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Tshabangu "Is A Real Man", Says Chinamasa As He Names CCC Officials "Funding" Renegade

1 year agoTue, 31 Oct 2023 10:57:36 GMT
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Tshabangu "Is A Real Man", Says Chinamasa As He Names CCC Officials "Funding" Renegade

ZANU PF Treasurer General Patrick Chinamasa has described Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) self-styled Interim Secretary-General Sengezo Tshabangu as “a real man”.

Posting on X, Chinamasa said Tshabangu exhibited bravery when he recalled 30 CCC public office bearers without the approval of the party’s Change Champion in Chief, Nelson Chamisa. Said Chinamasa:

I think Sengenzo Tshabangu is what the late President Mugabe would call amadoda sibili. Murume chaiye.

Without a shadow of a doubt, Tshabangu has balls, the sort of balls you see so prominently, arrogantly, and shamelessly displayed by those 2 metal bulls locked in mortal combat at a Trek Service Station to the approving stare and scrutiny of both customers and passersby alike.

In recalling CCC MPs and Councillors mainly from Bulawayo and Matabeleland where he comes from, Tshabangu effectively wrestled control of the party from Chamisa.

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Chinamasa believes Tshabangu is working for senior CCC officials, among them Tendai Biti and Professor Welshman Ncube, who were MDC Alliance vice presidents, and Charlton Hwende, who was MDC Alliance secretary general. He said:

But when I say Tshabangu has balls, don’t be impressed too soon. He is indeed a very brave man, but this must be qualified.

To be honest, Me-Thinks Sengenzo Tshabangu is a Cat’s paw, meaning that he is a person used by another to undertake a dangerous or unpleasant task (“cat’s paw” is derived from the tale of a clever monkey who used a cat’s foot to rake chestnuts from the fire).

Looking into my crystal ball, I see clearly 3, perhaps 4, 5, or 6 monkeys using Tshabangu to douse the inferno started by Emperor Nero to burn colleagues he wants discarded from the leadership of Triple C. Who are these Monkeys?

The top 3 Monkeys are undoubtedly Tendai Biti, Professor Welshman Ncube, and Charlton Hwende who, to their regret and utter shame, have not been endowed with balls worth displaying.

As events unfold, I cannot rule out Chibaya and Zvizwai to be part of the conspiracy against the Emperor, if not, at the very least, these other monkeys can be reckoned to be looking forward to feeding from the 3 top monkeys’ trough in the event the plot succeeds. Just think of it.

Sengenzo Tshabangu declares himself Interim Secretary General of Triple C and none of these monkeys issues a Statement to dispute the fact.

More: Pindula News



debt collector · 1 year ago
sinamasa chabangu
Ndini · 1 year ago
Am not a CCC member and will never be but l support Chamisa as an individual because he comes from Gutu ana sekuru vangu and he Karanga ,l don't have problem with Tshabangu as long he is fighting his tribe but ku Chamisa no no and no Tshabangu you can recal all Ndebele s
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Well said baba Gari. Tshabangu has got big balls. Murume chaiye kwet3 vana Chamisa varikungosura vakanange EU, SADC etc...... Zvamanjemanje ari kurira kunge chitekete pa radio 2.Dambarefu chairo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Getaway people who celebrate the suffering of the Zimbabweans only thinking of controlling Zimbabwe in the name of revolution struggle one day the people will wake up zvimadara zvisinganyare
@Vhedza · 1 year ago
I am happy young Zimbabweans are displaying their 😋😋😋
maparamuro · 1 year ago
He has the balls that Chinamasa and many in zanupf wish they had. Nyika yaenda nevene vayo nevana vavo because samanyika does not have the balls to tell vene vayo kuti they are destroying the nation
. · 1 year ago
samanyika vanogariswa pasi nemakaranga havaite think , nowonder vachivhuriswa mabin
Bishu · 1 year ago
So CCC followers are buying Zanupf analysis. Saka hapana anofunga. If Chamisa wants a strong CCC he must accommodate strong personality and persuade and control thru facts
nc · 1 year ago
munga zvirambe henyu Nero is the face of the struggle. he is the only guy ane chaunga vese vari kunyaudza vachanyarara havo ask dhagirasi
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
If you read the heading only of ZANU PF Teasurer General, Advocate Patrick Chinamasa's story, you would think that he is praising pseudo lawyer, Sengezo Tshabangu. Yet he is saying Tshabangu is being used by other big brains in CCC. It is suspiciously true that he is working for none other than Professor Whelshman Ncube, Advocate Tendai Biti and a few less important ones. But to tell the truth who would follow these guys even if they try to "steal" CCC from Advocate Nelson Chamisa ? They know that their properties are unlikeable to the citizens. Both Tendai Biti and Welshman Ncube once formed their political parties which failed dismally before they joined the MDC Alliance. In every political party, there is the President, his executive and the supporters. These categories have "properties" which atract or disattract supporters. They may consult Advocate Douglas Mwonzora "for no fees". Courts gave MDC T to Douglas Mwonzora and Advocate Nelson Chamisa formed his CCC Political party. Most if not all, supporters deserted MDC T and joined CCC Political party. Advocate Chamisa has more likeable properties than Tendai Biti and Whelshman Ncube. These are the likeable properties which made him, win most likely twice the Presidential race, but allegedly "stolen" from him. Chamisa is a far more attractive brand than Biti, Ncube, Hwende and others. To finish this argument Chamisa must arrange for a Congress as per his promise just before Harmonised Elections. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
iwe chawaz · 1 year ago
ko muri hwai dza Nelson Chamisa zve munongotevera kwaenda iye bcoz akakuitai reset pfungwa akadzi programmer zvaanoda iye that's y achiita zvaanoda nemi mabharanzi eCCC.
fugu · 1 year ago
hey you chinamasa...., go & open a bin
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
Chinamasa spoke like an elder and telling the truth as it is, Tendai Biti was fired by Tsvangirai coz of his greed as he wanted Tsvangirai the founder to step down. Those mentioned tried to form their political parties and failed, seeing Chamisa drawing millions did not go down well with them and decided to dismantle CCC. truth is if Chamisa was to field again he was gonna return his MPs a sign he is loved by citizens...
xyz · 1 year ago
there is nothing in a name,but everything in personality, CCC,ddd,kkk or whatever name.....we follow Chamisa Nero.
most popular · 1 year ago
Simuka simuka iweeee!!!handei tione kunoperera nyaya. ndakambozvireva wani kut Tshabangu anorema mhani munhu uyu nhas zvazobvumirwa ne zanu pf top leadership 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪
· 1 year ago
Chinamasa talks a lot of nonsense but then he is an ****
I am watching · 1 year ago
Let the court decide and if they fail to uphold the peoples vote there will be consequences for future elections.
Tanaka · 1 year ago
Kanaachirema ngaaremere ED tione
🌚🌚🌚🌚🇱🇷🇺🇦 · 1 year ago
Chinanasa tseketsa ya Mugabe as exposed by Margrate Dongo in 1985.
Tk · 1 year ago
Kana aremera Chamisa, ngaachionakaaa yekuita kut abudise Job, economy iiteboe, he must fight Ed and win then anenge aremera Chamisa
Ndini · 1 year ago
ladies and gentlemen let's get this right we are Chamisa s members not CCC if Tshabanja wants the Name He is free to get the Name we are following Chamisa ne mumvura naye
Gidza · 1 year ago
Yes Yes Yes thats true. Chamisa may let them take the CCC and then form DDD people will just support him. People dnt support the name of the party but they support a specific individual. It happened in the recent past wani
Tambaoga · 1 year ago
if they take the DDD we will still support our Nero
Gidza · 1 year ago
Arikutii koo Chinamasa I cant get the head and tail of it kkkkkk zvakaoma. Mugabe what what, balls, monkeys. That guy lacks charisma expected of a politician. He is not appealing and his jokes are always dead. Just like that Justice guy who lost primary elections in Zvimba. But how do u feel to know that vanhu havatokude · 1 year ago
confirmation that sengezo tshabangu is a zanu project
theLastAntKing · 1 year ago
Ana chibhangu ma amateur aya, y wait for Nelson to go for polls then recall. what I know Zimbabweans they follow where the best minds are. Gwisai did that where is he? So Biti & co might be good minds but they lack following & leadership quality. Actually these are the ones who had dug their graves just like Mwonzora. *Niggas can't see
Tambaoga · 1 year ago
Chamisa vanomuziya here vanhu ava.Chamisa akabva ku CCC akaita imwe part people will still follow him.Zviedzei moti Biti ndiye apresident we CCC its all abt Nero.My humble advice is all that wants to be mps,councilours etc shld stick to Nero if the want to win election
ICBM · 1 year ago
that's exactly my perspective!!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Shows Chinamasa's way of thinking. People that stab their friends in the back are "real men".
B**** Chamanga · 1 year ago
Clearly this is the end of Nero's political walk
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tinomuda Nero nokuti akabva tinozopwanya tuma opposition sei wedu abva panyanga. Lenmore Jongwe takamubvisa na Nero kakaita basa kamukomana, Teaboy rikakudubuka naNero, Samanyika kumakoto maenza, iyezvino rekuvata Jobho, raenda futi, Vana Biti vekupembera nemari dze donation vachiwedzera mateachers pay instead of investing vakaenda, Hwende foot warrior bii kudonha. Saka munoti Mukomamna ahagoni pakudii. Tomuda nekuimba kwake, achitamba kongonya yekuhondo achiita basa.kkkkkkkk
bule chamanga · 1 year ago
kana tichiti Nero is a zanu project munoramba
⚽⚽⚽ · 1 year ago
Wobva watoona kuti kuCourt hakuna chinobuda. tsoro neMaths yacho yakarongwa kiPolitiburo. Hameno. imboitai ana chinamsa. yo time is coming soon.

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