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Zimbabweans Crossing Into SA Without Passports To Buy Groceries Are Not Criminals, Says Border Management Authority Official

1 year agoFri, 06 Oct 2023 16:06:27 GMT
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Zimbabweans Crossing Into SA Without Passports To Buy Groceries Are Not Criminals, Says Border Management Authority Official

South Africa’s Border Management Authority (BMA) Commissioner Mike Masiapato has said Zimbabweans who cross the border into South Africa without passports to buy scarce goods and go back to their country are not necessarily criminals. 

Speaking on the SA television channel Newzroom Africa, Masiapato said BMA is not targetting all Zimbabweans who cross the border into South Africa without passports but those involved in criminal activities such as smuggling contraband.

Masiapato conceded that passports are very expensive for some Zimbabweans to acquire in their home country yet they need to buy groceries in Musina for re-sale back home. He said:

We have committed to start engaging along the separation of the various groups of people that we are dealing with so that we can be able to isolate those individuals who are supposed to be a target of law enforcers, those who are supposed to be the criminals.

If you were to look at the situation between us and Zimbabwe, it basically presents a number of groupings for different purposes.

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A typical example is… we have a lot of Zimbabweans who have documents, who basically come into South Africa in Musina town in particular to procure normal foodstuffs, things that they need to go and sell back in Zimbabwe primarily because they are not able to access them on the Zimbabwean side either because they are too expensive or they are unavailable. Those ones we facilitate on a daily basis.

But there is a second group which is fairly the same kind of people who want to come and buy things and go sell them but they don’t have passports.

The reason they don’t have passports is the expensive nature of the reality of getting a passport on the Zimbabwean side and don’t they access them.

They are not necessarily criminals, they just don’t have passports. So they will then cross the border into South Africa and buy things.

So those are the ones that we are going to be able to have a mechanism as to how do we address those groups of individuals with the Zimbabweans.

Then we separate those who must be the real target of our work and those who are pushing illegal things.

BMA is now the third armed service in South Africa after the South African National Defence Force and the South African Police Service.

It is mandated to perform border management functions within ports of entry as well as the law enforcement area.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
It's just a matter of time, these norders will be free entry for all Africans. Also aa people we should start to monstize our African creativity.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Sorry man your comment is not rich ,very poor statement is SA has the loadsheding is because of emigrations, yooo you are very emotionally brother try to reason
sad emoji1
Z. Lukhele · 1 year ago
I call him President Ramaphosa, he is my President. Zim people sorry for you pain. S.A. fought for their Country to what it is today. If there are people who can fix their Country , it is you Zim people. Face your problems. You can also get help in Zambia, Kenya etc. South Africa has helped and accommodated you for many years. Now have loadshedding because every Country in Africa has it's people here. " Sicela ukuphumula bakithi " can we have a breathing space pls.
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ramaphosa isn't doing any good for us, not every Zimbabwean is staying close to the border and access the Permit to buy food, he has to respect the decision from SADC on how the elections were conducted that's the only way for us to move on, we have our industries which were close because of the Regime
Anonymous · 1 year ago
It's not like South Africa is not benefitting from the trade with the people from Zimbabwe. They need the business also. If you could have seen these boarder towns during the COVID pandemic, you would understand what I'm talking about.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
It's pitty that Zimbabweans are suffering in terms of getting basic commodities but the laws remain, they. Will not change because there is a need to Carter for Zimbabweans. Zimbabwe needs to stop charging big for traveling docs.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I recently heard that beitbridge have up to 20k and 18k in and out of the border daily surely this is one or the biggest entry and exti points connecting africa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I'm thinking if they make a sort of mechanism to those coming to buy food, how they will monitor them, then if they catch you running around the country without papers they will have a certain punishment for, cos people of Zimbabwe didn't do anything wrong, it's the government and those guys they have everything, and they can go to any country to buy what they want
Carlson · 1 year ago
Its so sad to hear comments from South Africans who don't know the volume of trade involved here! Ask Musina traders, they'll tell u Zimboz are cash cows and an invaluable source of foreign currency for your embattled country. Xenophobia won't take u anywhere
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Promote and support trade ,l guess it's good for SA GDP at end of day, you need to understand economics to be able to comprehend that Zimbo situation
Anonymous · 1 year ago
South is just benefiting a lot through Zimbabwe situation,recent elections showed that Zimbabweans voted out zanu pf, but Ramaphosa quickly went there to legitimacy stolen elections Its a shame why SA doesn't want Zimbabwe to prosper,only time will tell
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Well said. SA is benefiting a lot from all this. We suffer more they prosper. Just introduce iD passes where there will be accountability for like 3 days etc
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Many Anc guys are beneficiaries of bad economic situation in Zim, mining they love Zanu as it makes them richer with Zim resources
George · 1 year ago
Criminals don't have special colour how are you going to separate between criminals and law abiding people... they must just do the right thing passport on their hands...
Anonymous · 1 year ago
It's very simple criminals all over the world are identified by their activities. Be a criminal and see if you don't get caught
Tawanda · 1 year ago
Murudo murudo💖
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Thank you ❤️
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I hear sound reasoning.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Is the Minister 100% sure saying Zims who buy groceries are not Problem did he ever see them coming back Minister let everyone who come to SA to have to a Passport leave ur guessing work
Anonymous · 1 year ago
You are making Zimbabwe's problem our problem. What do you mean by saying those who cross to buy food are not criminals? Are they exempted from having passports?Our passports are expensive too
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 1 year ago
My friend if y dnt anything abt. Immigration pliz do not comment. If u go to any country most pple who lives by the borders are always crossing to buy food in the next country without having to produce a passport,it does not mean Zimbabweans and South Africans are enemies who are not supposed to visit the others land to do anything there,only pple who come to do criminal activities should be arrested.u should know we are all Africans ,we belong in Africa.u are (yourself) able to visit Zimbabwe to get what u think might need here in SA ,no problem.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
True this is also happening along the Botswana and SA border I have a friend who comes from Botswana along the border he has an SA ID when he goes home he takes a Taxi to the border then he walks across the border to Botswana with no passport. Even in Swaziland they do the same so whats so amazing about the Beitbridge boarder?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Very true. Many countries have border passes that you use to cross into the next country and go back. SA benefits from the money that those traders bring. Bigger picture. It's business.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
How expensive is yours 400r compared to 1900r
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tsitsi dzacho kkkk
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
BMA for what instead of fixing the situation in Zimbabwe amicable, you wasting tax payers money creating BMA...
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
don't you realize that there is revenue generated from this kind of service through exports, generally your nation will enjoy a rise in the export volume, you must analyse the situation rather than make emotional responses
Anonymous · 1 year ago
which system needs fixing here, do you ever realise the benefits we can derive from intra-African trade financially, do you ever consider Pan-Africanism as a virtue
Adolee Nyatsanza · 1 year ago
doug · 1 year ago
Noone who crosses to buy goods cannot use Zimbabwean Currency. They will do what is good for their country as real foreign currency easily gets to them for the products they produce there, supporting companies and production, and keeping their people happily employed! For us, the foreign currency sent from the diaspora ends up benefitting them. The only unfortunate thing is that they cannot sell our people their cheap passport.
Aaron Mhango · 1 year ago
Bull ****

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