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Zimbabwe Government Spokesperson Responds To Hichilema's "Name-calling" Comments

1 year agoSun, 10 Sep 2023 17:44:56 GMT
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Zimbabwe Government Spokesperson Responds To Hichilema's "Name-calling" Comments

Zimbabwean government spokesperson Ndavaningi Mangwana has apparently responded to Zambia’s President Hakainde Hichilema who said it is “abnormal” for colleagues to call each other names when trying to solve a problem that they created.

In a video recording that has been circulating on social media, Hichilema hit back at his critics, saying it defies logic that those engaged in name-calling are the ones who created the problem in the first place.

It is not clear who Hichilema was referring to but commentators have suggested that the Zambian leader was referring to Zimbabwe’s ruling party, ZANU PF. He said:

Calling each other names when solving a problem created by colleagues, and names are being called by those who created the problem, it’s not logical. It is not normal. It is called an abnormality, that is what we call it.

ZANU PF officials have labelled Hichilema a puppet of the West after his pick, as Chairperson of the SADC OPDSC, to head the SADC Election Observer Mission (SEOM) to Zimbabwe, Nevers Mumba, and his team, condemned the 23 August Harmonised Elections.

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The SEOM and other international observers said the elections were not free, fair and credible.

In apparent response to Hichilema, Mangwana said what is abnormal is when an official appointed to lead an organ of a regional body attempts to usurp the powers of a neighbouring country’s government. Tweeted Mangwana:

WHAT’S ABNORMAL: For someone to be appointed for an assignment by an organ of a subcontinental body and then behave with supranational arrogance… For a cleric from a neighboring country to usurp the power of the Executive, its Parliament, its Concourt and its Supreme Court and other institutions. That is abnormal!

Mumba is a cleric and according to a report, he founded the Victory Bible Church and Victory Ministries International, a church in Zambia.

In its preliminary report, the SEOM condemned the disqualification of presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere by the courts and the delimitation of electoral boundaries by the Zimbabwe Electoral Authority (ZEC).

Some ZANU PF officials claim Hichilema is working with Western countries that want regime change in Zimbabwe.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Nick Mangwana needs a t****ugh mental examination....
zii · 1 year ago
chokwadi chinovarwadza mazanu
Genaral · 1 year ago
pamberi ne ccc
🏃 Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Duggish adzoka muOffice, ndakuzonakigwa.
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Get away with your sideshows. You're not immune or untraceable. Ndakutsiura
chibabaccc · 1 year ago
I think zvimwe zvinodawo respect Fadzi atadzeyi iwe manure ekwenyu wambovaudza here kt vasiye. chi**** ,shame on you
Wuto · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe is a joke guys we need seriousness in this country zvese kubva kuna president wacho kusvika kuna Chamisa wacho havasi serious mafaniz chete chete
Sun rays · 1 year ago
I think name calling hainyatsoite kuna president weimwe nyika even akava mutengesi hazvibude there are diplomatic phrases that can be used. name calling a president of your neighbouring country is childish and ****. Zambian president asiyana na small boy wedu uyo.
Fadzayi Mahere · 1 year ago
🌻ICYMI: Mt Pleasant has started a constituency poster clear up. We’ll be on the ground removing posters & tidying up our neighbourhoods. Zanu PF candidate, Beadle Gwasira has given us the go ahead to remove his as well. Let’s join hands to make Mt Pleasant pleasant #ForEveryone!
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Fadzie chimboitawo mwana please. You don't even know kuti uri fertile here
.. · 1 year ago
please respect yoself as a woman [if you really are] & respect us wena
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
It's an advice. After all Fadzie mwana wedu ku ZANU PF. Tinoda vazukuru. Pane zera rekubvunzwa kuti une vana vangani each time paunosangana nevanhu....
Makore · 1 year ago
@Chi baby Urimukadzi anovenga umwe mukadzi. Weird.
.. · 1 year ago
you are not a woman
Zuze · 1 year ago
@chi baby cheZANU, please do not parade your ignorance for all to see. Stephen Mahere. Fadzi 's father was NEVER a ZANU functionary. He was a professional civil servant, retiring as Permanent Secretary in the then Ministry of Education. Is it a crime to work as a civil servant under a ZANU government? Not all civil servants are transparent ZANOIDS like George Charamba and Ndabamaningi Mangwana. Musataure zvekwamusina kuswera.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
@Vhedza · 1 year ago
The issue of Wiwa is with the courts. We all heard and know what Wiwa said when Moreblessing was reported missing .Wiwa quickly took to social media and everything was diluted. No one wanted to come forward to say it was wrong however it does not mean there were no eyewitnesses who saw what actually happened that day. Due to Wiwa's utterances it was difficulty to counter them or to come forward and say exactly what happened.
Mabhuruku · 1 year ago
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Pamberi nekubatana. Pasi ne CCC. Pasi nevanoda kutendera ngo cha ni. Pasi ne western sponsored change. Vision 2030 huchi 🍯
change is coming · 1 year ago
Ava vanoda kungoitwa zvekwa Saddam Hussein or Gaddafi coz vanodzvinyirira macivilians their right to choose the leader they want since 2000 vachivhara Kuti vanoda kutengesa nyika Hakuna muzimbabwean anotengesa nyika take icampaign strategy yakare unoudzwa magrade 0
🔥 · 1 year ago
it's abnormal to jail an innocent lawyer without trial
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
What innocent lawyer? Job akakumbira kusungwa uyo
Wuto · 1 year ago
Kuenda kuhondo haisi mhosva or passport yekuti mutitonge forever dai tanga tiripo panguva iyoyo taiendawo kuhondo kwacho
maparamuro · 1 year ago
Can someone tell these Ediots that they gave up their power when they failed to take care of their own citizens forcing the to seek refuge in other countries. By destroying the industries that employed Zim citizens forcing them to seek economic refuge in neighbouring countries you invited your neighbours into your affairs, you gave up the right to decide anything for yourselves. What is abnormal is for a gvt to fail to take care of it's citizens, that's an extreme abnormality. Neighbours can't sit back and watch while you butcher your own citizens, they are more human and will intervene. That's the most logical thing to do
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
MUMBA was off topic
V11 · 1 year ago
Does Chamisa have evidence of the purported rigging? Ngaaendeka nayo kuSADC kwacho. Sei achimirira kuonerwa neumwe munhu wokunze?
matrix · 1 year ago
. · 1 year ago
Yes, arikuSadc with the results. Mukomana hasi mboko
zvaitwa ku BF dezvakaitwa pama votes ngadei tichitaura zvimwe soo · 1 year ago
pkypaaaa kkkk bosso nedembare same nekuinda kuhondo
gamba · 1 year ago
ndokutoperakwazvo uku zvafumuka zvonyadzisa😴😴😴😴
chamisa · 1 year ago
is rigging normal. let's not normalize abnormal people like mangwana
gamba · 1 year ago
zanu imbavha idzo havadichokwadi vanodaku bhabhadzirwa mhondi Ed
observer · 1 year ago
MBA is the true man of the moment saying the truth as it is the truth hauts sometimes
Wuto · 1 year ago
Ed please nguwa dzeshe haiwa kuamba ekuti ingoma inodakadza kuningisa vanhu vaneta kukuona iwe nemhuri yako mune hukama huripo pakati
lactose · 1 year ago
ED inzwa tsitsi iwe some vanhu are going to sleep 💤 with empty stomach's
The Curator · 1 year ago
Asi Chamisa ndiye achaunza chikafu kuvanhu vacho ivavo here?
Xxx · 1 year ago
Gold Mafia boss · 1 year ago
@The Curator vamwe vakazosiiwa nebhazi kurally vakazenge voti handicharioni vakazobatsirwa neCCC
doug · 1 year ago
Is he trying to start a diplomatic war with Zambia on an issue to do with SADC? Whether Mumba is a Christian or of whatever faith, his personal life has nothing to do with where he is being dragged into. He came representing an organisation and any wrongdoing should be taken up with the SADC. Do not go for the individual but the organisation which sent him as their representative. We ar famous for being an educated nation and what we say and do should show that educatedness.
. · 1 year ago
Zanu pf yakaroyiwa just excuse them. Whatever comes from their mouth doesn't make sense, it stinks. Particularly this nurse aid called Mangwana and the likes of Charamba, Chinamasa and Mutsvanga.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
"We ar famous for being an educated nation" kudhara ikoko , when reading and writing was a scarce skill kwete zvaizvezvi. Takasaaaaaaaaaaaaara zvisingaiti. We are still stuck in the 80s
Freedom · 1 year ago
I hate the dictatorship in Zimbabwe. Lord have mercy? For how long are we going to suffer? For how long are people going to be arrested or killed for exercising their constitutional rights?
Freedom · 1 year ago
What's abnormal is rigging elections every time. What's abnormal is making laws that repress people. What's abnormal is ruling with force and intimidation. What's abnormal is the people who murdered by your army since you took office. What's abnormal is the corruption within your administration. What's abnormal is the high unemployment rate in this country. What's abnormal a corrupt judiciary system in this country.
sad emoji1
Mabhuruku · 1 year ago
You nailed it!!
Freedom · 1 year ago
vene vayo · 1 year ago
why immitate democracy when you can never follow the ethics of it ? why can't you just be what you are, a one Party State democracy ? all you are achieving is isolation and dispersion of own people.
· 1 year ago
We thought Chamisa ajutaurisa ito ZANU yatanga Yoti oamurono ZANU PF yacho nikisi
Ini Zvangu · 1 year ago
Zanu yapererwa
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Haaa zveZimbabwe zvafamba!!!
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Thanks miss Jessica
Sorojena · 1 year ago
It's high time this nurse aid Ndabaningi Mangwana shut up his cesspit mouth. This issue is now far beyond their scope. Mnangagwa messed up big time, if his conscience works well for him, he should kiss goodbye to politics.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
ZANU are used to being coddled like a spoiled baby of Southern Africa. They want to bully anyone who does not agree with their tyrannical rule, including a sovereign country like Zambia. They find it galling that for the first time, a SADC elections observer mission is calling them to order. The so-called solidarity of liberation war buddies has marked a welcome departure from the usual pat-in-the-back after a clearly flawed election process. The reaction and subsequent response by the Harare regime is clear evidence the so-called election was a sham. Ask yourself- why, out of several observer teams none has commended ZANU and ZEC for the way they conducted the election? Their denial has found no takers domestically and internationally.

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