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Solusi University Is A "Criminal Organisation", Says Top Lawyer

1 year agoMon, 20 Nov 2023 15:34:28 GMT
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Solusi University Is A "Criminal Organisation", Says Top Lawyer

Top lawyer Thabani Mpofu has described Solusi University, a private Christian institution of higher learning affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA), as a “criminal organisation”.

Posting on X, Mpofu said it is disgraceful for Solusi University to award Kuda Tagwirei an honorary doctorate degree after he made a donation to the institution. Said Mpofu:

Solusi University gets a big donation from Kuda. In return, it awards him an honorary doctorate degree in something false and funny.

The SDA church-run college is a criminal organization, an abject disgrace, as base and abominable as it is disgusting. Its moral compass is totally off.

Good people, this is corruption at its stinkiest. I accept arguendo that he deserves to be honoured but he cannot be honoured by an institution that he donated to three moons ago.

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This is wrong on all levels of wrongness. But then, some of you are useless and broken and so won’t see it.

In November 2022, Tagwirei donated a 60-seater bus, 10-tonne and four-tonne trucks, and three tractors to the university.

Responding to Mpofu, ZANU PF activist Rutendo Matinyarare said Tagwirei deserves the award not only for building “a billion-dollar empire in less than 20 years”, but also for his philanthropy. Wrote Matinyarare:

Kuda is the most successful business person in Zimbabwe who came from nothing to having a billion-dollar empire in less than 20 years, without the aid of affirmative action that made the other black business people.

Sakunda, Sandra and Kuda’s company is the company with the biggest revenue in Zimbabwe at over $1.5 billion/year, yet it’s not even listed on the Zimbabwe stock exchange.

Kuda has made many other people multi-millionaires and his philanthropy dwarfs that of all other businesses in Zim.

So why then should the highest-grossing businessman with investments in mining, agriculture, banking, energy and construction not be given an honorary degree when he clearly is rewriting business case studies by making billions while under sanctions?

More: Pindula News



mampentsha · 1 year ago
criminal surrounding mwene pfeee!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 tagwirei it is. how does one build a billion dollar business in 20 yrs if he not be athief? to sanitize tinoti mu- dealer. but mbavha imbavha !
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tabani Mpofu i bofu. There is perfectly nothing wrong in Tagwirei donating to Solusi Mission. Afterall he is an elder in the seventh day adventist Church. Why should they not honour him in a fitting way. Tabani is a nobody seeking fame by saying outrageous nonsencical things.
Kaguvi · 1 year ago
Isu kana zvangodai to**** akatenga dhokotret nechi bhazi netumwe twataugwa apo
· 1 year ago
a legal way to buy a doctorate degree
Dhodha · 1 year ago
Tagwirei is the cancer behind all our current problems and the prop for this current regime. He's the reason why we can't buy fuel in RTGS, he fuels the black market rates, controls the "gold buyers", not to mention the opaque loans to govt. This guy is the biggest criminal and defacto kingpin of all known cartels in Zim. I challenge iye Matinyare to explain how he managed that feat of building a billion dollar empire in 20yrs. These are the very criminals surrounding Mwene.
kklj · 1 year ago
sakunda ndoyakuita bass raiitwa neNoczim here?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
He did not donate to an individual but to the whole country that will benefit from qualifications from Solusi. Do the same as well even for your Son s school and we shall gladly recommend a doctorate for you. Ichiri nyaya ye Doctorate bedzi here iyi kana kuti pane zvimwe.
pazuva · 1 year ago
it's not a sin to be rich and pholarhropic
🤔🤔🤔 · 1 year ago
"pholarhropic". Haa??? 🤔🤔🤔
kkkk · 1 year ago
@zuva imwe vocabulary yenyu iyi chingonyorai simple english hapana anoda kunzi handina kudzidza kkkkkkk😅😅😅😅😅
kuda tagwirei · 1 year ago
saka unoda kuti ndipe iwe here thabani mpofu,wakuda kukura msoro manje ziva panoperera hu advocate hwako uchandigumbura iwe siyana ne degree rangu
· 1 year ago
... hehehehede! kunge wakarigarira pa desk! tibvire kumhepo
mabhunu muchapéra (cde) · 1 year ago
qui facit per alium facit per fair kkk mupfana uyu akangofanana Na chamisa vanongo looser dzokono vongowonyoka kutaura.zvekupiwa degree kwaTagwirei zvineyi naye.iye ngaiitewo zvinoita kuti agopihwawo hounorary dhigirii pwati Snr cde (rtd) wing commander mabhunu michapera
· 1 year ago
Uri kuda kutyisidzira ani netmums qualifications tusina chikoro two?
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
Munoti kudii kwacho, Tshabangu is next muchamedza godo ma CCC
Kedo mahedu · 1 year ago
Mujaya wekumaSerro 💨 · 1 year ago
nawe tabani ukati kwawakabva kune hama dzinoona pakaipa nepakanaka but better for the Varsity as it had moved 3 steps forward..........tabani no matter what you say remember that you were skipped in the real world 🌎🌎🌎 by the way.....zvawataura what was in your damn mind my guy
· 1 year ago
@Mujaya wekumaSerro, zita rako rinokutengesa kwaunobva. Dai ichiri nguva yemaGramophone taiti "His Master's Voice"

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