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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Not Free And Fair, UZA Slams 2023 Harmonised Elections

1 year agoTue, 29 Aug 2023 06:42:36 GMT
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Not Free And Fair, UZA Slams 2023 Harmonised Elections

The opposition United Zimbabwe Alliance (UZA) party led by Elisabeth Valerio has condemned the manner in which the 2023 Harmonised Elections were conducted, saying it negatively impacted the polls’ credibility.

In a statement, UZA said the picture quality of the Presidential ballot was poor and Valerio’s picture and the party logo “were hardly recognisable.”

Read the full statement below:

The United Zimbabwe Alliance (UZA) is disappointed with the manner in which the ongoing harmonized elections were conducted.

We are highly concerned by several issues regarding the elections administration and the conduct of some of the political parties. These factors have affected the credibility of the polls.

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On the Presidential ballot, our Presidential candidate Elisabeth Valerio’s picture and our party logo were hardly recognizable.

We also noted that while our presidential candidate’s photo and the UZA party logo were smudged, the picture of President Emmerson Mnangagwa and the ZANU PF party logo were printed clearly.

We also found it to be highly unconventional that the first column on the presidential ballot had fewer candidates listed than the right column.

Voting especially in several urban constituencies was delayed and voters reported to us that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission failed to avail local authority ballots timeously.

This is despite the elections body’s claim that it was ready for elections. The development potentially caused voter apathy.

Many of the citizens who remained at the affected polling stations were forced to vote at night causing safety concerns.

Many of these polling stations also did not have adequate lighting. This created unnecessary challenges for the electorate in the affected polling stations and caused us great concern as a political party.

We now question the credibility and accuracy of the votes counted under such circumstances.

Our party is also outraged by the disenfranchisement of registered voters who, despite having checked their voter registration prior to election day, found their names were missing from the voters’ roll.

This leaves us with questions about the credibility of the voters’ roll and the system the electoral commission is using to track voter registrations.

At some polling stations, citizens complained that they were being served by unskilled officials who were very slow, hence delaying the voting process.

There have also been numerous cases of politically motivated violence and widespread reports from the electorate about exit interview desks which were set up a few meters from polling stations.

Most felt intimidated by the presence of these desks as they had ZANU PF tablecloths. Voters felt they were being watched. This all renders the election unfair.

We believe that a free and fair election entails ensuring a level environment for all parties.

The elections body should ensure that the election results are not disputed and are accepted by all.

More: Pindula News



gunners · 1 year ago
pa ballot quality apo bvavaisa blek and white kvaive kuvhiringa vhiringaa vanhu kaaa ukoo
zxie · 1 year ago
anozikanwa nani woo uyuu
zxie · 1 year ago
uyuu wooo uyu auto vepowoo pama candidate here
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zanu yakagara iri yemadzakutsaku mhondi!! Hapana chavanogona kunze kwekuuraya, kunyepa nekuparadza. Satanists to the core!!
@NATO · 1 year ago
inonzi exit polls survey and it was intra party exercise conducted outside the 300m one was forced to participate it was purely voluntary.stop spreading false information please.
NATO · 1 year ago
thank you very much @ Elizabeth Valerio. hatisi tega takabirirwa asimhuri yovana vomu zim chokwadi vanhu kuisa madesk outside polling stations to intimidate marights evanhu.humbavha hunotangira pakubira vamwe mapen murikuchikoro
Kkkkkk · 1 year ago
Kkkkkkk zvairiChembere nhy imi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ko dambudzo mukomana here?
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 · 1 year ago
When we chew the cud, mukuzeya mamiriro ema elections ne zvese zvataurwa na moma ava, chokwadi chaizvo izvo makapinza Zec pa corner Uku, vavekuprinter ma ballot, when the disk is ready, Hezvo Concourt, an appellant, why am I ineligible to contest Handei ku mutemo, Delimitation process Handei kumutemo Manotoka kusubmita ma nomination papers, Handei ku mutemo kwazorambwa ngatikwidzeyi kuma tare, etc but ka time to print was getting run down, tha adjustments and certification to print but still interjection of courts appellant all that even ve Robotic Engineering would never met up with such scrambling so I think some degree of permissivity should have been allowed for Zec to fullfill their mandate without all this brandishing, as incompetent They worked tirelessly these people and elections came however its not important for someone on limited time and resourcefulness Zec did the done and picking their flaws is absurd a that time
@ · 1 year ago
Iwe pakaipa. Army yakajamuka izvezvi. dzikama hako - Chigumba naED vari. pamahwani uchaona kufumurwa kuchaitwa Zanu naBaba ED Avo
ex uto · 1 year ago
tipe detail
@CCC dummies · 1 year ago
ndinotya kwazvo nemafungiro evanhu vekwa Nero eh munofunga kut zanu pf inosapotwa nevanhu vane nhamo CCC ichisapotwa nevanhu vagere mushe mushe hanty???ko kana mugere mushe mushe vanhu vekwa Nero marwadziwa nei nekuhwinha zvne mutsindo kwakaitwa na baba mnangagwa chibaba????just maintain the status quo vanhu vekwa Nero ko hanty mugere mushe mushe here ???
comment · 1 year ago
you are speaking 🗣️ the truth madam
kg · 1 year ago
FBI · 1 year ago
zec & zanu matwins amai,mwana wembwa imbwawo ! nero ndiyo threat yadzo .
Sun rays · 1 year ago
dzatove stale news idzo tatomirira hedu kuitwa sworn in kwe crocodile tiende mberi ne life zvekuti Valerio azotii izvo munhu akavhoterwa nevanhu 350 whole country????
S · 1 year ago
unosapota zanu pf apa unenhamo. hauna kana mari yetenga data.

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