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Tshabangu Activates MDC Gweru Congress Structures In CCC

1 year agoMon, 06 Nov 2023 13:00:51 GMT
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Tshabangu Activates MDC Gweru Congress Structures In CCC

Sengezo Tshabangu, the self-proclaimed interim Secretary General of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), has activated the MDC structures from the 2019 Gweru Congress.

In a statement seen by Pindula News, Tshabangu said individuals elected at that congress must now stand up and be counted by coalescing and uniting as per their collective mandate to restore the party back to its constitutional foundation. He added that there is a need to reset it towards its historic and traditional constitutional pathway, as per the historic decisions of the party’s National Council meeting that founded CCC on 22nd January 2022. Read the statement:

We note and welcome the judgment handed down on 4 November 2023 by the High Court in Harare which dismissed with the costs the application by the recalled MPs who ceased to be members of the party, following their election to Parliament in the August 2023 harmonised general election. As a people’s movement, we are deeply concerned that, because the general election was marred by electoral malpractices it, failed to redress the widespread and deepening social, economic and political crisis in the country. This mainly because it was held on the back of longstanding crippling challenges associated with previous elections that remain unresolved, along with, and because of, the failure to implement the recommendations made by various international election observer missions after the 2018 general election, especially from the African Union (AU) and the Southern Africa Development Cooperation (SADC). It is an open matter of palpable consternation among our party’s membership that our party, that was formed by the toiling working masses with the agenda to fight for democratic constitutionalism, job creation and sustainable livelihoods, ended up operating structureless, without a constitution, having wantonly and inexplicably disregarded the resolutions of the party’s 5th National Congress held in Gweru in 2019.

Also, our party’s membership and supporters were profoundly perturbed and watched helplessly when the party’s National Leadership elected at the Gweru Congress in 2019 was quietly but effectively and unceremoniously purged unconstitutionally and displaced through opaque processes under dark circumstances that left a gaping vacuum that was illegally filled by a handful of scheming individuals with a nefarious agenda — some of them with no history in the democratic movement — who had neither a mandate nor the requisite experience to implement the people’s agenda and programme of action for the change that the citizens expect and deserve.

In the circumstances, we call on these leaders who were elected at the Gweru Congress to now stand up and be counted by coalescing and uniting as per their collective mandate to restore the party back to its constitutional foundation and to reset it towards its historic and traditional constitutional pathway, as per the historic decisions of the party’s National Council meeting that founded CCC on 22th January 2022.

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The time has come for all of us to close ranks by closing the chapter of divisions and individualism to focus on service delivery, internal party cohesion, democracy and to refocus the movement on addressing the plight of the people and on spotlighting their aspirations. Our elected officials in Parliament must now focus their attention on the legislative reform agenda, provide an alternative and robust voice and act on behalf of the public by holding the executive to account.

It is a matter of a grave national concern that local authorities are confronted with raging cholera outbreaks in various parts of the country, and that this is but just one out of a myriad of ills afflicting citizens to the detriment of their lives and livelihoods.

To effectively deal with these challenges, the party must as a matter of urgency return to Constitutionalism and manage its affairs through constitutional and formal structures in the interest of collective responsibility to ensure efficiency and accountability to restore stability and certainty.

It is clear that discordant and irreconcilable views on how to achieve the necessary democratic breakthrough in the country can easily lead to the total breakdown and collapse of the movement. This risk is made worse by the current failure to rely on the party constitution, party values and party organs as the premises for collective decisions and actions, as well as shared and collective responsibility. In the circumstances, going forward henceforth, we are committed and resolved to: Finalise the correction of processes and conduct that undermined the party’s Internal democracy and collective decision-making through ego-tripping, self-aggrandisement, fear-mongering and corruption. This is because we are aware that most of the party’s faithful deployees who enabled the corrupt practices did so out fear and desperation and had nowhere and nothing to fall back on, in the wake of the demobilisation of the party’s constitution, formal structures and processes.

Resume the holding of the party’s mandatory constitutional meetings at all levels of the party to enable members to regain their decision-making power. As a social democratic and people-driven party, the participation of citizens in decision-making process is paramount and thus non-negotiable.

Commence the preparation for Congress in terms of the interim constitution of the party, beginning with the election of branch committees.

Ensure that the preparatory process for the National Congress crystalizes an inclusive programme of mobilisation and ground action in preparation for the next harmonised general election due in 2028. We expect compatriots with the MDC and CCC DNA and blood in their political veins to be reinvigorated, re-energised and motivated to once again take their place in history and play their part to participate meaningfully and to assume their vanguard roles as we depersonalize the agenda for change in Zimbabwe to ensure that it is truly led and owned by the citizens.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Good morning
,, 2 · 1 year ago
Bvunza Doug akombozviita zvekutamba nevote yevanhu nasi aripi, this is the fall of the big wings who are behind his actions mark my words
Tin · 1 year ago
Mbava tichakubata chete unotaura zve congress URI Ani ibwasungata iwe vendor Tshabhangu tichasangana ibwa
Cde · 1 year ago
ZANU must fall
· 1 year ago
It will.
377 · 1 year ago
zvino kana Chamisa asingagoni ku runner party ko nyika? neapo neapo atorerwa party otanga imwe takangomirira izvozvo here. Chamisa uyu i Zanu pf project.
· 1 year ago
Kana Chamisa ari ZANU project, tozoti Tshabangu chii manje?
tshabangu · 1 year ago
so long CCC and chamisa is gone I will do anything to get my boss 2/3 majority
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 · 1 year ago
paange asati ave kuita trending on social media hamaimbo taura nezvake Tshabangu uyu but ikozvino makungoti akuda kuganza uyu.
Zuze · 1 year ago
Kangoma karirisi ndiko kaparuki.
Java chinamasa · 1 year ago
How much wer you given the new house l know but let me warn you. You think you are smart, you a fake you see Job Sikala he exposed you, An agent now it will be pay back
Java chinamasa · 1 year ago
Tshabhangu how much wer you given by zanu that house yes l know but remember you playing with people's vote , you creating something bad for your family because of money this not a play ground let me warn you
Ziyambi tshabhangu · 1 year ago
Tshabhangu was embarrassed by Job Sikala was told **** lier now the citizens is now camin for you ****
XXX · 1 year ago
What Sengezo Tshabangu has managed to do is to enrich ZANU PF. It may now get two thirds majority. Advocate Chamisa must not fight Sengezo over the name CCC because if they go to court, it will take the MDC T way where MDC T was awarded to Advocate Douglas Mwonzora. Chamisa must form a new party and go to Congress with the National Council with which he was when he formed CCC in January, 2022. Citizens are waiting for Chamisa to take this path. Sengezo Tshabangu will remain with his CCC without supporters. Citizens have already seen that he is a ZANU PF project. His former MPs who were recalled will contest as independents with his blessings and support. Sengezo Tshabangu is going to get nothing in the byelections. ICHO !!!!!
Change Champion · 1 year ago
We need to have Tshabangu safe in his grave sooner than later. He is walking scot free getting riches from our suffering. The masses can't suffer because of him. Tshabangu should die. We have to have him dead at all costs using whatever means. That will teach all of his ilk that people are not to be taken for granted. TSHABANGU SHOULD MEET HIS MAKER. TSHABANGU SHOULD DIE.
Charamba 007 · 1 year ago
Zanu taking Zimbabwe to the grave because ED is power hungry chihurumende chehumbava zanu so embarrassing
jijimmalo · 1 year ago
chimbwa sungata che Zanu Pf
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Rise up Citizens Tshabhangu needs to deal with to show ED that we are not playing
Ts · 1 year ago
Tshabhangu we are looking for you tell your boss ED that CCC is not for sale mbava
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ed and zanu a threat to Zimbabwe Chihurmende chehumbava thinking Zimbabweans are fools
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Media and judicial and security being used with zanu to distory chamisa Tshabhangu was humaliated by Job Sikala he was told **** liar, now has no option to call mwonzora coz he is only with zanu , Tshabhangu mbava ye zanu trying to be smart ****
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zvakamboitika kupi zanu playing with Zimbabweans, The reason is when people a quiet Zanu think people a fools, Now the truth is coming out, It's Munangagwa using Tshabhangu to distroy CCC, Tshabhangu was humiliated by Job Sikala thinking he was gonna buy his story, Tshabhangu try with zanu to talk so that Tshabhangu can work with Sikala and distroy chamisa ,Sikala refused now Tshabhangu has no option coz no one is supporting agenter on CCC now he is bringing mdc and zanu according to the plan openly so that zanu can control parliament, and ED will have a third term, Tshabhangu let me warn you, we a going to deal with you mbava imbwa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Recalls = Mwonzorewa + Tshabangu
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tshabangu is too small to destroy CCC
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tshabangu is a joke
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tshabangu is a joke. Mwonzora = Tshabangu = Recalls
rewind · 1 year ago
tshabangu is a sellout and being sent to divide ccc.but atochepa arikutumwa neivovaya kuedza kuparadza ccc but instead ndiye achaparara.kumba kwavo kunongoshota afira politics panekufira Mwari.akadzidzira basa reku.......tshabangu uchafira mari yawakapihwa wakafanana na Jonathan moyo.but you are in a merciful situation and you don't know it.usarwisana neruzhinji rwevanhu siyana nepolitics unorima kumusha kwako panekushandiswa wozofa kwaita ngozi kumusha kwako wourayisa vasina mhosva.siya zvaurikuita iwe tshabangu izvozvi.
Hwesa · 1 year ago
Nhai ko chamisa vacho Ari kutadza nei kudzunga munhu uyu. Asi vano zivana?
Chipoko chaPrigozhin · 1 year ago
Tshabangu z trying to unite MDC & CCC but hazvibude manje achadzidza lesson pamaby election ipapa MONZORA Ari kupi izvezvi?
· 1 year ago
Its ZANU trying to thwart Chamisa from getting political parties finances and giving those funds to their quislings, Nzondora and Tshabangu.
most popular · 1 year ago
takazvireva wani patakati anorema mhani munhu uyu anonzi Tshabangu mukati haiwawo zvino tarisai muzvionere mega zvakuitika zve
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Imbwa iwe anorema kupi Zanu using this thug now Tshabhangu the citizens want to teach you a lesson
@anonymous · 1 year ago
nhau ye hate speech mfanami inoratidza how shallow your thinking is.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kkkk if tshabangu manages to unite opposition that is the way forward not arrogance blame blame without policy, unite original mdc members with its bulawayo usual stronghold, do proper devolution of power, by 2028 you will be strong, stop lying to people that your internal mistakes and weaknesses are zanu imposters and projects, focuss on development than election fixation based politics
doug · 1 year ago
Tshabangula, for the sake of our history, what he is doing should be term Tshahangulisation. Whoever does a similar thing will be Tshabangulising.
· 1 year ago
Moise Tshombe popularised the name "Tshombe" to mean sellout. Tshabangu has re-defined that term. From now henceforth any sellout will be called 'Uri Tshabangu'
· 1 year ago
Zimbabwe yakaoma vakomana kudaidai daily uchifunga kuti Tshabangu will say tools down or make a blunder somehow bt maya mchinda ndi professor from money heist every move is calculate and mapped perfectly. Imagine if ZANU PF could conquer economic problems like that we will be a beacon of success and a motivation to all Africans
Bvu bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌Zipombi rinoda katanhatu pazuva kuti nzara important Nani ndaona Fifi akuda pombi ziguri🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 don't worry Fifi ndinouya neT35 yangu imboravira pombii inenge shato wena mboma inenge baton reZRP ndirikudaa kupinda muhuchi hwaFifi uchachemererera kunge dhongi oi oi oi oi ndichaita koi koi koi hauzomboda Fi fi zitsvimbo rangu iwe maiii hweeee kaaaani uchakanganwa zita nekumusha ndafamba newe Fi Fi #RESPECT!!!
ICBM · 1 year ago
Chamisa it would be very wise to retire from politics and start concentrating on something else.
Enemy Within · 1 year ago
Season 1
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Get this in your mind ma CCC, Tshabangu is not alone in this revolution. He is backed by other CCC members who are not happy with Chamisa who is running the CCC party like his own tuckshop. Wait and see how Chamisa will be isolated. More drama is in loading. Chamisa has no clue to stop this revolution. He started it and it is now back firing on him. Tshabangu chete chete...
. · 1 year ago
muite muchimwirwamwira nemvura
truth · 1 year ago
Tshabangu he is using legal technical grounds at the same time being careful he is activating it in CCC remember it's allowed as long as his objective is of democracy and constitutionalism within his party
Mdara Odza · 1 year ago
What is going on in the Tshabangu head, if he activated Gweru Congress structures, it means he is not Secretary General because it was Hwende who was elected for that position from that Congress. Secondly, he has no power to do so because that Congress was nullified by the Supreme Court ruling of April 2020. Lastly, MDC and CCC are two different parties, an MDC congress has no effect on CCC structures.
We all know · 1 year ago
Zanu PF and its Court will play **** and just support their puppet so whether the move is illegal or not court will take action and support where their bread is buttered
g40 · 1 year ago
ngezvako shabangu
Mamelodi · 1 year ago
Ma CCC maiti hamupisike, makupisika here? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
mwonzora · 1 year ago
tshabangu you are now disrespecting can I change from president to secretary your dram away from me & I do my polad think alone at harvest house · 1 year ago
zim is funny yet painful coz it's the reality
Tshabangu · 1 year ago
I am only targeting criminals around the president.....The president is safe and sound....
Anonymous · 1 year ago
We caming for you mbava
benyumundiro · 1 year ago
by doing so he have removed himself from the power he was wielding. He is no longer acting SG.
· 1 year ago
The devil will pay the price of evilness.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I thought Mwqnzora was the darkest of all of the Devil's advocates but clearly evil is deeper than I thought, Tshabangu is a belt higher than higher. He is a commander in Chief
Pindula Men's Conference · 1 year ago
Today we talk about Testosterone and Aggressive Behavior in Man. Atavistic residues of aggressive behavior prevailing in animal life, determined by testosterone, remain attenuated in man and suppressed through familial and social inhibitions. However, it still manifests itself in various intensities and forms from; thoughts, anger, verbal aggressiveness, competition, dominance behavior, to physical violence. Testosterone plays a significant role in the arousal of these behavioral manifestations in the brain centers involved in aggression and on the development of the muscular system that enables their realization. There is evidence that testosterone levels are higher in individuals with aggressive behavior, such as prisoners who have committed violent crimes. Several field studies have also shown that testosterone levels increase during the aggressive phases of sports games. In more sensitive laboratory paradigms, it has been observed that participant’s testosterone rises in the winners of; competitions, dominance trials or in confrontations with factitious opponents. Aggressive behavior arises in the brain through interplay between subcortical structures in the amygdala and the hypothalamus in which emotions are born and the prefrontal cognitive centers where emotions are perceived and controlled. The action of testosterone on the brain begins in the embryonic stage. Earlier in development at the DNA level, the number of CAG repeats in the androgen receptor gene seems to play a role in the expression of aggressive behavior. Neuroimaging techniques in adult males have shown that testosterone activates the amygdala enhancing its emotional activity and its resistance to prefrontal restraining control. This effect is opposed by the action of cortisol which facilitates prefrontal area cognitive control on impulsive tendencies aroused in the subcortical structures. The degree of impulsivity is regulated by serotonin inhibiting receptors, and with the intervention of this neurotransmitter the major agents of the neuroendocrine influence on the brain process of aggression forms a triad. Testosterone activates the subcortical areas of the brain to produce aggression, while cortisol and serotonin act antagonistically with testosterone to reduce its effects. Keywords: Testosterone, Cortisol, Serotonin, Aggressiveness
Kongaring Kongara · 1 year ago
Ummmmm,pakaipa pakipa,ijagon iyi,so deep!!!!! Hakuna ana Joe Rug here mazuvaano? Izvi ma 1,nda surrender hangu ini pachangu,ndatoita dzungu chairo iro.
CCC was not in existence in 2019 what congress is this Tshabangu talking about?
,,,,, · 1 year ago
Trying their best to confuse CCC followers but it won't work. CCC and Chamisa shall remain strong.
Ndini · 1 year ago
leave Chamisa out of this mess , Chamisa just fold your hands go chicken with your family time will tell this guy is confused we won't be part of a Ndebele lead party that l can rest assure you Zanupf is a better devil than Ndebele lead party
. · 1 year ago
shlama Ska erectile disfunction
Saka mastructure & constitution yava kutorwa fro MDC Alliance 2018 Gweru Congress, ko Douglas Mwonzora achaita sei hanty ndiye aiva secretary - general
Anonymous · 1 year ago
ndiHwende akaitwa secretary general
PARAFFIN · 1 year ago
Tshabangu na Chamisa zvavangotarisana kunge machongwe. Apa maZimbabweans ane nzara big time.
no name · 1 year ago
Chibaby che zanu ndakupa sando dzako ndichatouyawo kuma lesson unotaura zvako
Douglas Mwonzora · 1 year ago
The biggest thief of our generation, he stole your vote. He gave you hope, then stole it from you! He said help was on the way, and he promised you a NEW ZIMBABWE.He said God was in it. He said polling stations were covered. He has done nothing after all those promises! Job Sikhala is rotting in prison.Tendai Biti has been sidelined. Chamisa is a fraud! You voted for him, he claimed 2 million votes, and he did nothing about it to defend your vote. The very person you voted for is NOT LEADING! This is not how a leader in waiting behaves.
BHANGU · 1 year ago
Now Chamisa has effectively sold our votes. He has failed to fulfil even a single promise
moks · 1 year ago
@bhangu what have you accomplished your self. From what I can tell you never voted
BHANGU · 1 year ago
It goes without saying that CCC will collapse. Don't come here to defend complete failure by the inept opposition leader. We've discussed this before and after elections,press conferences are no remedy. We need an active movement. Save earned his recognition. He was a true politician. Real politicians fear no jail. They act fearlessly. Chamisa is slowly seemingly looking like a profiteer
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Save was a real politician true. He was failed by people like Biti, who thinks opposition politics means him in parliament. Come out open Biti. Don't hide behind Tschabangu. Tschabangu enda Kuna baba vako. These are the people behind Sikhala's incarceration. Nero is our man. One Zimbabwe one nation. Chamisa man of the people.
moks · 1 year ago
What action. be specific. You want him to get arrested
BHANGU · 1 year ago
He must lead from the front. A more confrontational approach is necessary
@Bhangu · 1 year ago
Kuti mumusunge, afire mujeri tosara tisina a leader? Handiti ndizvo zvamuri kuda? No thank U.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Rakavatao iri saJobgo ko iwe kuita leader haugoni
Black Adam⚡ · 1 year ago
😂😂😂 Aiming to destroi the party called CCC from within

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