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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe's New MPs And Senators Will Be Sworn In On Thursday

1 year agoWed, 06 Sep 2023 15:47:52 GMT
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Zimbabwe's New MPs And Senators Will Be Sworn In On Thursday

Zimbabwe’s newly elected Members of Parliament (MPs) and Senators are scheduled to be sworn in on Thursday, marking the beginning of the tenth parliament since the country gained independence.

The announcement was made by Kennedy Chokuda, the Clerk of Parliament, through an extraordinary gazette. According to the notice, 279 MPs and 90 Senators are expected to take their oath of office. Chokuda said:

It is hereby notified that, in terms of section 128 (1) of the Constitution, the day and time for Member of Parliament before the Clerk of Parliament in the form set out in the Third Schedule to the Constitution shall be – (a) ten o’clock in the morning on Thursday, the 7th of September, 2023, for Members of the National Assembly; and (b) half past two o’clock in the afternoon on Thursday, the 7th of September, 2023, for Members of the Senate; at the Parliament Building, Harare.

The swearing-in ceremony follows the harmonized elections that took place on August 23 of this year. The ruling party, ZANU PF, secured 136 electable seats, while the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) won 73 seats. However, the actual number of MPs being sworn in will be slightly higher, as there are legislators from both parties appointed to the parliament under the proportional representation system. ZANU PF will have 176 legislators taking their oath, and the CCC will have 103.

In the Senate, ZANU PF has 33 senators, and the CCC has 27. Additionally, 18 chiefs and two representatives of people with disabilities will join the 60 senators from the two political parties. The country’s tenth parliament will be without a lawmaker from the MDC party for the first time in over 23 years.

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Nyakaz · 1 year ago
ha ko aigotaurawo kutiiko kuma supporters ake nhai aitongotiwoka ndabirirwa nhai.hanti aipihwa mari nevarungu saka ndopane nyaya yacho kuti ukunyara kuvaudza kuti ndakadyiwa,vamwe vake ma councillors nema MPs vatopabasa iye arikungondeya
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Mutambo uya uriko nhasi vakomana nevasikana. Nywe nywe nywe yese iya yapera. Heee takabirirwa. Heee tine ma V11. Heee tichabuditsa ma results musi wa 24... Heee ndakataura na trump.... Heee tatumira Timba ku SADC... hee tichawana rubatsiro... Heee dont lose hope. Heee God is in it... Nhasi ma MP ese achakotama President wenyika. Kugadzwa hu MP kubvumirana na president varipo hallelujah!!!! Pamberi nekubatana😊😍😊
Bhomora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
😂😂😂 **** apa Zesa yadzima magetsi kuno ku Mount Pleasant at 5 a.m. shaaz, ED akati nyepera nana Ziyambi Ziyambi kuti we have alot of electricity power generation. Soon after elections magetsi akatanga kuenda
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Ko kanzuru yakambomira kudzingirira ma vendor nemakombi mu town here? Kanzuru ye CCC. Apa yakavhoterwa muno mu Harare overwhelmingly but irikushungurudza majority yevanhu vari kupemha. Mapedza kushora CCC here zvamakushora ZANU PF PARTY 🤔
. · 1 year ago
Ne kuzoitwa minister if finance hako wogadzira dollar racho kuda uchada rand here nekuti maduro awunoita Jozi ka unokudza rand sezi ondzi rino printiwa muno,
@ᴋɢᴏsɪ ᴅᴇ_ʀɪᴄᴄʜ💖 · 1 year ago
@Pashor Raphael Sibanda Newly elected (ccc) mp for cowdray park enjoy your mp mp rule for 5years. do not forget the youth dear Ccc mp
question · 1 year ago
senator ndovapi?
🧐 · 1 year ago
Asika kukashaikwa wo anomureplacer vamwe veku Tiripusseys vachamusarudza wo ka to make 2 thirds yacho
Fan · 1 year ago
At least Zanu Pf does not have a 2/3 majority in Parliament they won't have to amend the constitution to give Ed a third run at the presidency in 2028
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Tomorrow 7th day of September 2023, there will be swearing in of 176 Members of Parliament from ZANU PF [ 136 elected + 40 proportional representatives = 176 ]. On CCC there will be [ 73 elected + 30 Proportional répresentitives = 103 ]. After results of elections were out, I changed my thrust and urged CCC to join Parliament by attending the swearing in ceremony. This is what is going to happen tomorrow. Hats off to Advocate Nelson Chamisa. He has taken heed of my advice. The good thing with these figures is that ZANU PF has no 2/3 majority meaning that CCC will stand guard of the amendment of the Constitution. Advocate Nelson Chamisa book meetings with His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa under protest and discuss the way forward so that you help citizens to build our economy. Then remember Advocate Job Sikhala and Jacob Ngarivhume and many others in carried over detention. Do not forget Electoral Reforms and any other meaningful Reforms pointed out by all Elections Observer Missions. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
· 1 year ago
Bush Lawyer, Mnangagwa IS NOT an Advocate. You abuse the term Advocate.
💃 · 1 year ago
Neither is he a doctor
mercy · 1 year ago
May God in heaven have mercy upon God fearing Zimbabweans
Shonaboy · 1 year ago
MDC yakatoparara takatarisa. Haina kana chigaro chimwe zvacho? Zvinonyadzisa.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kkkk Dougie naMogeni ava marovha ngavauye tivape basa .
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Eheka. Vakawana mabasa ehutungamiriri vachipinda. Vasina vachimirira 2028.🤣🤣🤣🤣CCC muriko here?

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