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Zimbabwe 2023 Elections: Reactions To Mnangagwa's Victory Against Chamisa

1 year agoSat, 26 Aug 2023 22:45:36 GMT
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Zimbabwe 2023 Elections: Reactions To Mnangagwa's Victory Against Chamisa

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has declared Emmerson Mnangagwa as the winner of the 2023 presidential election triggering varying responses. ZEC said Mnangagwa secured 2,350,711 votes which translates to 52.6%, while Nelson Chamisa received 1 967 343  which translates to 44% of the total votes cast.

Advocate Thabani Mpofu, who represented Chamisa in the legal challenge of the 2018 presidential election results, urged the public to remain patient, stating that they would correct the outcome. He posted on X, formerly Twitter:

Be calm Zim & maintain peace. As I said, this is the beginning of many beautiful things. ED loses against his own people & against his opponents. So how is he declared a winner? You can’t call this election a dog’s breakfast without insulting dogs. This shall be corrected.

In response to Mpofu’s comments, Jealousy Mawarire stated that lawyers would benefit financially from the lawsuits. He expressed the view that this cycle of legal disputes would continue every five years during Zimbabwean elections. He said:

And it’s now time for lawyers to make money, then nothing changes and the cycle is repeated in 5 years, Zim elections !!!. Renyu ratanga bamunini, rovai bag!!!! We supported someone in 2018, he got 2.1 m votes but akati “Mugabe endorsement” lost him the election, this time takati regai zvizhakane tiri “kuma terrace” 

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Team Pachedu agreed with Thabani Mpofu’s assertion that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) manipulated the election results to favor Emmerson Mnangagwa. Team Pachedu responded by pointing out that ZEC unlawfully added additional voters to the voters’ roll after the official registration deadline had passed. Team Pachedu reacted:

ZEC illegally added more voters to the voters roll after registration had officially closed. The final voters roll published by ZEC on 11 July had 6,619,691 voters. However, ZEC has just announced a different higher VR figure of 6,623,511 voters. ZEC must be sued! @ZECzim

Prior to the announcement of the results, Team Pachedu alleged that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) was compelling Presiding Officers and Polling Agents to sign new V11 forms at Goromonzi RDC offices. They stated that they had received multiple reports of similar incidents from various regions, with a significant number of them originating from rural polling stations. Team Pachedu called for an immediate explanation from ZEC regarding these allegations.

Promise Mkwananzi, the spokesperson for Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), suggested that there was a process to rectify “this madness”. He said:

We are in a transition that transcends all this madness, it’s an evolution! Zimbabwe will never go back where it was before the 23rd of August 2023.

According to academic Ibbo Mandaza, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) participated in an electoral process that was flawed. Mandaza expressed regret, stating that CCC unintentionally became involved in an exercise that was fundamentally flawed. He said:

Regrettably., CCC stumbled into a flawed exercise and witnessed the entire sham, the worst in the history of elections in Zimbabwe. Back to the future!

Ibbo Mandaza’s comments resonate with the sentiments expressed by Douglas Mwonzora, the leader of the MDC when he withdrew from the presidential race, citing an unfair and imbalanced electoral environment. Mwonzora urged the opposition to boycott the poll, stating that participating in such a situation would be an act of misguided courage. Mwonzora warned:

This election is stacked against the opposition; already, laws are being changed as the election process is going on.

ZANU PF supporter, Kudzai Mutsisi stated that a significant number of people did not participate in the voting process, which may have contributed to Chamisa’s defeat in the election. Analyzing the election results, Mutsisi said:

Looking at the election results, it’s clear LOTS of people didn’t vote… U don’t vote but waste time on social claiming nonexistent victory for your preferred candidate… Harare has more than 1 million voters, only 700 000 voted. Singing at rallies doesn’t win elections folks.

Some observers alleged that the voting delays encountered in Harare and Bulawayo, which are known as opposition strongholds, were intentionally orchestrated to discourage the electorate and limit the number of votes for Chamisa. At several polling stations, ballot papers arrived extremely late, some as late as 11 p.m., despite the scheduled voting start time of 7 a.m. These delays were seen as an effort to hinder the voting process and possibly undermine the support for Chamisa.

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Sorojena · 1 year ago
I congratulate the CCC for defeating the ⅔ majority rule despite all the ZEC chicanery. Participating on a sham election actually helps in preventing dictatorship. The two third majority defeat is the CCC trump card. Elections don't end immediately after the polls, some may fall out as we go yo give way for by-elections.
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Mnangagwa huchi pasina nyuchi!! 😊Pfeeeeeeeeee Rega tipfeke Gucci
Mr Nice · 1 year ago
asi nhmo **** nayo hausati wamuziva munangagwa
. · 1 year ago
kkkk une mari yacho here yekutenga Gucci nemadhuriro ainoita
Bhomora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Haa muchaona kuti maZimbabwean achinja mapurisa vacharohwa neMob
viva viva · 1 year ago
erections not elections is what we had .pamberi nekubatana pasi nakasukuwere! satan haasi wekutamba naye ndazviona
walos · 1 year ago
Don't incite violence in this Peaceful nation. Every leader by whatever means is ordained by God. Lets support our Leader given to us. U might thing of violence, coup, revolt, unrest, etc whatever u name it, the consequences are not just bad but sorrowful. The nations which are experiencing this are remorsefully lamenting to have not intially started it. It's easier said but hard to digest. If one doesn't fear God's replica (the general public) then fear Him only. Then if u don't fear Him then it's unfortunate boz u don't respect yo Potter who created u and has got powers to destroy u as well when He deems it fit to declare yo destiny anytime anywhere without notice.
ted · 1 year ago
pachinhoyi pane vakafa, chimoyo vakafa, kukangonzi hondo ndaenda, even ndakafa the next hr ndajona ndikoko. zcakubhowa kungonzwa vanhu vachiti takarwira nyika iye ari tsaga
ms · 1 year ago
mwari upi wauri kutaura, mwari anotida haambotipa mhondi, mbavha dzisina basa nevanhu idzi. hameno mwari wauri kutaura anonzi ani
rs6 · 1 year ago
ndipeiwo zheti rekuita tonaz guyz, ndaona ndarohwa nenhamo
Me · 1 year ago
Kamufanha kasvasvangwa aka kuti katonge ngakatouya kubata rinohwina 😂😂😂😂
Reign · 1 year ago
Tanga tichida change of the whole hurumende but zvaramba pakuda coup apa
Name · 1 year ago
if there's a coup, the army will probably replace ed with chiwenga. that's not a great thing! there's no hope. we'll just suffer forever.
Citizen · 1 year ago
2023 Election Results: Busha : 18 816 (0.4%) Chamisa : 1 967 343 (44%) Chikohora :10 230 (0.2%) Kasiyamhuru: 30 060 (0.3%) Madhuku : 5 323 (0.1%) Mnangagwa : 2 350 711 (52.6%) Mubaiwa : 53 517 (1.2%) Muzorewa : 7 053 Mwonzora : 28 883 (0.6%) Valerio : 6 989 (0.2) Peter : 6 743 (0.2%) Total Vote cast: 4 561 221 Total Valid votes: 4 468 668 Total votes rejected: 92 563 Registered voters: 6 623 511 Total voter turnout: 68.9% #ElectionsZW
twin · 1 year ago
vamwe avo dai chatsvaga mabasa vanozvipedzerawo nguva dzavo
Name · 1 year ago
the other nine presidential candidates just wasted their money and time. they should've just dropped of the race and endorsed chamisa.
Dzingai N · 1 year ago
Chamisa should be accamodative to other opposition parties , together they can mount a stronger challenge to Zanupf. because tuma % % % utwo twaitwa nemamwe maprty twaienda pa1 candidate zvaimeka sense. Asi handifungi kuti it's easy to unite opposition nekuda kwema ideology of these parties , Chamisa because of his western handlers it's impossible to unite with other parties. they're anti people, the main issue is of Sanctions they (MDC/CCC) asked or called for. I think as long as Sanctions are there it will be impossible to have the so called free fair election the opposition make NOISE about .. ... ...Chamisa should call his friend Biden to remove sanctions
kwaaaaa · 1 year ago
Chamisa akawiner Bulawayo me Harare year but ED didn't complain . avhoterwa kumusha ukadyiwa woti ndabirwa wabirwa uripi tibvire kumhepo . Tabhani ends unosvasvanga chirungu zvawakaita 2018 zviya .Tanga takusuva Chamisa achidzoka Jake ku tereci zvekudya Zanu zvaramba
Mr Nice · 1 year ago
kana wapedza kutaura wozondiudza kuti wapedza ucha**** nenhamo
🧐 · 1 year ago
Chinorwadza kunyanya ka Bulawayo dozen aka zveshuwa kudisturber development yaitwa irikuitwa ichazoitwa na Mthuli kudaro, ka munhu ka poronga kwacho kamugrade7 zvakokanoziveyi nezve economics Bulawayo ka itwo tumthwakazi itwo ndotunemanyemwe kuchityidzira vanhu As for Bulawayo you did loads of bull crap for yourselves, how can you dump Mthuli, Raj Modi for the inexperienced good for nothing ambitious Mps
twin · 1 year ago
ndoine bhora pamberi nayo
WARAKASHI FOR ED · 1 year ago
twin · 1 year ago
hazvic zvese zvinoitika zvinofadza vakawandaas zvinenge zvatoitika ndiyananofarira rufu asi rikaita unoita plan kt munhu avigwe tambirai zvabuda ndozviripo
Netsai · 1 year ago
yah congratulations ,,,asi face iripa picture iyo inondirwadza zvanga nevnoitevera vese
twin · 1 year ago
kusvika panopera five years unenge wava kuifarira
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Tinosvasvanga ma change money
Rate · 1 year ago
Zvangu zvatotanga so
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
M Arakashwa ka
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Hauna Ed hauna dhiri. Ma banana 🍌 akasvava
ME · 1 year ago
Its so funny how others react. Most of the civil servants will fail to send their kids to school while millions of zanu supporters will kip on struggling to have a healthy diet. Support who ever u are supporting but never forget that you have dozens of relatives that cant afford to tac care of themselves. We will suffer guys
KG · 1 year ago
Hollyman · 1 year ago
chinondinakidza masave stations ndemamwe transport paroad apa ndeimwe chete, mumashops ndemamwe chete tomama tese kunyanya vabereki vezanu vakanyengedzwaa nekupfeka regalia munomama chete
Mambo · 1 year ago
Wakuti kunyanya ani fut iwe wamboti tinomama tese 😂😂🤣
hey no other than ZANU hakuna zanu aunty KO it's means zim · 1 year ago
so luv it's orders
Mr President · 1 year ago
Magona basa Zec🤝 mubairo urikuuya‼️
ptk#denzva · 1 year ago
ngatingoiteyi zvatanga tichingoita...
twin · 1 year ago
ipapo haurevi nhema zvatagara tichit toita izvozvo
PtK # Denzva · 1 year ago
ngatingoiteyi zvatanga tichingoita. ... sad Truth
Jz · 1 year ago
Mangwana munhu wese kubasa kwake
twin · 1 year ago
ko vanomirirei mhur dzinofa nenzara
Dzingai N · 1 year ago
ya sure kumabasa kutotsvaga fees because zvikoro zvakunovhurwa
... · 1 year ago
pawakasiira zuro ndopaunomuka uchitangira.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Game Over, Chamisa should simply go to a retreat, to recollect his thoughts. His fanatics should sober up and plan a different future for themselves.
🧐 · 1 year ago
Team iri very retrogressive zveshuwa Ed is aa lawyer too, Priscilla a judge..🤷‍♂️ Pachenyu apo but zviri irrelevant courts almost burnt Bulawayo dozen remember
Worzell Gummidge · 1 year ago
Nhai abiyangu? Maonawo here ngundu yeMANJUZU izere neNyengerezi yanga yakapfekwa mumusoro naPriscilla Chigumba? Ndosaka maResults aburitswa pakati pehusiku nekuti zvinenge zvine kaHuroyi nekahu-Sangoma mukati. I have a feeling that she announced bogus results from a paper handed to her by state security agents. Her body language was tense & she lacked confidence while announcing a blatant lie. It is impossible that Mnangagwa became more popular since 2018, thus increasing his share of the votes. While Chamisa became less popular in the last 5 years, thus reducing his percentage of the votes. Mnangagwa has been loosing to his own Zanu Pf MPs. The results announced by Chigumba started circulating on social media in the late afternoon today. COZWA posted the exact results on their X timeline early in the evining after an annoymous person sent them the same. Anyway, the next 14 days are open to Constitutional Court Challenges in respect of the Presidential elections. The Electoral Court will also be entertaining more challenges by the CCC. Chokwadi chichabuda hacho pachena.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
What you did not realise, is that CCC did very little campaign. It spent a lot of time addressing itself to ZEC and not the electrorate. Don't forget teh split with MDC also caused harm to CCC. Sorry, its time to lick the wounds.
🧐🙄😴 · 1 year ago
Hapachina apa ma triples ma rakashwa zviye Kanyaya kekuti here late ballots Inga kwakawedzerwa ma days ekuvhota. Ya Dougie yekuabsconder ingwani mutemo waka explainer kuti you don't pull out 21 days dza elapser Kozoti iyiwo yeku rova bag ndoku basa kwenyu zve That your practice, hu surgeon but you can't operate dummies you dismantle them your practice is biblically gentilia
. · 1 year ago
I feel for employees who earn wholly or partly rtgs and those civil servants that are about to retire 20years with nothing to show oh and the pensioners, pane acharwara achida kurapwa or mushonga ma1 as for us the hustle continues

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