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CCC MPs "Begging" Tshabangu Not To Be Recalled

1 year agoTue, 07 Nov 2023 07:30:51 GMT
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CCC MPs "Begging" Tshabangu Not To Be Recalled

CCC’s self-proclaimed interim secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu has claimed that he has been inundated by calls from the party’s MPs and Councillors who are swearing their allegiance to him and begging not to be recalled.

In October this year, Tshabangu recalled 14 MPs, 9 senators as well as more than a dozen councillors, and the move was upheld by High Court judge Justice Munamato Mutevedzi on Saturday after the expelled members had challenged the expulsions.

In the latest video circulating on social media, Tshabangu said he assured the elected party legislators that he will spare them but warned that those elected “illegally” will be recalled. He said:

They (CCC MPs) are actually calling me every day, every hour, every minute that SG please don’t recall us we will take whatever you say and we are prepared to work with you.

So I didn’t sleep last night because members of parliament were reaching out and I promised them that look as long as you know that you were in that position elected by the people you were not there in that position illegally, you are safe.

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But if you know that you paid up people for you to get into that position unfortunately my office is going to visit you.

Tshabangu also dismissed CCC leader Nelson Chamisa’s order to the party’s elected representatives to “disengage” saying it may create an unnecessary constitutional crisis. Said Tshabangu:

We can’t disengage, we can’t create a constitutional crisis unnecessarily. So if there are any problems we will discuss them with members of parliament. We will whip them into line, we will consult them, we are going to reshuffle.

In fact, we are going to reshuffle the setup in parliament, who is going to be the chief whip, we are going to have a fresh caucus, who is going to be the leader of the house, who is going to be the leader of that committee.

We are going to have a reshuffle because those people had positioned themselves there without consultation, broader consultation of the movement so things are going to change.

However, posting on X, CCC deputy spokesperson, Gift Siziba, who is also Pelandaba-Tshabalala MP, ridiculed Tshabangu’s claims, saying he was not deployed by the self-proclaimed interim secretary general. Said Siziba:

We can’t pretend to be confused for convenience. We were never deployed to parliament by Tshabangu. That is a fact known by him and those who associate with him.

Principles matter especially in this protracted struggle for democracy. Parliament to me is a zone of struggle and not a career.

As long as the Citizens have not recalled me l worry not because it’s them who voted for me under a CCC that was and is led by President Nelson Chamisa.

Recalled former MP for Cowdray Park, Pashor Sibanda said “We will not surrender the victory of our people to political vultures, hoaxers and imposters in whatever form or shape.”

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
-ZANU pf that fought against Smith to liberate Zim from white rule died long back. -What's called ZANU pf today is oppressing and killing citizens. -It is a group of *thugs* kept in power by an army, a captured judiciary, a corrupt police, a deadly CIO and a small intimidated brainwashed group of ignorant supporters. -Its a *Mafia* headed by the president. -this mafia has lost every election but still clings on to power. -Only time will tell.Hapana chisingaperi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mabasa e Zanu pf zanu pf is a Nazi organisation.
clit · 1 year ago
kkkk chinzenza cheZanu
Gooshoo rako Zuze · 1 year ago
k2 · 1 year ago
chero mumwashuka kutaura Chamisa chete chete
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
SADC yakati chii 🤔 kana ukanzi your foundation is not strong enough do you add another story or you start afresh 😂
Zuze · 1 year ago
Ndakazvitaura ini kuti kuAngola kwenge kusina kumira mushe. Manyarariro avakaita anoratidza kuti vakabatwa panyama nhete. Zvakaitika tichazvinzwa muzvikamu zvinotevera.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
@Zuze zvinotaurwa mu bedroom na mai na Baba hazvinei nepwere. Ndosaka Chamisa asina kudaidzwa. Musangano wakagarwa nevanokodzera. Neither is there any need for SADC to give you any feedback. ED vatomirira kuita Chair next year. Mapedza here kusuriswa nema By elections nhai Zuzy
sambry · 1 year ago
cheerio cheroo zvazvaita chero 🎶Chamisa ndizvoo nevanhu vake taurai whatever bt chibaba Famba Neroo tinoknda chete vakasvunura avo vasina basa neprogress vanongofunga homwe dzavo
Stubborn Gentile · 1 year ago
That's the major problem with you Zimbabweans, you idolise your political leaders and in the process turning them into dictators. CCC must not be branded as Chamisa, nooooo! Some people died for this Party.
· 1 year ago
... but they didn't die for sellout Tshabangu
· 1 year ago
And I may add, they died for the dream articulated by Chamisa when Tshabangu, Biti and Ncube were conspicuously absent and silent.
blaze · 1 year ago
Tshabangu is a big project for ndebele people in both CCC and zanupf to wrestle political power from Shona domination. The vehicle for this project is CCC. Tshabangu is to rejuvenate CCC under ndebele leadership make it an appealing alternative. CCC is to win the 2028 elections and as usual the elections will be disputed. The army under the leadership of a ndebele VS will intervene in the pretex of defending people's vote effectively completing the plan. just stick the pieces together
N.B. · 1 year ago
Philip Valerio Sibanda is NOT Ndebele. Mukaranga wekuBelingwe, blood brother to ED Shweeee.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
VIVA TSHABANGU for DEMOCRATIC Change. Chodadisa mhani. Operation restore order
Douglas Mwonzora · 1 year ago
The biggest thief of our generation, he stole your vote. He gave you hope, then stole it from you! He said help was on the way, and he promised you a NEW ZIMBABWE.He said God was in it. He said polling stations were covered. He has done nothing after all those promises! Job Sikhala is rotting in prison.Tendai Biti has been sidelined. Chamisa is a fraud! You voted for him, he claimed 2 million votes, and he did nothing about it to defend your vote. The very person you voted for is NOT LEADING! This is not how a leader in waiting behaves.
Citizen · 1 year ago
All those in CCC that were elected should resign so that new by-election has to be called.
Stubborn Gentile · 1 year ago
They are busy submitting there names in the nomination court and it's contrary to what Chamisa commanded.
Gidza · 1 year ago
Those MPs, if the truth be said, are primarily up for benefits, zvekumiririra vanhu zvaiva zvekare zviya. Nowadays zvangova zvekutsvaga bag just like those pentecostal churches. Unozongoona apostle vaane mansion. Ku resigna futi kuti zvadii
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Resignation ivo vachitsvaga kurarama herr? Vakasiya basa vanommaammaa nenzara
😁😁😁 · 1 year ago
Ndafunga ka song ka Rod Stewart, "please forgive....."as some CCC Mps go down on bended knees for Tshabangu
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Anoda basa will bend. Unless akarasa $1000USD
gudo · 1 year ago
anonzi Bryan Adams owe usazhinyure zvisina basa
ruff comnander · 1 year ago
Nelson is a coward,he knows all this drama from the title that's y he is so silent even PA case ya wiwa sikhala
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
He's not mature for national politics
ICBM · 1 year ago
if CCC really want POM(peace of mind),they should go ku congress ASAP
· 1 year ago
That would be knee jerk reaction. it won't clear the muddy waters, but lead to further strife
jojo · 1 year ago
he would have reshuffled than recalling if he didn't mean to destroy and expose the seats to vultures
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Leaving imposed candidates in place is undemocratic. The idea that Chamisa ndiye chete chero akamaamiiirraa ndiyo yakawora
Muzondi Maposvo · 1 year ago
Next to be re called is Gift Siziva
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Kana shungu. Kane dzungu kampfanha kaya zvino
. · 1 year ago
Hamunawo news dzirinani here idzi tabho nadzo
Sadboy · 1 year ago
Tshabangu is trending. It's newsworthy. The drama at CCC is very interesting. 🤣😂😂🤣
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Tshabangu arikurira kunge Tambaoga Rambai makashinga pa Zbc.
· 1 year ago
.. and just as painful
Member · 1 year ago
if he claims to be interim secretary would he be publishing in house matters like this, this guy is not for good but he's mission is to destroy and cause problems in CCC. If he really is in for good motives he wouldn't be making such noise, they is no so called leader who celebrates when those around him will be in such situations. a true leader leads by example, a true leader stands with others he's claiming to be walking with. A true leader defends those around him not rejoicing at the mercy of those around him. Tshabangu so called interim secretary lacks qualities of a true leader and none is inspired by his destruction tactics. Napoleon also thought his doing the right thing when the tables turned upside down for him,he was knocking at the gates of his downfall. A leader who has no support of those around him is no true leader and thus that guy. When the tables turn upside down kkkkkkk this guy will be crawling at the mercy of all
Zuze · 1 year ago
Amen 🙏🏾
Not a Member · 1 year ago
The problem with the sheep who follow Chamisa is that they never reflect on what hey are. CCC says it is a movement not a party. What brings them together is Common Enemy Intimacy. Thie common enemy is ZANU PF. Beyond that they do not have any thing elese that binds them. Tshbangu is fighting Bulawayo politics. None of the media has sought to explore this issue. Was Tshabangu one of those who were sidelined as a prospective MPs. If he was it is easy to see that 'arikudira jecha'. If he was not, then he has issue with the ethnicity of those he has called. How indigenous are they to Bulawayo, meaning were they imposed candidates? If so, here is a part of the movement in Bulawayo not happy with the CCC agenda. Tshabangu probably wants indigenous Bulawayo representation.
Zuze · 1 year ago
Can you define "indigenous Bulawayo"?
James · 1 year ago
What I find unacceptable is that all the CCC supporters and those that voted for the recalled are doing nothing to hold this zanupf proxy accountable for distespecting the people's vote and trying to destroy CCC. If I was a CCC supporter I would confront the traitor and deal harshly with him. As it stands I do not support any party while free and fair elections are not being held and elections are being rigged.
Gidza · 1 year ago
What is indigenous Bulawayo representation. Some people are still living in the past, not a near past, but some dozens of decades back.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
True @Member and also once you become a favourite of ZBC The Herald The Chronicle etc you must know that you are lost Mwonzora travelled the same path that Tshabangu is travelling Look where he is the dustbin of political history
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Tshabangu is leading by example. He's coming in the spirit of restoration. Kudzorera zvakabiwa kuvaridzi. That's respecting the electorate mu CCC. Zvekuti vakahwinha muma elections enyika is another thing. Order mu CCC imomo pfee. Kana vasingade chinomwashuka... And 2028 tetakutaura about ma opposition akaita sana NCA
me · 1 year ago
" long as you know that you were in that position elected by the people you were not there in that position illegally, you are safe" that's exactly what he should be telling himself
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 with the way all this drama started, I wonder if CCC will survive the next coming 5 years. Maybe is Zanu collapses or if there is coup, we might see change. If Chamisa is destined to be President then achaita but if he isn't well dololo
Gidza · 1 year ago
As u rightly said CCC may not survive the next 5 years but Chamisa and his supporters will still be there. Being CCC is not a big deal coz a its not what attracts supporters. The attraction is Chamisa
Stubborn Gentile · 1 year ago
You are talking 5 years kkkkkkkk 6months. CCC you know is effectively gone and the present one is under the helms of Tshabangu.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Chamisa wacho apera PANONAKA. Effectively all his weaknesses have been exposed. The Faith people had in him in 2018 is long gone. The definition of Chamisa now is chaos and confusion. He has failed to mature politically. Kungoita noise kunge mwana weku college. SRC politics dzakasiyana nedze nyika
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
Tshabangu is heavy
citizen · 1 year ago
exactly like when you see devil supporting a child of God that's a crisis indeed. How can he be a ZANU darling to the extent that he gets praised by conmen like Chinamasa and how the old men regime are swift to hear his claims and orders than the party president himself if he's not working for them?
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
@fugu pfee usateerera ava vanonanzva gooshoo ra Chamisa. They'll submit to whatever he may have to say

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