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There Are No Fissures, No Contradictions In CCC - Siziba

1 year agoFri, 10 Nov 2023 15:07:38 GMT
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There Are No Fissures, No Contradictions In CCC - Siziba

Zimbabwe’s main opposition party, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), has denied rumours of divisions within the party after some of its Members of Parliament and councillors were recalled.

The self-proclaimed party’s interim secretary general, Sengezo Tshabangu, recalled 15 MPs, councillors, and senators, amid claims that some senior party officials were behind the move. Names mentioned include Tendai Biti, Welshman Ncube and Chalton Hwende. However, during a press conference, CCC’s deputy spokesperson, Gift Ostallos Siziba, along with the remaining MPs, downplayed any signs of disagreement within the opposition party. NewZimbabwe quotes him as saying:

There is no organisation without contradictions in this world. We have had debates in the party on which colour we should use. If you report that a certain leader had a different view on the colour which to use then you want to say there are fissures.

There are no fissures, there are no contradictions, we are a democratic party, we have discourse and we defeat each other at the level of superior logic. Our difference with our opponents is that we do not criminalise holding a different view.

There are signs of internal conflict within CCC following the disputed August elections, with reports of senior members expressing dissatisfaction. Tshabangu has suggested returning to the leadership structure from 2019 when the party was known as MDC Alliance, which would restore some senior members. Hwende, Biti, and Ncube held positions such as Secretary General and Vice President at that time but lost their roles after the 2023 elections, becoming “ordinary” party members. Siziba added:

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This thing you are seeing is a Zanu PF issue, Zanu PF attacking the authentic opposition. All signs are clear CCC defeated Zanu PF in this election. We reject the election results because we are very clear that it’s not only a CCC issue.

Siziba claimed that CCC is being targeted and punished because they defeated ZANU PF in the 23-24 August harmonised elections. The party claims that its leader, Nelson Chamisa, defeated ZANU PF presidential candidate, President Emmerson Mnangagwa but the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) connived with ZANU PF to overturn the CCC victory.

Siziba believes that the recalls are part of a deliberate plan by ZANU PF to destroy the genuine opposition in the country. He, however, emphasised that CCC will not accept this and will stay focused on its goal of attaining political power and governing in a different way. He believes that those in power do not want leaders who bring about positive change.

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tafman · 1 year ago
unoti kucontester kwakafanana nekushadabura makumbo here....tibvire kumhepo apo
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Changu chimuti chapinda will contest against Scott and CCC ku mabvuku 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Ostalos anongowawata
isigroovha · 1 year ago
mahembe apedza masports ese we can say what ever hazvina dhiri thumbs up up mahembs
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Hapana zvataurwa apo
🌹 · 1 year ago
That's true Mahembe
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Mahembe ringori Zuze zvaro
ICBM · 1 year ago
@ xxx I support your point ,zvamanje mnje the only solution to this mess is a congress ASAP, At tht congress there should be transparency on whatever they will do
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
manje ma sponsors haana kuburitsa mari ye congres kusouth africa. chamisa akaudzwa feya feya kuti uri useless
· 1 year ago
A rushed Congress is the worst undertaking at this juncture- opens CCC to massive infiltration by ZANU cio/FAZ
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
shows kuti zanu yapera bsa
Stubborn Gentile · 1 year ago
Prof Welshman Ncube and Adv Tendai Biti were reduced to ordinary CCC members therefore their professional help to the party is limited or invalid. That's why the young man is being politically tormented .
Zuze · 1 year ago
Ate those two the only ones that have brains? Your obsession with those two raises eyebrows. Why aren't you concerned with the other "sidelined" leaders like The former Chairman (name escapes me) former Deputy Chairman Job Sikhala, Fadzai Mahere, former Secretary General Charlton Hwende?
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Who amongst the handful you have mentioned @Zuze matches the experience and intelligence of biti and ncube. Ungataura zvanq Mahere panotaurwa nezva Biti or Welshman? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
CCC · 1 year ago
*ZANU PF RECALLS AND BOGUS BY ELECTIONS CAN NOT DESTROY CCC* 8 November 2023 By Eddie Mahembe, PhD Anyone who blame Nelson Chamisa or internal squabbles within CCC Zimbabwe on CCC MP recalls are either sympathetic to Zanu PF, don’t know the modus operandi of Zanu PF or both. The recalls of MPs and the potential capture of the CCC party is part and parcel of Zanu PF’s modus operandi. The activities might differ slightly, but the purpose and strategy are the same since the early 1980s. I recently wrote 3 articles on this subject. Just to summarise: what Nelson Chamisa is facing is not new. His opposition predecessors such as Joshua Nkomo, Edgar Tekere and Morgan Tsvangirayi faced similar challenges. Zanu PF has always targeted the main opposition leader; posing the greatest threat to its power retention. As part of this strategy, Zanu PF would scandalise the opposition leader to the extent of accusing him of committing acts of treason. This is well documented, and therefore I will not dwell much on it. What is not well known is the strategy of destroying the support structures (pillars) of the main opposition leader. Let me start from Joshua Nkomo’s ZAPU. In March 1982, key ZAPU leaders, Dumiso Dabengwa and Lookout Masuku, were arrested and charged with treason. Though they were cleared by the courts a year later, they were detained under Section 17 of Emergency Powers regulations. Are you seeing any resemblance with the Job Sikhala incarceration? Again in 1982, the ZAPU leader and veteran nationalist himself, Joshua Nkomo was charged with plotting a coup against Mugabe. Nkomo was immediately sacked as home affairs minister and had to flee the country in 1983. He was to stay in exile for four years. The aim here was to separate Nkomo from his supporters. During the same period (early 1980s) the Zanu PF government confiscated Zapu properties which included buildings (in Harare and Bulawayo), farms and companies. It’s important to note that even the Unity Accord which was signed in 1987 between ZAPU and Zanu PF could not soften the Zanu PF government. To this day, they have consistently refused to hand over the properties seized in the 1980s at the height of Gukurahundi in Matabeleland and Midlands. The taking of properties was meant to cripple ZAPU financially. Are you connecting the dots now? This historical analysis should help the reader to understand 3 important strategies by the Zanu PF Government: 1. The arrest of opposition leaders, even on trumped up charges. 2. Destroying the opposition and its supporters 3. Taking away the opposition’s source of income. If one looks at how the MDC was taken from Chamisa and handed over to Douglas Mwonzora, one can see the finger prints of Zanu PF. All the party’s properties (including the head office) and party finances were taken away from the main threat to Zanu PF’s grip on power. Since MDC-T was the biggest contributor to the MDC Alliance, the withdrawal of the MDC-T from the MDC Alliance was meant to destroy Chamisa’s main support structures. It was not a coincidence that the court asked the party to go back to 2014 structures. Fast forward to the current recalls of CCC MPs, the main aim is to destroy the party structures and deny Chamisa the opportunity to receive party funding from the government. Effectively, Zanu PF wants to suffocate Chamisa and his new party. The main aim has always been to take away all the support structures of the main opposition leader. These support structures could be supporters, fellow leaders in the structures, sources of funds and even properties. I know some would say, Chamisa need to reconstitute his party come up with a constitution and have formal structures. I have also advanced the same argument. However, this will not stop Zanu PF from its appetite to destroy any opposition leader who is loved by the people. If we are to use the argument of constitution and structures, are we saying that the properties of ZAPU were taken because Nkomo didn’t have the constitution, structures and assets registers? As long as Zimbabweans continue to swallow the Zanu PF propaganda and tolerate its shenanigans, Zimbabwe will not know FREEDOM (DEMOCRACY) and DEVELOPMENT (PROSPERITY) in decades to come. I repeat. The problem is NOT Chamisa. The problem is Zanu PF which has destroyed our country. It’s the same Zanu PF which destroyed the once powerful ZAPU, MDC and it’s now sucking blood from CCC. Even after Chamisa (CCC), the next leader will be suffocated again! Zanu PF will continue to target anyone with a realistic chance of wrestling power from its dictatorial grip. Zanu PF does not just take advantage of internal squabbles or disgruntlements in opposition. They create the squabbles, disagreements and conflicts. For example, Chamisa did not just wake up without a constitution and structure. There was a structure which was voted for in a congress in May 2019 under the then MDC Constitution. That’s the very MDC which was handed over to Mwonzora by the judiciary in 2020/21. So, after an entire party with constitution, structures, head office and MPs was taken … Chamisa was supposed to draft a new constitution, hold a congress to institute structures and prepare for by-elections in March 2022 and general elections in August 2023? Who can realistically perform such a miracle in a year? Yes, Chamisa and CCC made some mistakes. Yes, they could have done better. Yes, they are public figures and therefore should be scrutinised. However, by focusing the attention on Chamisa and the opposition, many commentators are falling to connect the real dots. Zanu PF has a budget set aside for the destruction of any main opposition leader’s support pillars (leadership, supporters and sources of funds). Zanu PF would rather ignore the economy and focus on silencing the main opposition. Instead of focusing their attention on service delivery, economic growth, job creation, poverty reduction and the prosperity of citizens, Zanu PF would rather use the entire state machinery to silence the main opposition and the general populace. This is where the problem is. The use of the state to destroy the alternative! What the current leaders in government, civil society, politics and other institutions should be concerned about is the abuse of state machinery and the complete closure of all democratic spaces. As things stand, Zimbabweans cannot demonstrate against the Zanu PF government. The judiciary has consistently demonstrated its bias against the opposition or activists. The police and other security services clearly favour Zanu PF. The election route has been closed. This means that Zimbabweans cannot make the Zanu PF accountable. ED’s government is not accountable to the opposition or the citizens of Zimbabwe. The security forces, the judiciary and parliament have effectively shielded the executive from being accountable and transparent. This is a recipe for a coup. As I have said before, this is no longer a Chamisa or a CCC issue. It’s a national issue. The right to vote and to make leaders accountable has been taken away from the citizens. We therefore need to ask ourselves as citizens: Tichaita sei? What are we going to do? Senze njani? Eddie Mahembe, PhD
Matt · 1 year ago
@Matt · 1 year ago
Chirungu ne logic zvakuvexa? Sorry hako. Majaira zvana fugu ndeee nechifeve cheZANU vanoriea same song from January to December
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
Apa munhu wacho ariku chando uko hapana chavari kuziva on the ground, manzvira nzvira ku tsvaga reverance ne attention chete
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
The mistakes he's talking about cost CCC. Ngavadzokere pa drawing board. Zvekuti Zanu yakazodii hazvina basa. CCC haina focus simple
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ostallos is out of touch ne the reality iri kuitika mu CCC party. Achapepuka kwave ne 4 ma factions e CCC.
· 1 year ago
All creatures created and funded by ZANU?
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Mysanyepere kuzungaira. Created by Zanu pf 🤣 🤣 🤣 pakudii? Ndiyo here yakati musarongeka? Problem yema CCC ndeyekuteerera Chamisa musingamuonese paanenge aresva. Hezvo zvonyangadza. Achachema mumwe ndiani? Ichaita n****ndo CCC iyi
vhanzo · 1 year ago
does anyone noticed that prof jonzo iz ever quite since these recalled started
,., · 1 year ago
He's not worth noticing, he is a has been Ideeeeot.
Zuze · 1 year ago
Ari kutya kuita jeopardise His Masters Game Plan which could in turn affect chances of his reinstatement into The Old People's Home. Being a Super Tribalist himself, he may have empathy with Tshangani-bag Tshabangu, but I believe ZANU is only using him to dump him the moment he loses hold on CCC.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
CCC ma clown manyama
.. · 1 year ago
Those seats were wrestled upon in August and you saw the results yourself............
@ · 1 year ago
It was once said, "it's a long way to the state House." If you have reasoning, this means you are on a futile journey. "we will wrestle all the Urban seats from you"
ZANU Lite · 1 year ago
Ngaisanganganwe March '22 and August '23. Chokwadi ndechekuti kumad****bha hatilume. We only control Gwanda Goats Point courtesy of Weakness Chivharo.

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