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Zimbabwe Police Disclose Identities Of ZESN, ERC, And Team Pachedu Members Arrested For "Election Interference"

1 year agoThu, 24 Aug 2023 16:45:40 GMT
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Zimbabwe Police Disclose Identities Of ZESN, ERC, And Team Pachedu Members Arrested For "Election Interference"

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has disclosed the identities of individuals associated with the Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN), Election Resource Centre (ERC), and Team Pachedu. These individuals were arrested on suspicion of interfering with the current electoral proceedings. In a statement seen by Pindula News, police national spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said:


The Zimbabwe Republic Police is disturbed by subversive and criminal activities by certain individuals and civic organisations such as Zimbabwe Election Support Network, Election Resource Centre and Team Pachedu, in relation to the ongoing electoral process in the country.

This follows the tip-off received and subsequent raid by a Zimbabwe Republic Police crack team at Holiday Inn Hotel, Harare, number 44 Downie Avenue, Belgravia, number 27 Milton Park. Harare and number 501, The Grange, Harare.

As a result, a total of 93 smart cellphones, 38 laptops, two (2) smart watches, two (2) modems, one (1) WIFI router, one (1) external hard drive, Nokia feature phone (kambudzi), one (1) printer, 1 X 24 port switch, various computer chargers, power back-up unit and headphones were recovered.

The equipment was being used to unlawfully tabulate election voting statistics and results from polling stations throughout the country. These figures were being supplied by some observers and political party agents.
The coordinators of the information were stationed at Holiday Inn, Harare and were in the process of feeding information to a location in The Grange, Harare where the Presidential Election results were to be announced using the VPN System through the Apollo concept. The results were to be announced on 24th August 2023 as promised by Citizen Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa.

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Police have arrested 41 suspects in connection with this case (see the attached annexure).

The Zimbabwe Republic Police implores individuals, syndicates and civic organizations to conduct lawful activities in line with the country’s laws. Therefore any criminal acts aimed at causing alarm and despondence among Zimbabweans will be severely dealt with in terms of the country’s laws.

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe Republic Police urges the public to continue being peaceful as the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission finalises the voting and ballot counting process. The police reiterates that no gathering at polling stations will be allowed.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police commends Zimbabweans for the exemplary conduct and peaceful environment which characterized the pre-election and the election period. This should continue during the post-election period. Police will continue to maintain law and order in the country through patrols, blitz and general traffic enforcements.



  1. Ian Goredema, aged 43
  2. Ferdinard Chiwaridzo, aged 37
  3. Brigthon Takuberekera, aged 30
  4. Joseph Mareya, aged 52
  5. Mercy Majoni, aged 42
  6. Craig Mareya, aged 20
  7. Ashley Mapfumo, aged 25
  8. Elton Mavhusa, aged 41
  9. Yolanda Sarudzai Mavhusa, aged 42
  10. Thelma Matanangize, aged 21
  11. Benjamin Mukunga, aged 50
  12. Natasha Mataire, aged 33
  13. Thandeka Tatsvarei, aged 28
  14. Kimberly Nhidza, aged 19
  15. Succeed Musora, aged 34
  16. Christian Nyanzure, aged 34
  17. Kudzanai Marimba, aged 31
  18. Kudzai Chavhunduka, aged 31
  19. Natasha Nyatsanza, aged 24
  20. Jack Zaba, aged 42
  21. Mahlenkosi Mashingaidze, aged 35
  22. Faith Ndlovu, aged 24
  23. Winnioe Mabhjeka, aged 27
  24. Lorraine Muchaiwa, aged 32
  25. Polite Magadza, aged 28
  26. Mukudzei Musindo, aged 26
  27. Tariro Jingura, aged 43
  28. Sinikiwe Kandororo, aged 36
  29. Winnie Muhonde, aged 43
  30. Tanatswa Takavarasha, aged 27
  31. Sandra Jambazi, aged 25
  32. Tadiwanashe Chiseko, aged 24
  33. Kudakwashe Musonza, aged 19
  34. Tapiwa Kapfunde, aged 25
  35. Shawn Saveri, aged 21
  36. Danai Chikoore, aged 31
  37. Tatenda Nyakatsapa, aged 35
  38. Thabani Mpofu, aged 28
  39. Enistancia Ruvimbo Gwanyanya, aged 34
  40. Nobunkhosi Mutangadura, aged 39
  41. Trevor Enesi, aged 28

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APOLITICAL · 1 year ago
AU now condemns move by police former Nigeria president addresses press "the arrest of 39 by the policed is bing condemned and this should be delt with quickly"
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Ngavasungwe vana vevatengesi. Kuda kukonzera commotion....
Tkt · 1 year ago
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
So far so good 29 versus 12 famba ZANU pf
T1 · 1 year ago
ZANU pf irikufamba ichiwira mugomba.
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
I can run but can't hide,vanhu mukati kunyanya Team Pachedu
☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ · 1 year ago
faz clowns that were parked outside polling stations???and you saw those alleged clowns??? doing what exactly??? bcoz contrary to Ian Smith party members allegations the said faz clowns were just ordinary people exercising their right to freedom of association tabulating own members participation and there's nothing wrong with that.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I watched the zanu presser the zanu guys were tense so as the environment to put fear nd it worked reporters failed to ask question even about the role of Faza genuine winning party does not behave that way.. The presser lasted less than 10 minutes.. Yoo rinemanyanga hariputirwe..
KG · 1 year ago
@leticia · 1 year ago
tabulating with the intention of doing what with the said results???you think we don't know what Nero said about announcing presidential votes on the 24th?
Leticia · 1 year ago
The police force is biased . Announcing results is prohibited , not Tabulating . These evel people want himder the organisations concened from doing their jobs that were mandated by ZEC. There is no case here . It's just Matanga executing his master's command.
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
😊😊😊 Leticia ndinokufarira 😊
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Check herald now accusing Sadc of being on the side of Chamisa indirectly the idea is to pre empty that watever the genuine observation result to be announced it's wil be because of interest in chamisa.. Also watch it wil end up dragging Mr Hh Zambian president
Jue saidi · 1 year ago
anafuguu kna mkataurisa cei nguva ino ndeya JEHOVHA wkumusorosoro ths time kuzanu apana apana
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
bika doro saidi. unombobvepiko une zita rekuti saidi, uri mu bwidaz kani
Sorojena · 1 year ago
There's nothing wrong in sharing out what ZEC has published. It's called tabulation not announcement. The problem is that the regime is bent on rigging and this tabulation is guarding against that. Mnangagwa neZanu azichadiwa neruzhinzhi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Thank you imagine arresting pple for adding and verification of figures.. Wat ate they wanting to hide and avoid.. Shame on them...
Sun rays · 1 year ago
vanhu ve CCC tendai Mwari zanu pf ikahwinha straight away bcoz pakanz rerun ndaona varume vakuru nevakadzi vakuru vadashurwa vakatwasuka zvakanaka naka mfunge.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
mandla iya yavhariswa kkkkkkkk. munonzi muno muzim. misatanbe ne intelligence ma ccc.
Sun rays · 1 year ago
ED pfeee machinda gore rino ED pfeee munhu wese
Form 3 · 1 year ago
Nyika haingochinjiwe hutongi kunge hembeee.. Tsepete tsepete pana ED ipapo
maparamuro · 1 year ago
hapana akurbidza kuvhotera idhi, it's your right which you earned through the sacrifice of many Zimbabwean lives, that right is not a preserve of zanupf, it extends to all Zimbabweans. Vote for idhi and allow others to freely make and express their choices. The liberation struggle was about freedom to all Zimbabweans, failure to observe that means there is no freedom and people must wage another liberation struggle
Form 3 · 1 year ago
Who then is stopping you from waging another war?..
maparamuro · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe will be the most peaceful country if we remove the ZRP and zanupf. Chigumba the ZEC chairperson invited these people to do the parallel tabulation so as to enhance Zec transparency. Why is the police working against ZEC? The elections are the responsibility of ZEC, did ZEC complain about the parallel tabulation? pasi ne zanupf pasi ne ZRP
Form 3 · 1 year ago
Pamberi ne Zanu pf
maparamuro · 1 year ago
pasi nayo. pasi nembavha
Tkt · 1 year ago
@maparamuro... bcoz when ZEC sent the Delimitation Document to the Former President, pakataridza kuva neku pesana wn the then President asked TICHIRI PAMWE CHETE HERE
Führer · 1 year ago
Sungai murase makey. Pamasvingo ipapo .
vhuka maulele · 1 year ago
these are terrorists they must be charged with treason
Form 3 · 1 year ago
Dashura vanhu.. Chamisa pazvichataugwa zviri official kuadashugwa ,wese anopinda mu street achi protester, saaaaa ZRP and ZNA..vanhu vanoda kubatira politics padenga ngavadashurwe
He · 1 year ago
Form 3 I wish the best In your pursuits to attain form 4 status
Form 3 · 1 year ago
@He..I will cross the bridge when I get there..
@Form 3 · 1 year ago
If you are realy a form three student then you should drop out and go herd cattle kumuasha .because you are a liability to the sstate and a hindrance to progress.
He · 1 year ago
Obviously you harbor on attaining what the rest of your folk failed to reach and I understand your ambitions the bridge in nearer than what you would imagine
Form 3 · 1 year ago
it's you who is a liability to the state..u r a degreed person contributing nothing to your own family n th state.shamee..busy blaming others for your failures..
Sun rays · 1 year ago
I would like to take this opportunity to thank patriotic citizens of Epworth South for playing a crucial role in zanu pf's victory.Mwari vakuitirei zvidhafu dhafu tatenda thank you!!!!!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Fuq you
🇿🇼 Steez · 1 year ago
nhai hako. vakasiya team riya reExit survey what what
uGatsheni boya beNyathi · 1 year ago
with a good lawyer this case is a non event
Mambo · 1 year ago
but their services were disrupted

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