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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

SADC Extraordinary Summit Of Heads Of State And Government Didn't Discuss Zimbabwe

1 year agoSun, 05 Nov 2023 09:13:43 GMT
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SADC Extraordinary Summit Of Heads Of State And Government Didn't Discuss Zimbabwe

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) had an Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government in Angola on Saturday. However, according to the summit’s communique, there was no discussion about Zimbabwe.

Many people were hoping that the summit would address the political deadlock in Zimbabwe, which started after the disputed August 23, 2023, harmonised elections and was made worse by the removal of several opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) lawmakers from Parliament. The communique only stated:

Summit received an update on the elections in the SADC Member States and noted the report of the SADC Election Observation Mission to the Harmonised Elections in the Republic of Zimbabwe held in August 2023, and the General Elections in the Kingdom of Eswatini in September 2023.

The report mentioned only recommends aggrieved parties use and exhaust domestic remedies, something that journalist Hopewell Chin’ono says “is not possible in Zimbabwe.” He said:

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Short of a real tangible crisis in Zimbabwe, SADC won’t do much for Zimbabweans, it is up to Zimbabweans to do something for themselves to resolve the 23-year-old crisis of governance.

After the disputed elections, the CCC party asked SADC to help organise new elections in Zimbabwe. They pointed to a report from a SADC Observer Mission (SEOM) that highlighted irregularities in the previous elections. The CCC believed that fresh elections overseen by an impartial body like SADC, the African Union, or the United Nations should be held instead of relying on the perceived biased Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).

The party also reached out to SADC when its members were recalled from Parliament and Local Government Authorities. The CCC has been assuring its supporters that help is on the way, but critics have doubted this, as they believe SADC has historically supported parties like ZANU PF, which were part of the liberation movement.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe nadiya Mwari musiki wait for His softly voice then way forward
KG · 1 year ago
change · 1 year ago
pindula believes in propaganda just like most of you here, you only have this pindula platform as your source of news. Mnangagwa was put in a tight corner in the just ended summit. l urge most of you to not depend on one source otherwise you will be misled
Muzondi Maposvo · 1 year ago
@change So tell us the outcome
123_Kid · 1 year ago
😁😂Zvadhakwa. Pitbull vs Chihuahua
@Observer · 1 year ago
Methinx Zimbos were expecting too much from the outside world viz SADC , AU, EU et al. These organizations are not well known for proferring solutions before a challenge becomes a. problem. Rather they appear on the scene after things get way out of control. As is , the Zim situation ain't bad enough for them to take action, they will appear where bombs.& guns are blazing or. where 1000 casualties have been announced on CNN &.BBC. Other than. that , we. as. Zimbos are , for now , all alone
..... · 1 year ago
True, it's up to us to do what needs to be done.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
People have to have some basic understanding of what it is to be called a sovereign state, what independence means. Zimbabwe is not a subject of SADC,AU, EU UN you you name it. There is no authority which can 'command it. to do this or rather. Zimbabwe is a voluntary member to those organisation and commit to following the same systems as others.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Hapana zvitsvene zvinobva ku sadc vanodya mundiro imwe chete vanhu ava inn I don't blame president chamisa nekuti Havana dzungu kutaura kudai zanu yaida kuuraya ma citizens in numbers zvekuti dai vachamisa vakati ma citizens vaite demonstration.but sevana ve Zimbabwe ngatichiregei kumirira ma elections cz elections haisi kuzotibatsira kubuda mundove yemombe matiri last year sril Lanka yakaita breakthrough ku state house vangagara ma.days varipo vaona kuti zvakafanana hapana kusirikufa isu takamiria sadc idzo dzirimbavha kufanana nembwa dze zanu pf.youth ye zimbbwe tirikujairirwa vanhuu varikutinesa havasviki 80 chikumbiro ku police ngavaite basa ravo varege kupindira munezvenyika hapana asingade change vechidiki tirikumirira chiiii zanu pf haina.basa nemunhu guys tisagarika munhamo ngatisiyei ma drugs tigadzire nyika yaparadzwa nembavha idzi Mari yakasiiwa na smith vakapedza yese kubaa.bulding munyika zvese zvakasiiwa na smith from 1980 chabuda hapana youth wake up guys mhani mbavha idzi dzagarika vaona kuti kutya kuzere matiri kana zvanesa police ngatirovane nayo munhu wese arikuda change Emerson nevamwe vako m**** munoda kuuraya nyika kusvika kupi ko kumanikidza vanhu zvavasingade ndozvinei ndokutonga kwacho hre .?
g40 · 1 year ago
musatinyepere nyya yezimbabwe ykataurwa zvakaomera znupf
SADC izumbu rakapinda nyoka, its just a talkshop with no tangible results
Stubborn Gentile · 1 year ago
Let's forget about politics
. · 1 year ago
Until tomorrow
Tk · 1 year ago
Kkkkkkk Chamisa is going to be the next President, God is in it
· 1 year ago
God is a fake. Like SADC you will be disappointed.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Gang of mafia celebrating the suffering Zimbabweans
. · 1 year ago
SADC supports Dictators we away with it
Renamo · 1 year ago
SADC created Renamo. Unita DRC wars easier way to be given money by America
007 · 1 year ago
dt fake 1 ndedze zanu idzo we knew him way bek and i just wonder wat kind of a person he iz
Some news outlets are saying Zimbabwe was discussed at the summit and ED came out drenched in his sweat whilst others ate saying nothing about Zimbabwe was discussed.
doug · 1 year ago
SADC was thought to have powers, as an organisation it shows it does not have.. An SADC court or tribunal showed that it could not bite in the issue of Zimbabwean farmers ' compensation and was trashed. With a court or tribunal trashed, would the organisation have remained with people of a legal background to guide it? That tribunal or court was its head, and it was decapitated with the farmers ' issue. I do not believe that the whole SADC cannot hold a successful online meeting for the less than twenty countries. Online they congratulated each other and invited each other to meet in person for celebration and, possibly, giving each other gifts. What it shows, as has always been said before, is that the organisation is for benefitting the leaders. The people should ignore that organisation and stop considering it in any of their plans, it is not theirs!
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
Africans and Americans the battle continues...
ibelieve · 1 year ago
some are trying to take the sceptre while others are trying to keep holding onto the sceptre for eternity, God will hand it over to the ONE who deserves when the time is fulfilled
ake · 1 year ago
that's true I also head this prophetic at last God will make change in Zimbabwe not these opposition party so don't ever worst your time by voting just wait for God's time even Chamisa knows that
Atheist · 1 year ago
God does not exist. Only gullible people want to believe in God's. The "Washer" (pasters and preachers) brainwash the gullible's so that they have money and power over the gullible's. It's all about money and power.
believer · 1 year ago
by the way if one wakes up and is able to comment on this platform should thank that God that doesn't exist
ibelieve · 1 year ago
i like the prophetic message that came from one of personal esteemed prophet from our nation Zimbabwe when he mentioned that where we are heading is a situation whereby the Almighty Father in heaven will come in to cause and effect sudden change when all hope seems to have been lost and gone. He rven quoted a verse inoti "patinopererwa, Mwari vanotangira ipapo".
. · 1 year ago
good luck
@nc · 1 year ago
it's Nero yacho ISU Kuno Ku ZANU PF takabarirwa kukutongai
nc · 1 year ago
ngavaite zvavanoda ikoko isu kuno tinongoti Nero
@Pindula · 1 year ago
Administrator kindly assist on username issue i dont know how but kindly make a way where a user registers under one name we're tired of Sengezo Tshabangu behavior (imposter's)
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
I second you.
@fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
I was only kidding. We like it this way so ignore the imbecile.
Chief Bonolo · 1 year ago
Ndakakuudzayi kana muchida kudiscusser kuSADDC itai hondo kwete zvekutungana kwembudzi izvi, zvemugotsi Matsuri munezvishambwe, Vakatokuonai kuti no power to push them, You are wasting your money muchiunganidza vanhu Kumu rallies,Kutadzisa vanhu kushandira mhuri muchingoti kumusangano, munhu wese,Havasisina kuhondo kwavanoenda ava,Vadenheyi muone munotoswera makutoronga transitional. vauya Vega nekutya kurwiswa kkkkkkkkkk
🏃🏻‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
I Miss Jessica, Chi baby Che Zanu. Proudly being a harlot and sellout. SADC president come here and we will give gold and lithium claims like others. We were masterminder in the demise of Levy Mwanawasa and several coups around Africa. We the merciless and heartless vampires
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Dear citizens I'm very sorry to say this but the CCC in now officially dead as a Dodo. Strategic ambiguity has failed big time and exploded in the face of the Twitter president advocate Chamisa. Now who is he going to bark to? Are they going to continue with their abduction theatrics? It is time to call for a vote of no confidence in advocate Chamisa and replace him with a suitable president like former Hon Tendai (Lex)Biti. We need people of action, democracy and maturity to lead this great nation not under the tree presidents like advocate Chamisa. This is my story and I'm sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Shungurudzai · 1 year ago
I never had faith in the so-called "strategic ambiguity" BS! What does it even mean? 🤣 It was very misguided for CCC to expect SADC to intervene in the political crisis in Zimbabwe. SADC doesn't work like that! They support ZANU-PF and other "revolutionary" parties in the region.
jj · 1 year ago
who created sadc in the first place?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mugabe, Kaunda, Masire, Nyerere, Samora Mache;, Dos Santos.
Jim · 1 year ago
· 1 year ago
They are a useless body just like zanupf.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I am glad you know that.
Da Truth · 1 year ago
If Sadc could bite it Should have solved the crisis in DRC Congo long back . Freedom comes at a price Zimbambeans .....kana tichitya hatikundi chete .
sad emoji1
jim · 1 year ago
its true
Sage · 1 year ago
Evil persist's when good men do nothing.

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