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Govt Promoting The Cannibalisation Of Formal Businesses - Economist

1 year agoTue, 03 Oct 2023 13:24:03 GMT
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Govt Promoting The Cannibalisation Of Formal Businesses - Economist

An economist has accused Finance and Economic Investment Ministry’s Permanent Secretary George Guvamatanga of promoting the cannibalisation of formal businesses after he dismissed claims by owners of formal retailers that informal shops (tuckshops) are killing their businesses.

The economic commentator, Tinashe Murapata, said the retail and wholesale sector is the largest contributor to tax through VAT and the electronic transfer tax. He said:

The perm sec, in his apoplectic misfiring, was invariably accusing himself and Treasury of mismanaging the economy.

Worse, instead of protecting the guys who believed in his policies to the letter, he threw them under the bus.

The retail and wholesale sector is the largest contributor to tax through VAT and 2% electronic transfer tax.

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They act as legal agents to the Treasury. Yet, today, there are clandestine operations that avoid paying VAT at all.

What then does it say about the Treasury promoting the cannibalisation of formal businesses? Businesses that on cue have followed what the President wants?

The banking sector has been reduced to a miserable US$1.2bn lending activity. 25% of its GNU highs. US$2bn deposits outside the banking sector.

The truth is that the Perm Sec is diverting attention. Government of Zimbabwe’s policy prescriptions told the patient to jump off a bridge. Unfortunately, the patient followed instructions.

Guvamatanga made the controversial comments at the Zimbabwe Economic Development Conference (ZEDCON) in Victoria Falls.

Last week, one of the country’s biggest retail chains, OK Zimbabwe, said “tuckshops” are killing large-scale retailers as they are forced to price their products using the official exchange rate which makes the goods very expensive in US dollars.

But Guvamatanga contended that big retailers should come up with innovative measures and adapt to economic dynamics. He said:

How do you complain about a tuck shop that pays five times more per square meter rent, does not have access to credit, and buys all the goods in cash right, because they do not have any access to credit?

Possibly they do not have better systems than what you have. And they do not have access to the cheaper foreign currency, they have to go to the parallel market.

You then come and say that you’re not able to compete because you have been taken out of business by informal tuck shops.

If I were on the board, I would fire you because you will be useless management. I would fire you.

More: Pindula News



concerned citizen · 1 year ago
tuck shop chamusingazive ndechekut inoda musvo bedzi otherwise nechikweretii. thus how they survive.. manje vana zig zag vaakutaurwa nezvavo avo avashande ikokoo..
Cde hondo · 1 year ago
Handina kudzidza ndakaenda kuhondo form 2....prices are driving people away from big retail shops why are goods cheaper in tucks hops, big retailers don't order their stocks on cash but on credit why vachidhura kupfuura vanohodha cash
leadership nyatwa · 1 year ago
todii takamirizika mu leadership nyatwa especially Ku opposition Chamisa instead gvt yese gavhu yese nyatwa maybe pakuda recolonization kuti tive vanhu
... · 1 year ago
broiler riri kuchema kut ndasiiwa pakumhanya ne roadrunner kkkk ana OK kusvika vave kutaura same language nesu siyai vakadaro . ngavamamiswe nema taxes iwayo kana zvarwadza vachadaidzira Idhi out chete.
doug · 1 year ago
The misfired thinking about top government officials and politicians is that organised business is owned by whites, and they should pay taxes and fees to government. With the country's mineral and other resources being taken out by the top people and the connected people, with government not being involved, the officials and connections see no need for having organised labour and employment as it creates headaches for them and that labour is not necessary to them as they get all they want in this life through what are supposed to be illegal exports. That is the reason noone is interested in getting industry back on its feet. The tuckshops seem to be owned by the top people and the well connected, as ordinary citizens would have been arrested and have been forced to close.
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 · 1 year ago
for the first time in history I agree with you Guvamatanga. haugarire brain nekuti paita competition unoita innovate. it's called survival of the fittest wangu go hard or go home nenhau yekugarira brain ana OK ndivo vaifanira vakaita ma tuckshops iwayo kudhara vaine ma agents avo vakatoita dominate the market kwete kuzochemedzwa nema Congo nema Nigerian. iwo ma tuckshops iwayo anofanira ku runnwa nevanhu vemuno chete chete kwete ana Osofa nana Chinenye nnebe. it's like kunzwa a clothes manufacturer achizhamba kut hee mabhero hee mabhero atiuraya.
· 1 year ago
competition haizodi kuti vamakasunga maoko nemakumbo vomanya nevasina kusungwa. Government irikuwanza tumitemo tunotadzisa vema shop makuru kushanda zvakanaka, chi auction Chavo hachishandi nekut macompany anogadzira zvinhu havasi kuwana Mari

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