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"Mutapa Investment Fund The Greatest National Heist Since Cecil John Rhodes"

1 year agoTue, 03 Oct 2023 13:52:53 GMT
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"Mutapa Investment Fund The Greatest National Heist Since Cecil John Rhodes"

Human rights lawyer Siphosami Malunga has described the Mutapa Investment Fund as the greatest national heist since Cecil John Rhodes.

Rhodes was a South African-based British imperialist who worked with a missionary John Moffat in 1888/89 to trick King Lobengula into signing away his kingdom to his company, the British South Africa Company (BSAC), which eventually resulted in the annexation of Zimbabwe.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa recently invoked his Presidential Powers to rename the Sovereign Wealth Fund to the Mutapa Investment Fund and transfer the shares in State-owned enterprises to the new fund.

In a post on X, Malunga said the Mutapa Investment Fund will result in the privatisation of public wealth and resources in Zimbabwe. He wrote:

The unconstitutional Mutapa Investment Fund in Zimbabwe is not a Sovereign Wealth Fund but an untransparent, unaccountable, personalised funnel for appropriation and privatisation of Zimbabwe’s entire public wealth and resources and the greatest national heist since Cecil John Rhodes.

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In an article published by ZimLive, Mt Pleasant MP Fadzayi Mahere (CCC), said the establishment of the Mutapa Investment Fund signals “a new era of predatory looting of state assets and natural resources by Mnangagwa and the illegal ‘Mutapa Mafia'” which Mnangagwa “will personally appoint”. Added Mahere:

Zimbabwe, a country reeling under 49 percent extreme poverty, triple-digit hyperinflation and an annual loss of US$2.2 billion to illicit financial flows cannot afford for its resources to bleed further.

It behooves all institutions of the state with a mandate to oversee corruption and poor public management including the auditor general, parliament, the judiciary, the media and the general citizenry to speak out against this illegal conduct and ensure that this latest unconstitutional enactment is reversed.

If this is not done, billions in state resources will be lost once again without any accountability or disclosure.

More: Pindula News



NATO · 1 year ago
makakokota telecel zvekuti ama 2k haana kumbobvira arifilla.ende makaoma
Jayson · 1 year ago
Zimbabweans should wake up bfre it's too late to recover from the total destruction created with with Mnangagwa nd his lowly cronies , it's time we unite nd fight for better future bfre zanu pf creates a huge inferno upon this land....
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Why does His Excellency Advocate President Mnangagwa Insists on doing these controversal things ? If senior economics say the country gonna not benefit why does he keep on doing it. It would appear that the explanation once given by others that this Mtapa thing will throw away purchasing and selling procedures and proceed to buy and sell without following procedures. This is when his children, uncles, nephews and nieces come handy to milk ZImbabwe through obscure companies. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
kg · 1 year ago
after falling to dislodge the revolutionary party you turn around and point fingers saying they lack good gorvenance and are undemocratic, foolish . we support the direction gvt is moving. it's people centred.ccc has nothing to offer except to crush right left centre and back. INFACT whatever zanupf does it's wrong. so have no alternative solutions except kuda kungotonga chete zvisina kana direction kana ideology.
kg · 1 year ago
shut up mahere! you. and your cronies advocated for SANCTIONS to tighten lives for Zimbabweans in a bid to armtwist citizens to revolt against gvt thereby paving way for puppets to rule
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Wena Kg, sanctions were instituted in 2000 after the Land invasions by you Gukurawundis. I don't ever remember this Fadzayi in politics. In fact, I suspect she was still a student. So how did she bring about sanctions? Stop writing monkey nonsense!!
leadership nyatwa · 1 year ago
mese makasangana musoro chupeti
Zuze · 1 year ago
Iri ranyuka kubva kupiko iri?
. · 1 year ago
hakusi kurwira rakafa dhongi here uku?
taps · 1 year ago
@fugu pfee adzoka akwereteswa fn ED 🙄🤐
doug · 1 year ago
This requires a national debate for everyone, rich or poor to be made to understand.

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