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Serial Killer Reveals How He Murdered Five "Street Kids" In Harare CBD

1 year agoFri, 08 Sep 2023 05:05:12 GMT
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Serial Killer Reveals How He Murdered Five "Street Kids" In Harare CBD

A homeless man who allegedly murdered five other homeless people in Harare Central Business District in the space of six days has been formally placed on remand, reported New

The suspect, Thandolwenkosi Ndlovu (20) appeared before Harare magistrate Ellen Chihera after he made indications on how he committed the crimes.

Ndlovu faces another count of attempted murder.

According to court papers, Ndlovu’s first victim was Emmanuel Godfrey aged 25 years.

It is alleged that on 28 August 2023 at around 12 midnight, Ndlovu approached Godfrey who was asleep on a pavement near Chinengundu Building at the corner of George Silundika Avenue and Simon Muzenda Street, Harare. Read the court papers:

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He crushed the now deceased’s head using a concrete block killing him instantly and thereafter he slit open the deceased’s stomach, took some body parts yet to be established and went away.

On 28 August 2023 at around 0800 hours the body of the now deceased was discovered by the informant who reported the matter to the police.

In the next count, on 31 August 2023, at around 12 midnight, Ndlovu allegedly killed another street kid who is yet to be identified.

The now deceased was asleep at the corner of Innez Terrace and Robert Mugabe Roads, Harare.

Ndlovu crushed the now deceased’s head using a concrete block thereby killing him instantly and he went away.

The body of the now deceased was discovered by a passer-by who reported the matter.

In the third count, Ndlovu is charged with attempted murder.

It is alleged on 02 September 2023, at around 11 PM, Ndlovu attacked one Sabelo Masheo Dube aged 33 years and also homeless.

The complainant was asleep behind Rainbow Towers at the corner of Samora Machel and Rekayi Tangwena Roads, Harare.

He was suddenly approached by the accused who stood beside him and he identified the accused as a fellow vagrant.

Dube asked Ndlovu what he wanted but the accused was only smiling without saying anything.

A few minutes later, the complainant was suddenly attacked on the head with a boulder. Read the court papers:

The complainant got up and saw the accused picking the boulder in an effort to smash him again.

The complainant managed to escape but he sustained a deep cut on the forehead. The matter was later reported to the police.

In count four Ndlovu is charged with murder. His victim is yet to be identified.

The court heard that on 3 September 2023 at around 1 AM, the accused approached the now deceased who was asleep at the corner of Nelson Mandela Avenue and Seventh Street, Harare. Read the court papers:

The accused who was armed with a big stone smashed the now deceased’s head killing him instantly.

The accused tried to cut off the now-deceased’s penis and later fled from the scene.

The body of the now deceased was seen by a passer-by who made a report to the police.

In counts five and six, Ndlovu is charged with murder.

He allegedly killed two homeless people who were asleep in a bushy area near Mupedzanhamo.

One of the victims was identified as Kutenda Chisanduro and the other male adult was yet to be identified. The court heard:

He crushed the two’s heads with two concrete blocks thereby killing them instantly. The accused slit open their stomachs and took yet-to-be-established internal organs before leaving the scene.

The two bodies were discovered by a passer-by who reported the matter to the police.

Detectives from CID Homicide, Harare received information linking Ndlovu to the offences on 4 September 2023.

They tracked Ndlovu leading to his arrest near Simon Mazorodze flyover, Harare.

Upon arrest, detectives recovered blood-stained clothes which the accused was wearing.

The accused later made some formal indications at the crime scenes.

More: Pindula News



. · 1 year ago
Well no more suffering for those departed street kids.
@.. · 1 year ago
pa issue ya interpreter mu court motaurwa neChirungu shepi😂so iwe unosarudza language yaunonzwa potsvagwa interpreter anogona that language
Dark 🌑 Retribution Dark 🌑 · 1 year ago
they send him to do it , after he acquires what his sent to get he is probably given food n drink, the real culprits are still there, the people who use body parts for rituals, to make money, or as instructions from a witch doctor to perform some spiritual cleansing, but it is Most likely related to making money... It's The Beginning Of The End!!!
.. · 1 year ago
Munhu uyu hapenge asi arikuitiswa ne Timhu rino shinha vemishonga netukwenzi ku nyanyisa How come he knows his name, and on one article was appealing for an interpreter in court
Munhu · 1 year ago
It could be that this guy was being paid by a rich person in some leafy surburb of Harare to kill and retrieve body parts which they will use for rituals
doug · 1 year ago
That is what police should have found by now, as, from they got to know of the issue on social media, they should have started investigating. Even the mental hospital or court should be able to extract it from him if the police may have missed it.
maparamuro · 1 year ago
if muvevi was let go what of this one, a sure mental case. Killing for no reason. Muvevi knew what he was doing, set out to kill those people
lacto · 1 year ago
death sentence please
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
🤤 Zimbabwe was turned into Gotham City by ED.
F · 1 year ago
Yaaa uyu murwere wepfungwa chaiye
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Iwe hauna kunyatso tarisa munhu uyo mwana waED chaiye, Ndlovu isurname ya Mai vacho
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
😲😲😲😲 Oooh My Gosh. But sadly this guy achazongobuda since ED achipa ma Presidential pardons to rapists and psychos like himself. Ndlovu will be a free man next year if ED remains in power. Zvakaoma
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
He's mentally unfit
Aj · 1 year ago
Just like ED
. · 1 year ago
@Aj YOU CLAIM YOU JUST LIKED it how bizarre
TTT · 1 year ago
Muno, never allow your dead relative to be performed post mortem.
TTT · 1 year ago
Muno, never allow your dead relative to be performed post mortem.
jane · 1 year ago
this man is a monster.
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
🤤 @Jane yes he is and Zim is becoming like Gotham City from Batman. Gotham has psychopaths like this man and alot more.
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
Gotham has psychopaths like this man and alot more. As in R. Kelly's 🙄
doug · 1 year ago
Those with money and those with power are referred to doctors to get proof that they were or are mentally challenged to be tried. Everyone can see it that this young man is mentally challenged without even need of an assessment from a doctor.
TEE · 1 year ago
mandrose · 1 year ago
Iro ndo bere chairo riri mumunhu
· 1 year ago
Well you will be seing Team ZimX standing there everyday doing nothing solid but having million dollar cars,expensive phones, clothes and enjoying tbeir lives with less effort then obviously you will ask how. I think he was given a recipe to have a lovely prosperous life just by delivering a few organs. Shortcuts to life
TEE · 1 year ago
Tk · 1 year ago
Achizviisepi zvaaitora
Ø · 1 year ago
He's a cannibal.
citizen · 1 year ago
how did this NDEBELE guy become so twisted
🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
He's following footsteps of his forefathers, Lobengula was hannibal and cannibal it is said he use to kill people and drink blood hence he had a big stomach but he too was eaten a life in the wild,. 🤷‍♂️ They say he disappeared but was mauled by shumba when he was fleeing confrontation
Anonymous · 1 year ago
respect other people
Sorojena · 1 year ago
Obviously he's one of the product of a Gugurahundist rape cases
🤔 🤨 🤪 · 1 year ago
Angibathuki bantu siszwe seNkosi kungnzimele lami ngakhulula, lingexolele, kesi bonisaneni lesi sihlazo emkhonweni omude kwelikamthwakazi Esikhosini into ezinje kumele zingahlekelelwa qha Ngoba ngamathunzi lawa ezenza kube kumemetheke kungela okhuzayo Ngiyezwa inhlambatha zonke elizkhululayo kodwa phela nanko lizimbabwe eliphazamise impilwende yabanye bakhe, Uxolo sizwe sakithi
Me · 1 year ago
We won't proper being led by the Shona people, they're damn racists.Yikho abantu besiNdebeleni bengaCommenti on this platform.
TEE · 1 year ago
maNcu · 1 year ago
very correct I thought it's a Shona platform..yikho okuphongugcwala everywhere
... · 1 year ago
Bababanengi Ngoba baba lakho okokukhuluma thina abesindebeleni asi lakho esikukhankaselayo, you can switch into English, isijeki, kumbe jaroo kuyaxoxeka nje kulelilembu Incothozo isuka ibe too extreme lalokhu kobu gukurahundi, ayisiko okungaquba ingxoxo siyakukhuluma kodwa kusala kulenga njalo sizakuphinda kodwa isiphetho ku ina kuswela umkantsho njengo a siku exhausted

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