corruption and brutality. the people of zimbabwe have been suffering because of zanu pf since 1980.
gaucho of Pampas · 1 year ago
revolutionary turned monster devouring it's self, it's kids

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