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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

ZEC Says It Displayed V.11 Forms At Polling Stations And Shared With Political Parties' Agents

1 year agoFri, 01 Sep 2023 18:03:52 GMT
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ZEC Says It Displayed V.11 Forms At Polling Stations And Shared With Political Parties' Agents

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has stated that polling station return forms (V.11) were displayed outside all polling stations and shared with political parties’ agents and observers. This is a response to calls for ZEC to provide evidence supporting President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s victory in the August 23-24, 2023 presidential election.

The opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has expressed concerns about the integrity of the recent elections, alleging collusion between ZEC and ZANU PF to manipulate results in favour of the ruling party. As a result, the CCC is calling for fresh elections supervised by an impartial body instead of the perceived biased ZEC.

In response to the CCC and other stakeholders who are challenging the commission to provide evidence that the results were not altered, ZEC yesterday stated that it is not legally obligated to publish the V.11 forms. In its latest statement, ZEC said:


V11s were displayed outside all polling stations for the public to see and copies were also shared with all political parties agents and observers.

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V23s were given to all agents and observers and also publicly displayed.

According to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), President Mnangagwa received 2,350,711 votes (52.6%), while Nelson Chamisa received 1,967,343 votes (44%). This means Chamisa lost by a margin of 383,368 votes. However, Freeman Chari claims they loaded 11,872 V11 forms, and their calculations indicate that Chamisa received more votes than the number reported by ZEC. He argues that the V11 forms will prove that ZEC altered the results.

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maparamuro · 1 year ago
When did poor pastor Chamisa realize that Zec was biased? Was it after or before the elections? The Chamisa we have known since the death of Morgan is not a confrontational person, and that's very normal for a Pastor so after inauguration of idhi it's suffer continue and we suffer peacefully. After the 2013 loss by the MDC, Biti and Mangoma led in a call for leadership renewal, they were brutalized by Morgan's worshippers. Chamisa has been given two chances and failed. His worshippers will want him to have a 3rd, 4th and 5th trial before they agree that Ostallos is a good candidate for the 2028 elections or the more seasoned Biti. Now waiting for tantrums from Chamisa's worshippers
Felix Wazekwa · 1 year ago
Chamisa is not confrontational because he is a coward. Imbwende. He runs away from dekos and protests and betrays those who get involved. Thats why he appointed Promise Mkwananzi of Tajamuka to do the confrontational part. ZANU Pf Knows this cowardly weakness and so they exploit it to their advantage. Chamisa will rant and rave to no avail. He lacks the stature and the gravitas to be taken seriously by Zanu Pf. Tsvangiral, and Biti as SG were brave thats why they could force the GNU.
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
If V11s were shared to the public then it's very easy to produce them as evidence nhai ZEC 🤔 we need to move on as a Nation...
Kamwendo · 1 year ago
Election mode is over time to continue nekungwavangwava because nothing will change, ccc will just make noise but without evidence they wl just cry and tears wl dry on their cheeks without any gain.
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Chamisa hafe akatonga nyika ino. Territory yake ndi sithokozile nhai ka!!!
hotline · 1 year ago
free and fair Kuti pfee kobodo nemusoro kuti chubwi Handi igarwe here Shumbalo 🦔🦔🔥🔥🔥🔥 ndokuti vanhu vazive nekuremekedza vakuru vavo, kwete tsika dzemangerengere
guyz kana mazogara mnanangagwa zvazvinhu · 1 year ago
andina kuhwisisa kuti zvakafamba cy kuti ahwinhe this year mmmmmmm pkypaaaa we thought bho bho akafa nazvo izvoo eeeee akatosiya zviombe pakubirira
hotline · 1 year ago
ED anopedzera manje Zimbabwe inotongwa nevadara vayo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Chamisa anotoda shamhu yakakangwa nemunyu kuti abvume kuti wakadyiwa all the time ndiyo song yake kushaya kuti woudza maSupporter ake achii nekuti akanyepa kuti akakunda zanu pf no more rigging this time takabata machine wacho manje akairasa kkkkkkk
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Chari mukati ndati munhu mukati ndati munhu mukati
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
CCC now has one day for it to go to court to register their rejection of the August 23-24/08/2023 Harmonised Elections results. I insist that they should not go to court no matter how much evidence they may have. They will get zero at court. My advice to CCC is that they must join ZANU PF in government. After all they curtailed ZANU PF from getting 2/3 majority, meaning that ZANU PF can not amend the Constitution without CCC's agreement. That is too powerful. President Mnangagwa' may find ways of amending the Constitution to accommodate Advocate Nelson Chamisa. He should join POLAD as well so that he draws himself closer to the President. He may then use his proximity to him and book extra ordinary meetings with him.. This has effects of protecting citizenry from poverty. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
BULL-SH|T LAWYER · 1 year ago
😠😡😠😡😠 Iwe Bull-Sh|t Lawyer. Unoda kuurayisa mwana haikona? Vangani vafa nePoision, vamwe neCOVID vamwe neAccident vachinovingwa paHur€'s Acre? Ndufu dzisinganzwisisike. POLAD chii chayakaita chinobatika? Kuenda kuCourt ndizvo zvakataurwa uye zvakatarwa nemutemo kana paine kunyunyuta pamusoro pesarudzo. Unofunga Gold Mafia nemaGindagoriya vangagone kushanda naChamisa ivo vakatadza kushanda naKasukuwere? Unida kuti mukomana afe neColon Cancer?
zxie · 1 year ago
🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 is for Zimbabwean not purppts
Yeke 🍌 · 1 year ago
mom's avo vanoda Yeke 🍌
Wuto · 1 year ago
Dhiki · 1 year ago
Itai fast innaguration ne monday
· 1 year ago
I think zvavarana mangwana its weekend and they can't stop or challenge anything. They will just cry fould chete
ZIDOFO · 1 year ago
Tsano. High Court, Supreme Court, neConstitutional court hazvivharwe neWeekend. Registrar of Court anenge aripo achitambira maUrgent Applications. Seven days dzekuita Filing of Electoral Petitions includes weekends. Kunyangwe Magistrates Court inoita maBail Applications nema Remand Hearings paWeekend.

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