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South African Government "Has No Idea" How Many Illegal Migrants Are In SA - Minister Motsoaledi

1 year agoMon, 13 Nov 2023 05:40:07 GMT
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South African Government "Has No Idea" How Many Illegal Migrants Are In SA - Minister Motsoaledi

South Africa’s Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi said that the Department cannot account for how many undocumented migrants are in the country.

Motsoaledi made the remarks on Sunday while briefing the media on the White Paper on Citizenship, Immigration, and Refugee Protection.

He said that the Department of Home Affairs, along with Statistics South Africa cannot fully account for how many foreigners are in the country. Motsoaledi was quoted by EWN as saying:

South Africa today is a great place to live, even though some South Africans don’t believe this. No one can account for all the undocumented migrants.

The Department of Home Affairs has no idea as to how many illegal migrants are in South Africa here… because there is no mechanism of knowing.

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Earlier last week, the South African cabinet approved the publication of the White Paper on Citizenship, Immigration, and Refugee Protection for public comment.

Motsoaledi also said the establishment of the Border Management Authority (BMA) was not to prevent people from coming into the country. He said:

People like to misconstrue facts that we established the BMA to stop people from coming into South Africa.

We’re not doing anything of that sort. All we’re doing is that people must come into the country illegally.

All we are doing is, people must come into the country legally. Our problem here is illegality.

The Border Management Authority Act must be reviewed so that we align it with the Immigration, Citizenship Act as a new policy framework, because they were all passed differently at different times, without referral to each other.

In 2022, the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (Zimstat) said that there were 773 246 Zimbabweans in South Africa of which 461 293 were men and 311 953 women.

However, in 2019, Lindiwe Zulu, a member of South Africa’s ruling African National Congress (ANC), claimed that there were “millions of Zimbabweans living in South Africa”.

Last week, South Africa’s Statistician-General, Risenga Maluleke, revealed that Shona, a language spoken by the majority of Zimbabweans, has emerged as a new language in Limpopo Province.

Presenting the 2022 Census Report to Premier Stanley Mathabatha in Polokwane, Risenga revealed that Shona is spoken in over 28 000 households in the province.

More: Pindula News



Sorojena · 1 year ago
South Africa is loaded with an influx illegal foreign migrants 1. Indians 2.Chinese 3.Zimbabweans 4.Swati 5. Sotho 6. Batswana 7. Kenyans 8. Nigerians 9. Congolese 10.Zambians etc. Vakasamuka nyika ichatongwa nemaforegners. Already quite a number have acquired some positions in government
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
Majority Engineers, Doctors, teachers are Zimbabwean or yaa and ex security personnel, police, Army, Prisons officers are Zimbabweans
kamukono ketsambarafuta · 1 year ago
iwe talent..zimubhadha kudini. rega vanhu bafagugwe naBvu bvu. kunyanya Chituv' che zanu icho chinongosimudza mushwe pese pese
maluve · 1 year ago
kkkkkkk 🥰
Talent · 1 year ago
Zimubhadha rako rikukufurira Bvumbururu.Dzikama
Gaddafi · 1 year ago
Capital City of Africa
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
How do they then come up with a conclusion yekuti **** ari kuwedzera ikoko???
tin foil · 1 year ago
census inoreveyiko dearest

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