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Zimbabwean Politics In The Age Of "Vene": Analysis By Brighton Mutebuka

1 year agoMon, 13 Nov 2023 06:04:26 GMT
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Zimbabwean Politics In The Age Of "Vene": Analysis By Brighton Mutebuka

UK-based Zimbabwean lawyer Brighton Mutebuka said that Zimbabwe has entered the age of “Vene” whose guiding ideology is transactional politics.

“Vene” is a Karanga (one of the Shona dialects) word literally translated as “the owners”, that is the owners of the country and its wealth, and is used derisively to describe Zimbabwe’s ruling elite. Posting on X (formerly Twitter), Mutebuka wrote:

The Age Of Vene – Zimbabwean Politics Redefined

a. Many Zimbabweans are in denial about the arrival of the age of Vene. This applies to both those in the ruling party & the opposition movement.

b. Vene’s guiding “ideology” is transactional politics. They can work with anyone who submits to their rule.

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c. The Rule of Law, Constitutions & conventions are irrelevant. They apply to their rivals & opponents & not to them.

d. The law is what Vene says. If it’s inconvenient they either ignore or reinterpret it. If all fails they make new ones.

e. The people’s democratic preferences are not important. What is important is to control who counts, formally declares the winner, presides over complaints, arrests those who complain & sends those who complain to jail!

f. Vene are so special that they even get to choose who “competes” against them and who to allocate state resources earmarked for successful contestants, so they can even create competition for their opponents as if it’s not hard enough to compete against them!

g. If Vene don’t like the outcome, they use proxies & their control of levers of state power to change that outcome via recalls & command by-elections until they get the outcome that they want.

h. Vene are not concerned with subtleties & other diplomatic niceties. They like to project their power brazenly as a mark of unrivalled dominance over their subjects. They can mow you down in broad daylight.

i. So dazed and confused are Vene’s opponents by their antics that they subconsciously fall into the same trap over & over again – and are then at the mercy of being repeatedly devoured by Vene, like generations of herds of helpless & flailing Wildebeests attempting to cross the great Masai Mara River at the height of The Migration using the steep ends of the banks, only to end up between the jaws of the lying in wait Crocs!

j. Some critics will say, if you have a Constitution, structures, Voters Roll & V11s & you present these to courts you won’t be devoured. After you are devoured, some will say, only if you had stayed without those, maybe you wouldn’t have been devoured after all!

k. Yet others will say, if we create another united smart creature, we won’t be devoured. Others will also say, going into the River in great numbers to confront Crocs will hack it via the sheer weight of numbers!

l. All are in denial that the age of Vene is unlike any other. When it will finally dawn on them, it will be way too late! You see, Crocs have been perfecting their “art” for millions of years!

More: Pindula News



dott · 1 year ago
I really hope its a typing error
jimmalo · 1 year ago
mari haasi benzi zvichapera hazvo
doug · 1 year ago
imi leave bvu bvu alone..his comments are good for lowering High Blood Pressure caused by calamities befalling our once glamorous nation.
XXX · 1 year ago
"Vene age" has already been described by Advocate Mutebuka who is based in the UK. "vene" has destroyed ilizwe lethu. "Vene" surrounds himself with his sons, nephews, family members and his cronies. It seems "vene" has no daughters. For "vene" any strong Opposition must not be fed with Political Parties Finance Act finances. The funds must be, channeled into his family coffers through proxies. "Vene" is not ashamed of abducting, torturing, injecting with unspecified substances and **** the casually in the bush. EHE, ICHO !!!!!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
You are misguided. What will you do when loot from you.they are in power not to develop the country but to steal
Anonymous · 1 year ago
This is a foolish article, showing that the writer does not know the country's history. ZANU was clear from its inception that it was the people who would fight for their own independence unlike such countries as Zambia Malawi , and the West Africans were literally handed independence by the British. ZANU came up with WE ARE OUR OWN LIBERATORS. That philosophy succeeded. As such it must be reflected in the independence order. I wanr to argue that there is absolutely nothing wrong with transactional politics. My vote should not be a free meal tickey to anyone who shout laudest in support of denouncing the government. It should go to someone or a party which will tranact with me, or the communities I belong to.
@@ · 1 year ago
one thing we all agree either uri kuCCC or Zpf is that VENE is not every jack and Jill. Ana fugu nana chi baby Che ZANU dzingoriwo nharo
Hopeless Chonini (@homohope) · 1 year ago
ah eh thats a lovely story ehe aha ok Hopeless Chonini (@homohope)
bvuu · 1 year ago
kaguri kemapopcorn
komendi · 1 year ago
uchingoverenga macomments hazvidi rocket scientist kungoonawo kuti dzimwe pfungwa dzotodaukumbovhenekwa .cz unotoshaya kuti huevil or hudiabolic.
doug · 1 year ago
So who are "vene"? All Zimbabweans? Only ruling party members? Or certain people of a certain creteria?
kamukono ketsambarafuta👉👌💧 · 1 year ago
pamberi nezanu pf macdes✊✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Uzabulawa yikuthanda lapho aphuma khona. Ngiyamxwayisa nje!! Kading' umsebenzi etshiyane lokutshona enqantshile
mndewere · 1 year ago
haaaa wena mahotsha we zanu ungabhali isintu uyasiyangisa man bloody tshabangu
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Ngingumuntu. Ngikhululekile ukubhala loba ngaluphi ulimi. Masiyekeni inzondo lomona. Kubulal' isizwe sethu
zero · 1 year ago
wena chi baby che zanu awuboni ukuthi omunye umtwana uyazifela ngawe, uthi ukuwomele umzwele phela
Talent · 1 year ago
@ Bvu bvu unongoti nyaudza kuti une ziguri iwe une kadora vane mazigiri havatauri.Imbosenda ziguri racho rauno titira noise naro tirione
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Anonzi changwesha shamwari yemadzimai. Chomudondo musoro unogara mumwena. Hadzina kutoti kwesere. Anorwara nepfungwa
Xxx · 1 year ago
Seeing it for what it is not filters
. · 1 year ago
we are refugees in our own country
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Munonyepedzera kuziva zvakaita refugee. Ukaona ma refugee aigara ku Tongogara uko unonzwa tsitsi. Kwete zve pwetere pwetere yevanhu vakagutisa. Une nzara hautaure zvisina basa izvi. Vatengesi vanoda kuswatanudzwa time time chero ne barbed wire
Kaiser Sozés · 1 year ago
those that seek greener pastures are exposed to similar conditions in other countries, e.g xenophobia in S.A
. · 1 year ago
hallelujah the truth has been said 👏🏽
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Shungurudzai · 1 year ago
Force and fraud are the hallmarks of ZANU-PF's rule since independence in 1980. ZANU-PF will jail or kill anyone who criticizes them. They're an evil party.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
You'll be jailed for breaking the law. There is no exception, the world over. Enda chero ku America uone ukasekererwa kana watyora mutemo. Regarding kufa, kufa inzira yemunhu wese. Misi ndoyakasiyana
Muzondi Maposvo · 1 year ago
Huya utaure uri kuno uchizvionera kwete kunzwa
Shungurudzai · 1 year ago
If Mutebuka comes to Zimbabwe, he'll definitely be arrested. FYI, he doesn't need to be in Zimbabwe to know what's going on! The world knows what's on in this country. The "vene" are brutal and corrupt.
mbombo mbombo · 1 year ago
unouya kuzoitei. who are you to tell people to come over there. **** ako iwe ****

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