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Govt To Maintain Tight Fiscal And Monetary Policy Measures

1 year agoFri, 08 Sep 2023 07:45:15 GMT
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Govt To Maintain Tight Fiscal And Monetary Policy Measures

The Government has said the tight fiscal and monetary policy measures put in place to stabilise the economy will continue.

In a statement released on Thursday, 07 September, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, said that it has made considerable progress in fostering domestic macroeconomic stability.

The Ministry said since the introduction of the measures several months ago, the Zimbabwe dollar has stabilised and inflation has been falling.

Read the full statement by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development below:

1. Government reaffirms that considerable progress has been achieved in fostering domestic macroeconomic stability by implementing a broad range of fiscal and monetary stabilisation measures.

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2. Pursuant to the statement issued by government on the 29th of May 2023, the official exchange rate strengthened from about US$1: ZWL$6900 to US$1: ZWL$4500 highlighting the positive impact of policy interventions by Government.

3. Inflation month on month dropped commensurately from +30% in June to -15% in July.

4. Government, in this post-election period, is therefore committed to ensure that such macroeconomic stability endures and is sustainable through implementation of sound macroeconomic policies, to achieve envisaged economic growth targets.

5. In this regard, the government will continue with the tight fiscal and monetary policy measures that include:

  • Adopting all external liabilities being funded transparently through the national budget which has been completed;
  • Increasing the retention on domestic foreign currency sales 100% – This has resulted in domestic businesses accessing more foreign currency from the market and translating into additional US dollar deposits in the banking system;
  • Promoting the use of domestic currency by using measures such as payment of corporate taxes and Government Agencies’ fees in local currency, and additional measures are under consideration;
  • Making sure that there is no backlog in the foreign currency auction system – government will continue to support the Auction with foreign currency, and pay winning bids at the auction within 24 hours of award.

6. In order to encourage the banking of foreign currency which is mainly in the informal sector while promoting the use of the local currency, Government will;

  • Continue promoting the use of domestic currency by enforcing that:

i) All Government Agencies including Parastatals will continue to collect their fees in local currency; and

ii) Payments to ZESA by non-exporters will continue to be made in ZWL.

  • Local interbank foreign transactions IMT tax will be maintained at 1%
  • POS IMT tax in foreign currency will be maintained at 1%

7. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) will continue with the issuance of Non- Negotiable Certificates of Deposits (NNCDs) in order to mop up excess liquidity, on terms that ensure regulated access to the NNCDs liquidity by banks.

8. To sterilise excess liquidity already injected into the economy, Government will continue with its policy interventions like issuance of Treasury bills in conjunction with appropriate monetary policy tools being implemented by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.

9. Strengthening of Surveillance and Monitoring by the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) in order to stem speculative activity in the economy.

10. To continue with the issuance of gold coins and gold-backed digital tokens as a store of value and for transaction purposes, while supporting financial inclusion.

11. To further continue with efforts of mopping up excess liquidity in the market and regulating payments to government contractors.


Government remains fully committed to the maintenance of macro-economic stability and will continue to revive the purchasing power of the Zimbabwe dollar and the restoration of trust and confidence in the economy.

More: Pindula News



Fugu · 1 year ago
Apa minister varikuhora USD wotigadzirira zwl 🤣🤣🤣 vamwe vanhu harione denga
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ngatifarire mari yedu zim dollar muchaona ichiita value, mari dzevamwe hakuna kwatinosvika hatisi ma Diaspora mhani, anoda forein currency buda kunze unoshanda musatinyangadza
abc · 1 year ago
mari yedu tinoida but asi wacho akatii shandise haatoishandise zvorevei saka isu chete tongombunyikidzwa kuti tiishandise here zvobuda
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Yes yes limit injections and limit money circulation too. The saboteurs are ready to fuel inflation. Come up with strategies to countermand relentless efforts to cause an economic meltdown
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 · 1 year ago
Dai zvichinzi parino appreciater zviye, o introducer a new current, step by step zvichingodaro, dollar 💵 rino gainer value and can spiral itself to one to double then single figures in no time
. · 1 year ago
parate mambo tryer wish you could maintain that coz mabond anga awandisa kushomeka kwawo means more usd less raratgs pama sales, zvichifaya tirimo muguta guru reHarare padhuze ne chicken inn, just unfortunate some will have to wait for anatha 5 years to taste it
abc · 1 year ago
imimi minister muritsotsi vashandi vaizvitambirira ma Us avo zvichito fire imi mukaunza Zim dollar renyu risina value ichozvino vashandi vakutambura Rega RG akakudzingai muno pamaiva nechi bank chenyu chembavaha aiziva zvaaiita muchibira vanhu
🤔 · 1 year ago
Hakuna kwatoenda kana tikashora minister, he had his attempt undermining the intellect we have had to become, so he's being appointed and gone through all this that his seen he now knows that he's had to work out with people not dictates of hamelin volumes, negotiate way forward and in this case Baccossi and or subsidy is key Gono did that and was a time where certain denomination in currency were appreciated like $5 to 20 etc
abc · 1 year ago
how many times do you want thezimdollar to be rejected . the economy is like water in the river should flow. so making those stiff measures show that he is forcing the impossibles it won't work unless certain measures and procedures are done not that shot cut even gono will tell you that my friend you haven't started yet
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
Yes tese we want this economy but they are issues to do with urbanite hunger, why can't we have subsidised basic commodities or even baccossi zvayo coz nothing is working in industries as yet, paying particular attention to Bulawayo as it was known as the country's sole industrial hub since time immemorial
· 1 year ago
I think our government might have a dent on their budget if they trt to subsidize basic commodities.
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
The dent would not be felt as they would be making efforts to bring up the economy which with the people's minds settled is definitely poised for a boom in short space of time The key issue is Industry hausi ku sevenza at the moment and people varikungwavhangwavha that's not dependable and never will, like now it's losing its lustre, kwavekupera muto, besides no tax revenues can get collected from such illicit acts .. 🤷‍♂️
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
They want you to get food from those that you voted for.

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