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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

ZRP Has Clarified The Role Of Police Officers At Polling Stations

1 year agoSun, 20 Aug 2023 20:03:28 GMT
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ZRP Has Clarified The Role Of Police Officers At Polling Stations

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) clarified the duties of police officers at polling stations, emphasising that their role is to manage and monitor the station. This clarification comes in response to allegations suggesting that police officers are at polling stations only to aide illiterate or physically handicapped voters which is the responsibility of Presiding Officers. In a statement seen by Pindula News, police national spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said:


The Zimbabwe Republic Police clarifies the exact position with regards to the deployment of police officers at polling stations and voting process by illiterate or physically handicapped voters.

Police officers are deployed at polling stations to ensure that law and order is maintained in line with provisions of the Constitution of Zimbabwe and the Electoral Act, Chapter 2:13.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police is aware of allegations made by some political parties and civic organizations to some observers concerning police officers’ role and voting by illiterate or physically handicapped voters. According to the Electoral Act, Chapter 2:13, section 59 (1)(b), in a situation where an illiterate or handicapped voter does not have a person of his or her own choice (confidante) to assist him or her to exercise a right to vote the Electoral Act provides that the Presiding Officer must assist the voter in the presence of two electoral officers or employees of Zimbabwe Electoral Commission and a police officer on duty.

This specific assistance given to a voter is not done by a police officer. It is actually the mandate of the Presiding Officer who will assist in the presence of electoral officers and a police officer.

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The police officer is called to ensure law and order is maintained. Thereafter, the Presiding Officer must record particulars of the assisted voter in terms of the Electoral Act, Chapter 2: 13.

Allegations that police officers have sole responsibility of assisting illiterate or physically handicapped voters are therefore not correct and must be dismissed with the contempt they deserve.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police assures the public that it is ready to ensure a peaceful environment exist in the country for the hold of free, fair and credible elections on 23rd August 2023.

Political parties are implored to be exemplary in conduct and avoid the use of inflammatory or divisive language in their messages to the public.

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Mwos · 1 year ago
Imbotipai ma EPL updates from sartuday
Ibhubesi Uqobo · 1 year ago
Do you have well equipped hospitals for exclusive use by ZANU PF? Or do you also go to China and Singapore like your chefs?
cid · 1 year ago
@hardluxy not fair kunani😂😂
Hardluxy Jero · 1 year ago
kuvanhu vose magara mkarohwa kudhara zve imi
cid · 1 year ago
Nhasy Chamisa was supposed to come to my ghetto and guess wat isu se Zanu tapa mbeu ne fertilizer jus to disturb 😂on top of that pa venue yanga achida kuitira taunza machine yeku chera ma borehole 🤣tikati toda kuisa borehole pamashops ipapo pane rally ya Chamisa 😂atadza ku addresser mukomana akati ndakuenda Bulawayo
Hardluxy Jero · 1 year ago
even though hamuna zvamaita... muchangonyura matonga mungatongazvehupambepfumi not fair
Unknown · 1 year ago
Wat you did just there is a big sign of defeat, Zanu is over 40 yrs old but irikushupika ne first tym party contenter.,,,, Haa mukomana arikukupinzay chando hant
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
actually you were outsmarted, Bulawayo was the initial target hahaha.
haàa chopisa ndokuseta horror kaaa · 1 year ago
ne noise ine michina yacho kkkk dei vakaisa imwe Kuno kwaakauya
twenty five · 1 year ago
Hoo zviya ndimi veChivhu
🧐🤔🤨🙄 · 1 year ago
Kwazvo kwazvo in the last analysis, we are all beneficial of Zanu Pf free education, worst with the Chamisa maheres they too benefited from educational grants at uni's, Now zvazvimbirwa manje, vakudenigrder bato rakasovapa identity musociety zvekudaro kuita here ikoko, If only they too attack the heinous acts of sanctions triple c would be a credible opposition but iyoyo ramba makadzwanya Pasi nayo It's treasonous too they so lucky to have A listening leadership of Ed #ED huchi #Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo #TSEPETE TSEPETE TSEPETE Pamasvingo ipapo
dull · 1 year ago
only a deaf and blind man can believe ds.. beneficial of free education...kupikoo ikoko.i guess pindula yaakuita kune dzimwe nyika chete nekt muzim yedu iyoyii i doubt
,,,,dottt · 1 year ago
zanu pf we will win maelection

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