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The Political Reality Is That ZANU PF Has Got No Constitution & Structures - Mutebuka

1 year agoThu, 19 Oct 2023 05:27:45 GMT
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The Political Reality Is That ZANU PF Has Got No Constitution & Structures - Mutebuka

Brighton Mutebuka, a Zimbabwean lawyer residing in the United Kingdom, argues that while the ruling ZANU PF party has a Constitution and structures on paper, it lacks them in practice. He notes that constitutionalism, which entails respecting and upholding the Constitution, is absent within the party.

Mutebuka argues that this lack of Constitutionalism extends to the national Constitution, resulting in minimal regard for the country’s supreme law. In a post on X, Mutebuka said:

Why The Political Reality Is That ZANU PF Has Got No Constitution & Structures!

a. On paper ZANU PF has a Constitution and Structures. In reality is has got no culture of Constitutionalism.

b. Constitutionalism refers to the ability and commitment to actually respect the Constitution and uphold its provisions.

c. That lack of Constitutionalism in ZANU PF has been applied to the national Constitution, with the result that the supreme law of the land is given token appreciation.

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d. Ex-VP (Joice) Mujuru and others were unconstitutionally expelled from ZANU PF in 2015 at the height of the “Gamatox” & “Weevil” factional fighting. There was no due process as they were summarily dismissed.

e. We saw the same during the vicious G40 v Lacoste succession politics. All it took was a few rallies and the dreaded “no confidence votes”, followed by Baba VaMugabe’s word, which was final.

f. The most recent ZANU PF party primary elections were plagued by violence and charges of the use of ammunition, FAZ & CIO so much so that many, including (Lazarus) Dokora were terrified into withdrawing their candidature, which is clearly unconstitutional.

g. In November 2017, (Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa) ED was unconstitutionally expelled from both government & ZANU PF. A few weeks later, he the returned the favour after staging an audacious coup, effectively using a state institution, the Army to resolve an internal political party dispute between rival factions.

h. Him & his group summarily expelled (Robert Mugabe) Bob & G40. ED was reinstated without any due process being carried out. Ex VP Mphoko was also clearly unlawfully dismissed from his role. One minute it was said the structures voted ED out and the next moment it was said it was vice versa, which is clearly political madness!

i. Ex government Minister Jonathan Moyo, who is currently in exile previously disclosed that he worked with (Constantino) Chiwenga in previous elections to campaign for ZANU PF even though the latter was Commander of the ZNA and precluded from participating in politics.

j. In April-June 2008 in the Presidential Run-Off sham election, soldiers were deployed nationwide even though it was clearly unconstitutional to do so.

According to Mutebuka, the Judiciary in Zimbabwe has shown a willingness to disregard the Constitution when it serves political interests. He said they supported the 2017 coup which propelled President Emmerson Mnangagwa to power and allowed the Chief Justice Luke Malaba and other Supreme Court justices to return to office, despite it being against constitutional principles.

He also noted that the payment of US$400K to judges before elections was unconstitutional, raising concerns about their integrity and independence. Mutebuka argues that ZANU PF has never had a peaceful transfer of power, showing a lack of respect for the Constitution. He believes that a few powerful individuals control party and state power, determining when to uphold or ignore the Constitution for their own advantage.

Mutebuka believes that only a few individuals in Zimbabwe, both within political parties and the state, truly understand and respect Constitutions and Constitutionalism. He states that the country has a long way to go in terms of embracing these principles. Currently, there is a tendency to superficially adhere to Constitutions for show, but in reality, true respect is lacking. Mutebuka calls for actions to match the rhetoric if genuine change is desired in Zimbabwe.

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Mabhuruku · 1 year ago
People can say whatever they want to say regarding CCC not having structures and this being the reason for the recall of their MP’s. This is not the reason, this illegitimate and lawless government could have still created a different reason to recall CCC MPs to achieve the 2/3 they desire in parliament. This is as it is a lame excuse. Period!!!
KG · 1 year ago
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Ladies and Gentlemen the question is which law forces or instructs any political to establish structures, a Constitution, do Congress and set up an executive. There such a law. The fact that ZANU PF has a Politbro, Central Committee, Provincial, District, Branches and cells does not mean that all other parties must follow their structures. CCC, MDC, NCA, PDP can do theirs at their own pace. To solve all this Government must promulgate an Act of Parliament which deals with registration, Constitutionalism, form of Executive etc At the moment a political party chooses it's own executive, do Congress, at their pace. There is no law which questions them. All political parties including CCC have structures because they are winning/beating ZANU PF in all towns and cities using their Twitter and Whatsapp structures which their supporters understand well. The more Advocate Ziyambi Ziyambi hurries with the promulgation of the law which deals with formation, registration, operations etc the better. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
cid · 1 year ago
Even chero dai Zanu pf isina constitution ne ma structures Yu think by now vangadai vasati vainyora here
doug · 1 year ago
Pane zvinhu zviviri. Kuvapo kwema structures nekusavapo. Kusatevedzera zvinoda ma structures zvofanana nekusaremekedza ma structures zvofanana nekusavapo kwawo. Nyaya hombe kumapato edu ndeyekuti vanhu varikugunung'una kuti Havana kutererwa nevarikumusoro pakuti vazive nevanhu vavo vemumusangano wavo vavaida kuti vapikise pasarudzo nekuzovamirira vakahwina, asi vatungamiri vakamanikidzira kuti vaidiwa Ava vasakwikwidze, vatungamiri vakazoisa vavo, vamwe vanova Hama, shamwari kana vanyarikani vavo, zvakatyora structure yakange yati anodiwa nevanhu vemunzvimbo vakwikwidze.
doug · 1 year ago
I am wondering why people are getting surprised by this. It is happening everywhere. Glossy documents of things that can work when followed are written by experts, professionals and committed people. After those people have done their part, the document is passed on to those who are chosen or elected. The job of the he's being to implement what is on the document. For some reason, whether not properly understanding the document, or being ashamed of asking for clarification, or feeling that being chosen or elected means they are in charge and noone and no document should tell them what to do, they work on how they can stay in the position for as long as they can, using self preservation strategies instead of following the document to do with the position. Most big companies like the very big iron and steel company had documents which would have made it still alive and very viable to this day and beyond. It would be very interesting to look at the political party constitution documents and marvel at how politics would be interesting and beneficial to the nation if followed. The other interesting document is the party manifesto. Very good manifestos which can attract people to a party are not implemented by office bearers. At the end of the day, the wills and wishes of the office bearers are projected in such a way that the constitution and manifesto are overriden, and trouble starts when others start questioning the actions versus what is written down. We have become known for saying what works and not doing it, maybe afraid that we will lose the limelight and relevance if we do that which works. Even the followers know that promises are promises, will always be promises and will end up being promises.
Prosper · 1 year ago
Iwewe ka matauriro ako aya atondiratidza ega kuti you are a genius. You have this rare gift of being able to articulate your arguments eloquently.
ICBM · 1 year ago
u are right Matebuka,but huya utaure nyaya yko uri kuno kune vamwe,ibva kumaraini kwauri ukoo
· 1 year ago
afe nenzara?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kkkk the biggest weakness ccc sympathisers is this nonsense of comparative approach zanu has 136 seats, they may stagger but are incharge insulting them at the same time asking for dialogue may most likely not be the right approach for your boy, in my view, you are creating hardliners from zanu before dialogue, team up with all opposition parties stop behaving like opposing zanu is your birth right show diferance from bondage of liberated you song, linda, mubaiwa, dhagie, madhuku, liz etc should be part of opposition team to dialogue stop arrogance and understand that ed is in his last term, probably the successor is one to give zanu position paper from a long term solution approach, dont insult those you want to talk to simple village approach
Zuze · 1 year ago
Really? Can you really expect Nzvonyora to to articulate CCC position? Let alone turncoat MusoroBhemba Madoek? 🙆🏾‍♂️
cid · 1 year ago
But Pindula headline yenyu bho here?The story ne headline hazvifambidzani😂Uyo Matebuka anorwara uyo, hapana kana one chatisingazivi pane zvese zvataurwa ,apa ari kutaura ari ku UK
Zuze · 1 year ago
Yoweeeee, asi vanhu vari kunze kwenyika havabvumirwe kufunga? Ko iwe usiri murwere chawataura chine musoro ndechipi nhaiwe njapisi?
malala · 1 year ago
Ngawafunge vari muno kwete kunze
Ndini · 1 year ago
l am a former Zanu pf District chair man 15 years provincial member 9 years it's true Zanu pf constitution is only on paper , The so called first secretary has captured the party has no structures the Party Chair cde Muchinguri is just window dressing it's just a title
Zim · 1 year ago
Matebuka you are a foolish lawyer. If you are tall and you are not measured then people have to conclude that you are shot. Stupid Matebuka in UK
Zuze · 1 year ago
Better a foolish lawyer than an unthinking ZANOID. "Stupid Matebuka in UK" - zvichireveiko imi vazivi vekumambvazuva?
Muzondi Maposvo · 1 year ago
ko interbank rate iri pamarii
Trusted Source · 1 year ago
Iri pa 70 recalled MPs against 1 dollar
. · 1 year ago
I Love that response.
BigBoy · 1 year ago
Murikuti nyaya ye70 magate irikuenderera here😂😂😂😂
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Musakanganwe,Sybeth Musengezi,we don't forget, the long arm will catch you uchiti uri member ye ZANU pf, ZANU pf haife
Souru Kaguvi · 1 year ago
Iyo ngaisiyane nevazukuru vangu haineti kuvabira nekuva furufusha yakaita sei?
chen · 1 year ago
siyanani ne zanu pf hamunete makaita seyi
Rose Ruwa · 1 year ago
zvaiwana ngwarati
Tinashe Mugabe · 1 year ago
muchishona tirikuti baba hapana kana mastructures kana constitution zvirikuwanikwa muparty yenyu
Dzokorodza kuverenga Paragraph (a) yanyorwa naBrighton Mutebuka.
Tk · 1 year ago
Zanu yabatwa Isina maTsirakicha 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Tk. Wanzwisisa chirungu here nhai hama?. Mutebuka ari kuti hongu Zanu PF inayo Constitution uye inawo maStructures asi haitevedzeri zvakanyorwa muConstitution yayo. Uye one Faction muma Structures eZanu inogona kurwisa imwe Faction asi pasingatevedzerwi bumbiro remusangano weZanu PF. Mutebuka ari kuti kuZanu Pf kune, Constitution without constitutionalism. "Constitution" ndiro gwaro rakanyorwa pasi rine mitemo, asi "Constitutionalism" ndiyo tsika (culture) yekutevedzera nekuteerera zvakanyorwa muConstitution. In other words, Constitutionalism means adherence to the rule of law.
Gaffer · 1 year ago
zano has a constitution that it follows really well. It just gives the president too much power to fire anyone since he's the first secretary
Tk · 1 year ago
It's means Havana maStirakicha sekuru........ Unganzi unemota iripaMufananidzo here.. Kutotengera fuel Mota irimuBook here
gaucho of Pampas · 1 year ago
@worzell wataura zvisina maturo ED and his gang uses fear they disregard the law when it SUITS them

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