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"Notorious" ZANU PF And FAZ Activist Buried Like A Pauper

1 year agoSun, 15 Oct 2023 11:03:05 GMT
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"Notorious" ZANU PF And FAZ Activist Buried Like A Pauper

A ZANU PF and Forever Associates Zimbabwe (FAZ) activist Norman Mawungwa who committed suicide last week by hanging himself from a tree was buried like a “rat”, reported The Mirror.

That was in spite of Mawungwa’s last wish and plea to party members and relatives for a decent burial.

Mawungwa recorded a suicide audio in which he acknowledged to relatives and party colleagues that he did not have a funeral policy and pleaded for a decent burial.

He also specified his preferred resting place at a hill in the area but family elders including Chief Mawungwa ignored the wish and buried him at his homestead instead.

The Mirror reported that Chief Mawungwa barred mourners from singing, praying, or giving speeches at the FAZ member’s funeral.

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The traditional leader also ordered that the deceased be buried with his full wardrobe including FAZ and ZANU PF regalia.

All of Mawungwa’s clothes were thrown into the grave and family members resolved not to take any souvenir from the deceased.

ZANU PF, which was expected to take over funeral costs, did not provide a beast to be slaughtered at the funeral, and as a result, mourners were served sadza with cabbages.

Despite claims by FAZ member Mugove Mubaiwa that ZANU PF donated US$1 000 towards the funeral, Mawungwa was laid to rest in a coffin priced at US$90.

A neighbouring Chief who preferred anonymity was quoted as saying:

It’s either the US$1 000 was stolen within ZANU PF ranks or people were lied to that there was a donation otherwise how does one explain such a pauper burial where mourners could not even get a decent meal?

The MP for the area, Pupurai Togarepi, whom Mawungwa worked for during the August 2023 election campaigns, and the reason he made so many enemies, did not turn up or deliver an official condolence message.

There was no ZANU PF official at the funeral of the man who is accused of killing and brutalising perceived opposition supporters for the sake of the party.

Mawungwa’s body was not allowed in the homestead after being removed from the tree where he hung, as per local customs.

The body was dumped and spent day and night in a field covered with tree branches and only collected in the morning and taken straight to the grave for burial.

Women at the funeral reportedly refused to give undertakers their MaZambia (wrapping cloths), to be used to lower the coffin into the grave.

As a result, undertakers had to drop the coffin 1.8 metres down and it hit the bottom of the grave with a thud.

The undertakers hastily covered the grave with sand and mourners left immediately afterwards.

Chief Mawungwa explained why the mourners refused to have their wrapping cloths used to lower the deceased’s casket into the grave. He said:

We will not allow any of our clothes to be used on this man’s coffin. His evil spirits will follow us.

Neither will any relative take any souvenir of his. He had demons and they will stick with you.

You know how he died. His spirit is not clean. There will be no singing, speechifying or praying. We just bury him, eat food prepared for us and leave.

A war veteran and close confidante of Mawungwa identified as Mudukuti was not happy because ordinary people celebrated Mawungwa’s death. He said:

Why do you hate him so much? What did he do to you? I saw people at Mawungwa Business Centre in great joy after the death of Mawungwa.

A local teacher reportedly tortured by Mawungwa in 2008 who declined to be named said:

I came all the way from Mpandawana just to see for myself that this evil man was gone.

God exists, the man has been buried like a rat. They buried him like they were burying a rat.

In the audio that he recorded shortly before taking his own life, and addressed to his son, Mawungwa said his political past was tormenting him. He said: “Mwanangu ndashungurudzwa nezvematongerwe enyika, dei ndakaziva haitungamiri.” 

More: Pindula News



so sad · 1 year ago
tsepete tsepete wakaenda
Mosquito · 1 year ago
ndoozvazvinoita kana uchiti wakangwara,munhu akasiyana nemombe kana huku
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Politics unofira vanwe washandiswa. Vanwe mapoling officers ahasati abadharwa asi vakatukwa vakarobwa nhasi makonZo
King · 1 year ago
death is death . be a high rank, a millionaire, a president, a street kid,a killer,, a lowest poor you can imagine. Death is death, once your breath is gone, any ceremony is useless.
T@mbawoga · 1 year ago
Psalm 55: 23 But you, O God, shall bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in you. Isaiah 57:20-21 [20]But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. [21]There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.
chipo gumbo · 1 year ago
They is nothing wrong with the way this guy was buried. Chief maungwa knows the tradition chaiyo. Munhu azviuraya havigwe anorashwa. Kuirasa kuvuga munhu zvese nezvinhu zvake, chez chinoti iye nekuti mweya ake aufanire kuramba uripo. Mweya unotevera zvinhu zvemufi. Munhu azviuraya nototukwa haitirwezvakanaka nekuti mweya iyoyo mukautira zvakanaka unoramba uripoi pamusha. Anotoudzwa kuti enda ne mabasa ako usadzoke.
ishuwa idzodzo comdr · 1 year ago
arashwa nenhau yekuzviuraya uyo that what's good for who takes their live
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Inonzi Ngozi iyoyo, hokoyo FAZ and all those Zanu Pf thugs who allowed themselves to be used by Mnangagwa and his cohorts, one by one you're all going to perish in the same way. This just the beginning of your worst nightmares.
Dark 🌑 Retribution Dark 🌑 · 1 year ago
nothing is sad about this...the way you live on this planet, kana uchita mabasa ekutambudza vanhu n worse you kill's Eternal Hell for you...deny it or speak against it, the truth is the truth.
Kyla · 1 year ago
So much sad
Gone to hell. · 1 year ago
Good riddance to the rat 🐀 May his soul be forever tormented.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
He was a monster, good that he died soon
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
@Da truth, It seems you are ga....y une ma ga ..y colours
Da Truth · 1 year ago
I have rainbow colours
uGatsheni boya beNyathi · 1 year ago
FAZ ne Zanu huchii
@Vhedza · 1 year ago
Mwana we mukuwasha Mai vake ndivo vekwaMaunga kwete iye .Havaiviga mwana wekwavo nenzira yakatsanangurwa iyo. Aitozbishupikirawo uyo handifungi kuti baba vake aivaziva zvimwe kuda kana mai vake aisitovaziva zve
Da Truth · 1 year ago
Independence in Maungwa 🇿🇼😁😁😅😅😅😋😋🤪🤪🤗🤗🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🕺🕺🕺💃💃💃💃💃🕺💃💃💃💃👯👯👯💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃
marshal chikunya · 1 year ago
zanu inodya vana vayo
marshal chikunya · 1 year ago
zanu inodya vana vayo
Clean Life Tumoro · 1 year ago
Coffin re90 USA ndorakaita sei manje 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Da truth · 1 year ago
Kireti yema bananas mdozvakaita kofini ye 90 USD varume uuuuuuuu me mbatya here dzose imomo eeeee pamberi me Zanupf pamberi nekutonga tichizorasjwa semi gido ini hangu IAM very happy bcz munhu ainetsa uyu pama shops pama ungwa zvaendwa izvo kwasara nhingiiii
Chasura · 1 year ago
Can you list those killed by Maungwa and area they were buried
Cde · 1 year ago
l don't believe that he killed people until they list killed people
Da Truth · 1 year ago
I remember Nomara musi we Rally ya Chamisa pa Maungwa achipfiza asi nhai chiii akafa unofa be Zanupf vanoda havaiti sa Eria akaenda nengoroi ye Moto nhema haana kufa aaaa uyu kufa AAA inhema idzi ariko akamirira 2028 kuzo zvambaradza ma CCC ...
CCC · 1 year ago
asi zanu inofanirwa kuti uyu murume avhukunyurwe vomuviga zvine chiremerera guys $90 casket kungokandwa 1.8mtrs down haa bt msadero zvaaive munhu wemusangano wani worse FAZ
Undertaker · 1 year ago
hakusi kuvigwa kurashiwa 🤣🤣 mortuary yake yaive mumunda akavharwa nemazhizha
Muzondi Maposvo · 1 year ago
Tortured Teacher · 1 year ago
I came all the way from Mpandawana just to see for myself that this evil man was gone. God exists, the man has been buried like a rat.
Cde · 1 year ago
why are you saying that he was evil,,,,,,,,,can you explain the reason why are you calling him an evil ma
Faz · 1 year ago
zvinonzi afa anaka bt seems uyu haana kana kumbonaka nesuwo vamwe vacho tatodzidza kuti Zanu inongokuda ichikushandisa chete wafa unovigwa nemaT shirts ako chete kkkk
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
What goes around comes around, let it be a lesson to the would FAZ activists that the end is death and death has no favour...
Anonymous · 1 year ago
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
This is how they will all perish one by one including very high elites of the FAZ Group. Chief Mawungwa and the deceased were related. But there is one aspect though which must be investigated by Police. They must investigate if indeed ZANU PF contributed USD 1000 towards his funeral costs. Why did Togarepi Pupurai not attend the funeral of one of his ? Many are going "one way kuimba isina window" Simon Chimbetu said so. Usually relatives share the deceased's clothes. In this case he was buried with all his clothes. This is unheard of in most families. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Anonymous · 1 year ago
That's as per our culture if one takes his/her life, otherwise the author of this article doesn't know what our culture says
Anonymous · 1 year ago
You are ignorant of cultural practices. Suicide is deemed as sin. One who commits it is considered a wrong doers and family will not want to have anything to do it. He was not going to be given a decent burial.
Reign · 1 year ago
kuseri kweguva hakuna muteuro dai wakaziva chii nhai iwe wejuvigwa lyk a rat kuzviuraya waifunga kuti uchaenda heroes here.
and · 1 year ago
now ave ega mweya yaakauraya yave kuchema pamberi pake no zanu courts.
% · 1 year ago
it called zanu pf
gumlaz · 1 year ago
nxaa ndozvakaita nyika ukada kuita kunge unozova maningi
· 1 year ago
So sad

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