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Freeman Chari's Post Sparks Controversy As Chamisa Is Compared To Joshua Nkomo On "Fear"

1 year agoThu, 19 Oct 2023 08:50:04 GMT
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Freeman Chari's Post Sparks Controversy As Chamisa Is Compared To Joshua Nkomo On "Fear"

Freeman Chari has caused controversy on social media by sharing excerpts from the late former ZANU PF leader Ndabaningi Sithole‘s book, which explains why ZAPU split into ZANU and ZAPU during the colonial era. Some believe the post is about Nelson Chamisa. Sithole’s book highlights several factors that led to the deposition of the late former Vice President Joshua Nkomo, including Nkomo’s fear of jail and his alleged evasion of necessary decisions. It also mentions contradictions within ZAPU and Nkomo’s habit of concealing the truth from his Central Executive members. Read the excerpts:

1. Mr. Nkomo is very much afraid of going to jail and this fear of jail causes him to evade taking the necessary decisions which any leader in his position is expected to take. The white settlers have exploited this fact to full advantage. Because of this fear, Mr. Nkomo has deserted the people at the time when they most needed bold leadership that does not count the cost.

a) When ZAPU was banned on September 20th, 1962, Mr. Nkomo was then in Lusaka. Much against the advice of UNIP and his supporters Mr. Nkomo fled to Dar-es-Salaam leaving as it were, his sheep to be scattered by the wolf. Mr. Nkomo publicly stated that he did not want to ‘rot in jail.’ Meanwhile, hundreds of his supporters went to jail.

b) When he was finally forced to go back to Southern Rhodesia and face detention, after ten days of chopping and changing, the psychological moment had been missed, and his supporters’ confidence in him was greatly shaken and under-mined, and since then the people have been saying: ‘how can we get our independence with such a cowardly leader?’ While in detention, Mr. Nkomo’s fears were also clearly demonstrated. He arranged for a private plane to take all the members of the Central Executive secretly out of restriction but they refused to jump their restriction.

Nkomo, on the other hand, wrote in his book that the divisions were tribal in nature, citing instances of incitement against him based on his Ndebele ethnicity. He said:

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Joseph Msika, then deputy treasurer of Zapu, had an even more disturbing experience. He saw one of our colleagues, Washington Malianga, nervously hiding away a printed document. Joseph asked to see it, Washington refused, so Joseph snatched it away and read it. He found it was a circular openly urging Zapu to bring the ‘majority tribes’ to the leadership of the party, and to get rid of `Zimundebere’, which is a derogatory term in the Shona language for ‘the old Ndebele man’. That meant me: the attack was a straight incitement to tribal feeling against me. Joseph gave the wretched document back to Malianga, who tore it up and pretended it had never existed.

Freeman Chari’s post ignited a range of responses, including speculation that it indirectly referred to Nelson Chamisa, the leader of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC). Chamisa has faced criticism for not confronting the ruling ZANU PF party more boldly.

Some observed that while yesteryear liberation leaders were only afraid of jail, present-day opposition leaders can be poisoned in jail. Some commentators questioned the notion that a leader must go to prison to prove their worth as previous leaders’ imprisonment did not result in the removal of ZANU PF from power.

Some CCC supporters expressed the belief that if Chamisa displayed the bravery of figures like Job Sikhala or Tendai Biti, ZANU PF could have been overthrown in 2018. Others cautioned against being aggressive, as ZANU PF may use confrontation or violence as an excuse for brutality. They advocated fighting against ZANU PF outside of prison, citing the alleged poisoning and slow death of former Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai as an example. They argued that going to prison is not a guaranteed solution for removing ZANU PF from power and could pose risks to Chamisa’s life.

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Anonymous ¡ 1 year ago
Chamisa iproject yedu ccc maponies edu to justify democracy tichingotonga. Saka mabhambi musazvinetsa tinokwatura mukafarisa.
Ostallos ¡ 1 year ago
yes Chamisa is a woman ashaisa zanu mufaro.shumbakadzi yazungunutsa zunde ramambo .nhasi madhara haasi. kurara hope nekuda kwemunhu wamaona semudzimai....Haaa ms Nero sando dzenyu....kuva murume kuva mukadzi hazvina basa chinebasa ndechekuti.kuti 1980. nyika ichitorwa ndyn akamboshaisa ZANU hope ????? Nero the giant...tinosvika chete .taurai.zvamoda hazvimisi.chitima chevanhu kufamba
@ostallos ¡ 1 year ago
munochena misoro muchingoti change is around the corner, dai maionawo zvirimberi pamwe makatosiya zveku supporter nhau dzine zvenyika izvi kumhanya nepatapata makarimwa kare,ndoanonzi manyautsa mukanwa harahwa kurota ichiyamwa kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk zvinorwadza bt ndicho chokwadi chimire mberi kwevanhu.
Joza ¡ 1 year ago
I think ZRP Pf has issues to settle with you brother Freeman. With all that courage, come home and answer for yourself. Chamisa is at home looking the beast in the eye daily. Come and do likewise to prove that you're better than Nero. Hatidi vanosimba mhasuru dzomukanwa chete.
Zuze ¡ 1 year ago
ZANU Republic Police has issues with any and every vocal CCC member, sympathiser, official everything associated with CCC. Pfeka Yellow uone. Unongorohwa ne baton stick pasina zvawaita
Anonymous ¡ 1 year ago
Ever since their tribalism, clanism, and hatred of the Ndebele people in the 1930s, or so, and even before, the HUTUSHONAS have never changed to this day. Their ZANU NEHANDA party can only be led by them. People like Enos Nkala were used, like many of the current Matebele hangers on in this evil party. We are Mthwakazi and they are Hutushonas of Mashonaland. That will never change. Forever and forever AMEN!!
V11 ¡ 1 year ago
Muchanyarara zvenyu
*#* ¡ 1 year ago
why don't you fly back to zim freeman & prove yoself
doug ¡ 1 year ago
His followers and his haters should make sure that he is not harmed in any way. A lot of people may be earning a living, and their only work is to discredit him and make him appear clueless. Even most of the media houses are owned by people or entities from the one side of the political divide and they seem to be putting a spirited effort to discredit him. The man attended UZ and did law and is now an advocate, he went to Bible school, and, when you combine the two, none of his detractors and those who may be paid to bring him down do not have a tenth of his intelligence. Even ZEC generously gave him 44% where there were 11 candidates. He should be someone very important for achieving what his detractors say he has achieved alone, as they try to show that he is disconnected from his followers. How much is the total amount being spent daily to keep people watching the one man and trying to discredit him everywhere, including on social media?
FĂźhrer ¡ 1 year ago
If he is intelligent as you say he is the why is his party crumbling right before his eyes with recalls. it took him more than a week to respond your bootlicking resembles a cult like mentality.
@ doug ¡ 1 year ago
constructive criticism is very important.....zanu can't pay everyone.....maybe the problem is that he is a lawyer & a priest, wch makes him think he knows everything & everything is destined for him......we are not in a cult & we don't want to be.....he should not take our votes for granted.....most importantly he should communicate the way forward
doug ¡ 1 year ago
It is the social media and part of the press which is trying to push it into people that that party is crumbling until people believe what they hear, as people have been seen to be gullible to what they continuously hear. It is also easier to destroy someone by disassociating him or her from the group as is happening, where people are trying to give a view that he is working alone..
@Vhedza ¡ 1 year ago
Indeed Chamisa is working alone and as a result his following or supporters are kept guessing and in the end they say what they are saying now. It up to the supporters now to adopt a wait and see attitude but the question remains ; for how long should we keep on waiting ?
doug ¡ 1 year ago
@Vhedza. Depending on your level in a party hierarchy, you will only get or be given what suits you. Not everything which happens in any party or organisation is supposed to be made public to all the and sundry. Even in a country, not everyone knows what the prime minister or president is doing and where. Even at the workplace, not everyone knows what the MD, CEO, GM or supervisor is planning or doing. Give the president's of parties the respect their positions deserve, and do not try to bring them down to our levels. We will never understand what happens at their levels. Most of the disorder in modern society is not knowing ones' rightful place. Let us learn to respect positions of authority in any setup. Just because you do not like their organisation does not lessen the positions. We need to learn to do away with emotions and let life go on
@Vhedza ¡ 1 year ago
I thought it the democratic way of doing things that the highest office must be accountable to the masses and or supporters any way thank you have learne something.
☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ ¡ 1 year ago
iwewe wataura chokwadi apa ndipo panonyuka issue ye accountability zve pakuda kuita invoke the need to know slogan of tyrants. zvnhu ngazvingonzi bvuuu pachena povho yoziva unless kana leader achitungamirira party ya ambuya vake. izvi ndezve nyika izvi ndezve majority hazvitofanane ne one way communication you find in security institutions or Pvt LTD companies.
Chamisa is a woman ¡ 1 year ago
regai arege kupinda mukati kujere revarume kuri kudiwa madzimai akaita saye regai akwate honai jobho 15months kana gĂĄmbĂŽ haacharizive nekuda kudenha vakuru imimi dzikamai chete ZANU PF itonge musafarise munonyura mugorova jobho dzangove ndangariro dziye nyangwe akabuda zvakaendwa musadenhe ma comrades vakatamba ma game of death mumasango kwete ma twitter games nema Pindula ndeenyu ana mainini tikakunzwira tsitsi tokubrarisa muri uchiti producer dzikamirai ma comrades imi ana Zuze ZANU PF haitukwe mufunge because recovery ichangosvika ende I 1 day pamasvingopo ehe ipapo unozongoguma wapinda pa vice grip denha uone ndakuchenjedza itaka fake bravery musangano hautukike ukasateerera unotetereka SA jobho wobva wakwenya kwenya inda dze zandom country
Chamisa is a woman ¡ 1 year ago
mukadzi use Chamisa anotya kuzobvinza kujere revarume oshaya ma tampons anonzi Twitter saka musiyei site Twitter President we Zimbabwe imi struggle haisi yake asi kukutongai kana mapedza struggle imi muri hachi iye be mßtâsvï or mÝkwÎrï honai jobho akaita basa renyu rehu horse ndosaka Ari mukati imimi povo you are the horses kusvika mafa pamberi ne kwatacraft philosophy of Nero rohwai nepfuti muma street Chamisa atonge agosara achiita ma affairs nevana venyu nevakadzi venyu mukuti mukadzi wa jobho haasi kubrarwa here 15months dzese rimwe riri kutokambura apa riri CCC party cadre
DR Proffesor Big head ¡ 1 year ago
The spectator views the game differently than the player. Freeman Chari wouldn't be commenting like this if he's in Zimbabwe. Secret Agencies in Zimbabwe are paid very well to silence any noise marker. Some of us here on pindula are even scared of writing our real names. Chamisa knows he is 100% hit target for the CIO, that's why he's carefully handling the political game. Look how helpless everyone including me in the case of Job Sikhala, he is in the Jaws of the Lacoste and right in the middle of the river and everyone is scared to jump in to rescue him. Dr Proffesor Big head the newly ordained minister of God 😂
@Vhedza ¡ 1 year ago
I am sorry for having a different opinion on Chamisa being targeted. The security forces do not target any any for the sake of it but for the sake of safety of the nation at large. Actually Wiwa had done something wrong as advocated by the way he acted when Moreblessing was abducted and subsequently murdered. She was taken at a pub and his captive even threw stones to scare those who wanted to help. But Wiwa with his big mouth diluted the situation to such an extent that no one would come forward to witness what actually happened that night in fear that they would compromise what had been said by Wiwa.
cityzen ¡ 1 year ago
nyaya dzana cc nezanu zvadzakutobhowazve nhas ndabata marii zvangu ini,12 dolaz, pakunodoka ndinenge ndave parinani ,ndotenga mvura yekumwa nadzo korera idzi
FĂźhrer ¡ 1 year ago
Chamisa is a coward remember even pindula had a headline of him pĂźssyfooting in the rural areas.
Zuze ¡ 1 year ago
Better a live coward than a dead hero. Muri kuda kuti Nero aite jambanja, momusinga tosara tisina mutungamiri ou CCC? ZANU manyangira yaona
🌚🌚🌚🌚🇱🇷🇺🇦 ¡ 1 year ago
Read the report on the assassination of Herbert Chitepo who was killed by Zanu Dare ReChimurenga
@Vhedza ¡ 1 year ago
Please do not spread lies read a book titled SEE YOU IN NOVEMBER by Petter Huges it will tell you who actually killed Herbert Chitepo.
☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ ¡ 1 year ago
horaiti horaiti horaiti iwewe chingotiudza pano kuti chitepo wakaurawa nani.
Unknown ¡ 1 year ago
Please try commenting without involving Ccc or Zanu on this one ka1 chte😅😅😅
Regai zvinzi adzimbwa Bere nderake. Freeman only quoted excerpts from Ndabaningi Sithole's book. Chete. Izvi zvekuti ndiningi ari kurehwa hameno kuti mazviwanepi? Hobho vanotya kuenda kuJeri. Hobho mbwende munyika muno, uye hobho maZungairwa anonamata munhu wenyama nekuti ndi Pastor kana Politician. Tuma Pastor, utwu chenjererai. Honai Gold Mafia yaitungamirwa neka Pastor kasingabvise Sutu.

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