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Parents Want Headmaster To Be Transferred Over Tuition Arrears Fallout

1 year agoSat, 28 Oct 2023 14:42:35 GMT
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Parents Want Headmaster To Be Transferred Over Tuition Arrears Fallout

Some parents and guardians of children enrolled at Mlich Primary School in Karoi have accused the school’s headmaster, a Mr Raisi of sending children away from school thereby barring them from attending lessons over the non-payment of fees and are demanding that he be transferred from the school.

Parents who spoke to Pindula News alleged that Raisi had also been sending away learners who are under the the Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM).

BEAM was established in 2001 by the government of Zimbabwe as part of the Enhanced Social Protection Programme (ESPP) the objective was to provide basic education to everyone in Zimbabwe including students that could not afford the school fees such as Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).

The parents raised the matter after Primary and Secondary Education Minister Torerai Moyo recently warned school authorities that sending away learners for non-payment of fees is a criminal offence and those who do so risk being prosecuted for violating children’s right to education.

However, authorities at the school denied the allegations saying they only asked learners to inform parents with arrears to come to the school to negotiate payments.

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One of the parents who spoke to this publication admitted that the school head had indeed asked parents to negotiate payment plans but that was after children had been barred from attending lessons.

It also emerged that Mlich Primary School doubled school fees from US$15 per term to US$30 per term which has resulted in about half of the parents failing to pay fees on time.

Authorities at the school, which has an enrolement of 572, said some parents are yet to pay the first term fees which has negatively affected the school’s operations.

The 176 learners who are under BEAM have never been sent away and are attending lessons as usual according to sources at the school. Said a source:

No learner under BEAM has been sent away. Even those who are not under BEAM have not been sent home but it was resolved that their parents should come to the school to negotiate a payment plan especially those whose tuition arrears have accumulated over several terms. Payments plans, however, have nothing to do with those under BEAM.

Another parent with a child at the school said Raisi bragged that he will continue sending the children away saying “nothing will happen to me”.

Responding to legislators in the National Assembly during a question and answer session just over two weeks ago, Minister Moyo said some schools were barring learners under BEAM from attending lessons. He said:

We are using a Statutory Instrument of 2000 which imposes penalties for sending children away from school.

The school head can be charged for breaching the children’s right to education.

Should anyone hear of any school still sending children away from school, please quickly let us know.

Moyo said that instead of sending away learners over the non-payment of school fees, Moyo said authorities should first engage parents and guardians.

Moyo also implored parents and guardians who can afford to pay fees to do so for the smooth running of the institutions.

More: Pindula News



RX @naks · 1 year ago
Fees is a priority parents should behave and pay thats uncivilised fighting the head over your own failures
@Gidza · 1 year ago
Wanted to say Nyaya haisi yemafees.Pamwe Raisi haasi mulocal. Vanoda wavo kuti atungamire. He/ she is influencing the community..
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Nothing should aid parents and guardians from paying fees. Whether it is a rural, urban, mining or farming setup, learners need equal opportunity. If the parents in question are tobacco farmers why can't they simple paying $90US once soon after their tobacco sales. By the way, how much is the fees at the schools the minister is sending his children? After all which free education of yesteryear are you talking about and if it was there who destroyed it? The free education you are talking about during the Mutumbuka-Chung era was foreign transitional aid as we were just getting out of a war. Afterall every learner was obliged to pay something towards one's education.
@Truth · 1 year ago
Nyaya haisi yemafees. Otherwise Raisi haadi mulocal. Vaunoda wavo but achiri either Senior Teacher or Deputy head ipapo. He /she is influencing the community so as to create space for leading the school. Iwe Raisi vasiye nechikoro chavo.
blaze · 1 year ago
please parents pay cool fiz zvinhu zvifambe pachikoro . problem ndimi musingadi kubhadhara fees siyanai naxool head. Your complain shld be that the head is incompetent or misappropriating school monies
chief · 1 year ago
only if u knew the area,you would not be as judgemental. these are tobbacco farmers who get money once a year. the moost educated person amongst them may be form 1. why shouuld that affect innocent kids. this aint Harare or a town school. kuma prazi uko
xyz · 1 year ago
some parents are bitter and arguing about paying $30 fees,while some are arguing about allowing children to drive cars to xul.......2 different people in the same geographical location.Zimbabwe.
Zimbo · 1 year ago
@xyz wapedza
· 1 year ago
Vanhu veZanu Havadi kubhadhara fees vajaira zvemahara kunge honye
Bhuru · 1 year ago
All those parents who are complaining should be brought together, give them pen & paper ask them to write their names in full with date of birth most of them will fail, that's how **** they are how can u say u want everyone to learn for free then who will sponsor day to day running of the school, as africans we have a donor syndrome we want everything to be done for us for free, these donors have made us not to think & being lazy
xyz · 1 year ago
mwana wese ndaauye nechalk dzake,red pen yake,desk rake,txtbks ake,transport yake yekumasports & everything needed to use at xul,kana mahina izvozvi vabereki vanahavachadzoswe kuzotora tuition fees kkkkkkkkkk
bigy · 1 year ago
karoi irikuda free education, kkkk
Gidza · 1 year ago
Ngawadzingwe kana vabereki vasingade kubhadhara mari. Vanoda kuti vana vawo vadzidze at the expense of compliant parents. Surely nothing will happen to this headmaster. Behind the scenes these headmasters are told to do what they are doing by the authorities but in the eyes of the public, that is, in Parliament they will just say what the law says- that hapana mwana anodzingirwa fees- but in reality and behind the scenes they will tell the headmasters to take measures to ensure the fees is paid. Ndiani akambonzwawo headmaster akasungirwa kuti adzingira mwana fees. The stubborn parents are there to let education down
.. · 1 year ago
Most of the teachers and headmasters are beneficiaries to Government free education system of yesteryear what spares children from that today, South Africa still doing it and other countries in region are on it
@ Gidza · 1 year ago
@ Gidza chokwadi chizere vabereki ngati bhadharei school fees veduwe no fees no development zvokusadzinga vana zvotaurwa kuParly uko nekumisangano maheadmaster kungosiya kudzinga vana hapana chobuda vamwe vabereki vanongofunga kudhakwa badzi. Zvopedzisira zvorwadza vaya vanobhadhara . Ivo maheadmaster ngava develop zvikoro kwete kuti mari yongoperera pama T&S a headmaster as long account ine mari Head hachabva mubhazi . TODA DEVELOPMENT MUZVIKORO
Ndini · 1 year ago
Does getting the Head master transferred make you pay fees it's not the head it's SDC in any event he has nothing to lose kkkk
Tambaoga · 1 year ago
vakuda kudzidza mahara here.most primary schools fees dzawo its in between $20 and $30.Munoda kuti atengere vana zvishandiswa zvepachikoro nemari yake here.
mandrose · 1 year ago
I know that school it is located near Buffalw Downs along Hre Chrundu road head iyeye imboko chaiyo

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