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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Mutsvangwa Claims Involvement In Removal Of Two Dictators, Smith And Robert Mugabe

1 year agoFri, 18 Aug 2023 09:28:56 GMT
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Mutsvangwa Claims Involvement In Removal Of Two Dictators, Smith And Robert Mugabe

ZANU PF Spokesperson has said he has participated in the removal of two dictators, Ian Smith and Zimbabwe’s founding leader, the late Robert Mugabe. He made the remarks at a Chatham House hybrid roundtable event on Wednesday. Watch the video below for more.

Mugabe was ousted from power in 2017 after leading the Southern African nation for 37 straight years. Initially hailed as a hero for leading the country to independence, Mugabe’s regime gradually became characterised by authoritarianism, economic decline, and human rights abuses. His policies, such as land reforms and indigenisation, contributed to economic instability and a decline in agricultural productivity. Mugabe’s rule was marked by political repression, including crackdowns on opposition parties and dissenting voices. Despite early promises of democracy and development, Mugabe’s long tenure was marred by corruption, economic mismanagement, and a deterioration in living standards for many Zimbabweans.

What Mutsvangwa also said:

  • Mutsvangwa also said Zimbabwe must not be taught democracy after he spent all his life fighting for it.
  • He said there are unaddressed historical injustices emanating long before Zimbabwe attained independence in 1980 yet it seems some people believe the history of Zimbabwe starts in 1980.
  • He said there seems to be nostalgia about what transpired during the colonial era.
  • Mutsvangwa said the ruling ZANU PF is focused on prosperity for the Zimbabwe people.
  • He said Zimbabwe was not inherited, but it was fought for, therefore, those who want it must attain it the same way they did.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Chris stop lying, you are a National Security case. You are mentally ill. You need help.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
As a Gukurahundist apologist spokesperson iam not surprised
Anonymous · 1 year ago
God forbid! 1.Rhodesia was extremely racist towards indeginous ppl. It was designed to benefit minority Whites, Indians and coloureds. 2.Rhodesia is well known for human rights abuse and continuation of slavery. 3.Rhodesia was not a democracy in the least sense of it. It was an emblem of white supremacy and discrimination against Blacks. 3.Zim was established on a wrong foundation. Traits of a Rhodesia were passed on and inherited by ZANU pf 's Zimbabwe eg primitive accummulation, low and high density subarbs, boss or sheff mentality. 4.Rhodesia and Zim are like two sides of the same coin.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
God forbid! 1.Zim has evidently and undeniably been mortgaged to China Russia, Belarus and Middle East under the false guise of basting sanctions 2.ZANU pf is undeniably racist towards USA and Europe but a willing puppet of China, Belarus, Russia and Middle East. 3.Zimbabwe will never see/attain its full potential under this warped ZANU pf mind set.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
have you tried to imagine how Mr and Mrs Mutsvangwa live their daily lives considering the fact that both are mentally challenged. Murume ne mukadzi vane ma mhepo ava.Kana ndikati Imba ye mhirizhonga or bvonga mupopoto ndinenge ndashaya mazwi aokodzera. Hapana nezve vanhu apa. Hapana zviripo. Hapana hapana
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I fully agree with you man. This family has so much hate and tribalism. Chris never fought anything and Monica was only a 14 year old Parirenyatwa girl. She never fought but was servicing the Dambe boys.
Lucky Ncube · 1 year ago
there was nothing good with Rhodesia, the little I saw of it , I saw Black man and women who lived in fear, scared to go to the other side of town becoz they will be arrested in their own country. As. far as I concerned nothing changed, the Zimbabwe is bad in the hands of Zanu of and it's still bad, I am dishearned by Africans who praise white oppressors, even the black opressors there are terrible. today he Mugabe was a dictator, yet they had the power to remove him democratically.
Fifi · 1 year ago
At least Rhodesia developed the nation whilst Zanu destroyed it and gave it's mines to Russia and China
Alfredo Pappagalo · 1 year ago
if Mugabe was a dictator why they gave him national hero status. Mutsvangwa akupenga manje
Me · 1 year ago
Stop inciting violence Mr Mutsvangwa
Joza · 1 year ago
Smith was not a dictator. He was a racist who ruled together with his kinsmen. Mugabe was a dictator, only surpassed by ED.
.... · 1 year ago
kuy · 1 year ago
cid · 1 year ago
@buju ,,,rombe rine land riri nani, kushaiwa basa une degree better ko iwe basa kumukira mbanje,,,at least musiwandotenga badza ndinorima pa plot😂chero Ccc ikahwina hauna basa rauno qualifier
Anonymous · 1 year ago
One day this rubbish man is going to answer all this nonsense he is chanting in front of Zimbabweans . Mugabe was removed by everyone in Zimbabwe if it was not MDC mugabe was going to remaining the president opposition pushed mugabe out not knowing that on the other side the devil is coming mugabe was far much better than these un educated leaders
buju · 1 year ago
@cid ende warwadziwa nekunzi ROMBE REZANU na @cloe...wanyatsorwadziwa meaning kuti chitori chokwadi kuti uri ROMBE REZANU zveshuwa nekuti as far as I know chokwadi ndichi chinodzimba....zvawakapihwa hectares Nezanu yacho urikuitei nayo, hauna kana badza chairo rekuti uite muhomba wembambaira, Mari yekuti uitewo irrigation hautorina futi..and u don't even have offer letter zvayo yeland yauri kuboster nayo, wakapedza varsity asi hausati wamboshanda kana ka1....but u are busy praising Zanu, uri dzakutsaku remwana wanzwa. hauna kana medical aid zera rako iroro, kana driver's licence chairo hauna. zibharanzi
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
zvese izvo atna bsa nazvo ngapinde mkomana
cid · 1 year ago
@cloe ,,wandituka kuti rombe re Zanu for yo own information ini ndakabhadharirwa from primary till university(pa Great Zimbabwe University my reg number is M12171,,,last digit handikupi re reg number) ne ZANU pf ,plot ndakapuhwa 40 hactares ne ZANU to mention but a few ko iwe unei
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Your NERO and CCC is so desperate to be the president of this country but YOU HAVE NOTHING to offer. He has gone as far as not sleeping at home because of rallies. Kwai na NERO handizivi kuti ndakapedzisira kurara kumba rinhi...very sorry kkkkkkk. Usandibvunza kuti wazviwanepi bcse ndasiyana nemi ma CCC munomirira news dze Pindula chete.
Sunflower 🌻 🌻 🌻 · 1 year ago
CCC has my vote ❎
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Nobody will ask you kuti wazviwana kupi @Anonymous because nobody cares Your assumption that maCCC 's only source of informationis Pindula is just a figment of your really poor imagination and one wonders where you get that from
THE CCC YELLOW HULK · 1 year ago
How I wish the election observers might locate @Pindula and observe the comment section 😂😂?, 😂 they'll definitely come into a conclusion before the 23rd of August the Nero is the President of Zimbabwe
Tintin · 1 year ago
He said Zimbabwe was not inherited, but it was fought for, therefore, those who want it must attain it the same way they did.😂😂😂so he agrees Zimbabwe is under new colonial masters Zanusians.
CDE Mutsvangwa · 1 year ago
ndakupenga varume
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zviri kurakidzika kuti pfungwa chaidzo dzakabvakacha...
Cde hondo · 1 year ago
Chris wakupenga you want people opposed to your misrule to go to war. We fought for democracy one man one vote, not for zanu pf plus you joined shortly before ceasefire
Anonymous · 1 year ago
NYIKA yose ye Zimbabwe yati zviri nane kuvhotera ane zvishoma zvaakaita zvinobatika pane kuvhotera ma Promise ne propaganda kuti heee change change. Tochinja kuendepi. Kuenda kuma promise chete, Kwete. bodo, NYIKA yose yaramba. VOTE ED and ZANU PF. At least they have done what we have seen in all provinces. Ngaarambe aripo zvake ED and ZANU PF.
DR Proffesor Big head · 1 year ago
Your ZANU pf removed Mugabe because of incompetence and multiple failures, then those who took over failed to deliver and made more blunders than Mugabe. Corruption and Human Rights violations is the order of the day for the current administration. The judiciary system is now captured to the extent of madness. Criminals are moving around Scott free, while the innocent are languishing in prison. Hospitals are in a state of disaster, no medication! Unemployment rate is high and rising. Education system is in tatters . Crime rate is high The economy is dead. I just mentioned a few. So what is the reason for voting for such failures? Use your common sense. I am the Proffesor and believe me CCC is the answer. Dr Proffesor Big head PhD in Political Science
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Vota wega
NATO · 1 year ago
a total liar
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Bye bye mutswange
🤨 · 1 year ago
There's no guarantee if ever sanctions would be removed for your own information unless and until land is reversed to whites which is practically impossible so zve lip servicing ma Americans forget and rest forgive, #Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo SANCTIONS would remain contamner they are illegal and Americans do not want to admit they flawed
Ras · 1 year ago
who are the " vene vayo " ? Are not all Zimbabeean vene venyika yavo . If The majority decides that they do not want Zanu in Govenment then Zanu must bow . Zanu does not own this country . Zanu is not Zimbabwe . Vanhu ve Zanu munofunga kuti ndimi mega vanhu , kuti ndimi makasunungura nyika iyi . Madla manyepo aMugabe now maghuda aaMnangagwa . Muchabva chete .Isu vene vayo atichakudi muGovenment .
@mazimbabweans. · 1 year ago
Your life is your own responsibility.
Collins zw · 1 year ago
fxck this guy, he advocated for RG nd he is advocating for another, these guys avana kana nyadzi at all, they jus don care or even knw wen to tame their tongues, they are **** and they know it and they dont care
Analysts · 1 year ago
I just saw a video of a gentleman looking like Mutsvangwa saying if these guys are complaining about sanctions then it's better to give these young guys who can overturn everything and remove sanctions for a better Zimbabwe. Please if anyone has seen that video also, correct me please, isn't that person Mutsvangwa?
Tagara Chinomwe · 1 year ago
That's necked lies from mutsvangwa, clueless he is sensing a big defeat. By so doing demoralising e maltitudes by talking useless strategies. What is e purpose of doing elections, calling on democracies
Tateguru · 1 year ago
I am listening
Anonymous · 1 year ago
They MUST attain it the same way???? Really?? Interesting!!!
Lyra · 1 year ago
To hell with this old man . he thinks he can fool people . who should fight for Zimbabwe . My grandpa fought in the Struggle , my granny kooked for the forces . All Zimbabweans took part in the struggle . Zipra fought their part only for Zanu to rig and kill civilians for power that they have used to cripple the economy and oppress the same people thay claim to have liberated from white rule . N.H.M ☝️
Sorojena · 1 year ago
The advent of dictatorship in Zimbabwe started when Mugabe was crowned with executive powers by the Dunderheads who used to surround Mugabe etc Mutsvanga and the like
rms · 1 year ago
he is also involved in putting 2 dictators in power mugabe and munangangwa
Mutsa Washe · 1 year ago
idu.zvi iro rinongohumana
chabvonga · 1 year ago
itore uidzosere kuRhodesia kwacho kana wakushuwa unogarako
nyere · 1 year ago
Iya vamutsvangwa mati vaMugabe makavabvisa?so it's true kt it was a coupe I thot he was old and u wanted him to rest,,, a lot to be revealed thanx 4 the information sir mutsvangwa
xxc · 1 year ago
Ngativhotei zvineungwaru tisazichemaneZabu pf futi ,, Five years again is not a joke ,, Tanga wafunga usatu wavhota mwana wevhu sarudzo ndeyako
minister without portfolio · 1 year ago
special adviser in the president's office,one munhu akaita post iyoyo muZimbabwe same naSKMoyo akaitwa senior minister in the cabinet
g · 1 year ago
mudhara uyu krango dzogara dzakamurova. it's not a surprise that he's hallucinating
maparamuro · 1 year ago
The people we have as national leaders are representative of the general populace. Only a mentally sick president will have such a character close to him and only mentally sick voters will have such a president. Handivhotere benzi
..... · 1 year ago
Smith was removed by the useless British. Zanupf only won an election in 1980 which was rigged for Mugabe to win.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
You arwe a dreamer. You think the war was a picnic. Dont credit the British for anything. Why did they not remove Smith when he decalred UDI. You are a nutter!
@anonymous · 1 year ago
They could not, it was only after pressuring south Africa who then threatened Smith that they would shut the border if he did not surrender. South Africa was Rhodesia's lifeline so a shut border would have been fatal which Smith knew so agreed to surrender.
doug · 1 year ago
If it took 37 years for those around Mugabe to notice that he was a dictator to them, these very people actually took 37 years to build a dictator, and they can do it again from experience, as long as it benefits them.
@mutsvangwa · 1 year ago
hooo Robert aive dictator nhai????ko current mukuru haasi mfana waRobert here????koiwewe waisave mu politburo nguva yaRobert here????tinokuzivai type yekurova about turn nekut generari ainge aisa ma tanks mu street.
mbato · 1 year ago
mutsvangwa wakupenga unoti not inherited soo mukuda hondo yei dyiwai muende chete tese tiri vene venyika toda kumboivakawo
gail · 1 year ago
kkkkkkkk asi haurevi nhema. ndiani asiri mwene vayene
cde · 1 year ago
so who z next
Zuze · 1 year ago
What Chris failed to mention is that HE was also instrumental in ensconing a Third horrid dictator, worse than the other two.

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