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Local Government Minister Chitando Informs Bulawayo City Council About Expulsion Of 12 CCC Councillors

1 year agoThu, 19 Oct 2023 15:28:59 GMT
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Local Government Minister Chitando Informs Bulawayo City Council About Expulsion Of 12 CCC Councillors

Winston Chitando, the Local Government and Public Works Minister, has informed the Bulawayo City Council about the expulsion of 12 Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party councillors from the local government authority. The decision was made based on instructions from Sengezo Tshabangu, who claims to be the party’s interim Secretary-General. In Bulawayo, the 12 councillors that were recalled by Mr Tshabangu, include;

  • Councillor Donaldson Mabuto (the deputy mayor),
  • Clr Shepherd Dube (ward one),
  • Clr Nkosinathi Hove Mpofu (ward six),
  • Clr Takunda Felix Madzana (Ward 18),
  • Clr Simbarashe Dube (ward 20),
  • Clr Tinevimbo Maphosa (ward 21),
  • Clr Thobeka Mmeli Moyo (ward 22),
  • Clr Arnold Batirai (Ward 24) and

Proportional representation councillors:

  • Clr Sarah Cronje,
  • Clr Tabeth Mhizha,
  • Clr Dorcas Sibanda and
  • Clr Zibusiso Tshongwe.

On October 18, 2023, Minister Chitando sent a letter to the town clerk, Mr. Christopher Dube, stating that the city’s local authority must now inform the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission about the recalls so as to prepare for upcoming by-elections in the area, according to the Sunday News. Reads the letter:

I wish to inform you that I am in receipt of a letter from the Citizens Coalition for Change, stating that the following councillors have ceased to be members of the Citizens Coalition for Change political party. In terms of Section 121 of the Electoral Act, please proceed to inform the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission of these vacancies.

Today, the councillors met to choose an acting deputy mayor as a replacement for the recalled Mabutho. 

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Bulawayo Mayor, David Coltart, criticised the recalls and stated that the Minister’s actions are a significant violation of section 68 of the Constitution, which guarantees the right to administrative justice. He said:

The Minister was required to ascertain whether the person purporting to act on behalf of the party was authorised to do so. He was also required to act in a procedurally fair manner, which includes the right of the Councillors affected to be heard before he acted. But the greatest breach is the moral breach – all of these Councillors have recently been voted into office by the overwhelming votes (over 80% majorities in most cases), directly or indirectly, of the citizens of Bulawayo. This is a total negation of democracy- it is an outrage.

Coltart said that ZANU PF is the only party benefiting from these actions and is likely responsible for them. He said although this undermines the work of the Bulawayo City Council, they will keep working hard to improve the city. Coltart said they will also take legal and diplomatic actions to challenge this “unjust behaviour.”

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe; what kind of a country is this? Things that under normal circumstances would never happen in most normal countries, in Zimbabwe they are the norm. Chaos is deliberately created, instead of focusing on development. Intolerance is ingrained in this country. Everything is about fighting. No wonder millions sought Citizenship elsewhere in thf last fourty years. What a SHIIIIT of a country!!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Is anyone going to take citizens suriously and STOP taking people for granted. Real People need Real development not this ongoing rubbish, All thus Circus must stop. NOW
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
Instead of fixing the economy it's by-elections which won't change coz Bulawayo will return those recalled 🤔 tax payer money wasted on unconstitutional recalls...
Citizen · 1 year ago
Zanupf is a disgraceful party.
ZANU PF · 1 year ago
Confusion CHETE CHETE ! chamisa chakaora CHETE. chamisa chimwana cheZanu pf
3 · 1 year ago
b.e c h e ra momz vako
· 1 year ago
T**** dzese dzavarikuta varikuda kut vanhu vasafarira mukomana manje hazvishandi nekut tchatowedzera kumuda kusvkira zanu yakugona kutungamira
Stubborn Gentile · 1 year ago
This nonsense makes me hate ZANU pf even more
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Bulawayo City Council and the suspended Councillors must approach the courts immediately. These recalls are unlawful and courts shall throw them out through the window. They do not have merit. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Anonymous · 1 year ago
This crop of leadership is a mockery to the electorate. Wasted vote for sure. 5 years dzichatopera ingori nyaya yekutungana chete between political parties. The biggest losers are the voters and citizens. As if it is not enough and as a revenge, mumwewo akaita recall 70 ve ZANU PF.
Bishop · 1 year ago
Well spoken. We're being taken for a ride. However the truth is most if not all rural folks do not have an idea that's what's happening. Maybe they know about CCC through ZBC but zve ZANU hakuna anotaura
@ Dhara · 1 year ago
Ok Boss .
Tk · 1 year ago
Just recall all CCC MPs and chancellors....... Then toona kutangira ipapo
Dhara · 1 year ago
Yauya ne mistake
Comment Yaendepi · 1 year ago
dzosai Coment yemaremedy

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