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Former SABC Broadcaster Chris Maroleng Urges Zimbabweans To “Rise Against Tyranny”

1 year agoFri, 18 Aug 2023 18:08:34 GMT
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Former SABC Broadcaster Chris Maroleng Urges Zimbabweans To “Rise Against Tyranny”

Former SABC broadcaster Chris Maroleng has urged Zimbabweans to “rise against tyranny” after being deported from the country where he intended to conduct field research on election conditions.

Maroleng, who is now the SADC Executive Director of Good Governance Africa, had flown to Zimbabwe to conduct field research on election conditions but was denied accreditation and subsequently deported. He took to social media to criticise the government’s actions, describing them as a reflection of bad governance and urging the people of Zimbabwe to demand the change they deserve.

Maroleng expressed his belief that the government employed bullying tactics to stifle dissent and silence opposing voices. He called on citizens to challenge oppressive systems and defend their democratic rights. He said:

Today, I am compelled to write with an anger that burns deep within my soul.

The recent events that unfolded in Zimbabwe, leading to my abrupt deportation, are not just a reflection of bad governance, but a stark indication of the lengths to which the government will go.

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This is a call for the people of Zimbabwe to rise up against tyranny and demand the change they so desperately deserve.

Our purpose in Zimbabwe was noble and clear – to conduct vital field research on election conditions and challenges. We followed all the necessary protocols.

But what awaited us was a shocking and horrifying ordeal. It served as a brutal reminder of the bullying tactics employed by the Zanu PF-led government, as they seek to stifle dissent and silence any voices that dare to challenge their autocratic rule.

This is not an isolated incident; it is a clear indication of the extent to which the government will go to suppress the truth and maintain their grip on power.

We cannot afford to be silent in the face of such tyranny.

This incident is a wake-up call for all Zimbabweans to rise up against the oppressive forces that seek to undermine their democratic rights and aspirations.

We must channel our anger into action, demanding accountability.

In response, government spokesperson Nick Mangwana stated that foreign journalists who misrepresent their purpose of visit would be deported, emphasizing the need for transparency and accuracy in reporting. He said:

We note a lot of interest in visiting our country and stay between the 18th-25th of August 2023.

If you are an Election Observer, say so, we accredit such. If you are a journalist, say so, we accredit such.

If you make misrepresentations to the immigration officer, you may find yourself on the next plane home.

In July, David Hundeyin, an award-winning Nigerian journalist, was detained for over 10 hours at Harare Airport in Zimbabwe before being deported from the country. Hundeyin had arrived in Zimbabwe from Ghana, where he had sought asylum for political persecution in his country. He was denied entry due to improper documentation, despite using the travel document of a country with a visa-free relationship. 

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ah ok · 1 year ago
bri tis h nu r s e n i c k bo y ma n gw an a is a f v c k f a c e c u n t
Ahoy · 1 year ago
Nothing last for ever, ZANU pf must fall with its wickedness. 𝗧𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗵 who want a bright prosperous future vote for the young man CHAMISA. What can an octogenarian leader achieve in 5 years which he had failed to achieve in 43 years. Only corruption, looting, genocide and false promises. Get up , stand up for your rights and vote resoundingly for change.
yellowstone · 1 year ago
manje muZimba doesn't listen anofarira zvima takeaways that are being given once in a blue moon,true ZIMBOS will speak loud pa ballot box ngapinde mukomana
Rise against tyranny??? · 1 year ago
What's he talking about what tyranny to be precise in this democratic nation of ours? everyone is allowed to vote and whether you vote for Economic Development or you vote for Ian Smith to assume office again in the form of Nelson Chamisa the choice is yours meaning everyone is allowed to exercise his democratic right on 23 Aug so what's he talking about this Maroleng?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Gukurahundists,thieves ,murderers hate @chrismaroleng
@Chris Maroleng · 1 year ago
I'm saddened by the news may your soul rest in peace and find comfort in the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Mluza · 1 year ago
vote ccc
CCC · 1 year ago
buju · 1 year ago
@cid make use of this information..handichabatika pano futi. bye 👋
buju · 1 year ago
@cid itai research comrade
cid · 1 year ago
@buju,,kkk hanzi Vietnam 😂Kwa Mutare ndingabvuma hangu
buju · 1 year ago
yes $1500 USD inobatika one day on a good day bhururu kana manga musirikuziva, ndosaka ndati u need exposure. $400 on a bad day , mind you he has 2 tables. kuti atengese $400 it's just 13 pairs dzebhustu dzema $30. u think hazvisikuitika here izvi???
buju · 1 year ago
@nameless iwe unenge **** chete. i said on a good day I can sell $150 to $200 so per week handishaye a day randosvitsa this amount. ehe Mari ndirikuita zvekuti November chaiye I will be no longer selling pafoot bridge. ukushamisika nekamari aka, my college friend of mine who introduced me to this business he can masales anosvika $1500 on a good day but on a bad day haashaye $400 ane 2 ma tables ake. u need exposure musangoswerera musangano weZanu pf munofa brain.
cid · 1 year ago
buju 1500 per day unoiziva here tibvire apo yanzi on a bad day anowana 400 makutikanga mkuru
@buju · 1 year ago
So tikati $200×30 days equals $6000 hanty?Inga urikuirova Mari.
buju · 1 year ago
@nameless define entrepreneurship? wozotanga kutaura neni. iwewe u support Zanu pf une mugodhi upi wegoridhe? inini nebusiness randirikuita I can raise money ndoenda ndono applyer kuministry of mines and minerals, ndotongocherawo goridhe racho. but am not into that, u dunderhead zanoid parasite. I have a different idea from yours and fortunately ndirikutorarama wena I dnt wait for Zanu pf.
... · 1 year ago
Wamuudza chokwadi zvemene
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Only if these clever very clever characters knew what kind of damage they have done to mdc formations by trying to take zim people for fools, no one even voters will want this kind of theatrics in their country, it is these acts and uncultured mouth from the opposition figures themselves that rig them out of power, avoid foreigners at all cost or deal with them at night only, population become intuitively defensive when foreign hand raises its urgly head, talk to your honest relatives when you go back home, they fire back "do you disrepect them where you stay?"
buju · 1 year ago
@cid Yaa ndiri mbavha pakuti am evading paying taxes nezvima licences zve kanzuru for now, ndasiyana nemayouth eZanu pf anomirira kutengerwa doro nekupihwa mastands enhanho mumabani, I hustle my ass everyday to put food on the table for my family...soon ndichange ndakutorenta a whole shop ndichitengesa hembe dze drip ne bhutsu. Mutown munototanga kufaya Kuma 5pm vanhu vakubva kumabasa. and tinongotengesa for about 3 hours chete but pakanguva ikako on a good day unogona kubata $150 to $200 and on a bad day unogona kungotengerwa just 2 pairs wobuda une $40 or $20.
Sta Jose Do Santos Mush · 1 year ago
If you make misrepresentations to the immigration officer, you may find yourself on the next plane home.
buju · 1 year ago
@cid hakuna mabasa wangu Saka ndanga ndichimbo ngwavha ngwavha...ndotengesa bhutsu pasi pefoot bridge mutown Saka ndotanga kutengesawo Kuma 5 pm kanzuru isisatimhanyise manje zvadirwa mavhu..ndakutongotengesera kughetto kwangu now.
cid · 1 year ago
@buju ,,,kkk kutengeswa kubva na 5 pa footbridge ndimi mbavha imi🤣or unenge uchitengesera ma security guard
. · 1 year ago
mhátá yako @cid
buju · 1 year ago
@uncle 263 yeah I guess so.
cid · 1 year ago
@buju iwe wanga uchidei mutown manheru ndimi mbavha😂
buju · 1 year ago
@ Uncle 263 I think munopindika but zvatova zvekuti panokwanawo 5 pm wobudawo,...let's stay safe mazimba.
uncle263 · 1 year ago
@buju its now a curfew without notice ryt???
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ndosaka tamudzinga muzimbabwe hatidi madhisinyongoro ko 500 buses dzaMalema dzakazodii paye???? kkkkk vari kuuya here vari south africa kuzovoter
doug · 1 year ago
Why is the SADC silent if this researcher was working on its behalf?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Chris Morelang has nthing to do with SADC. I don't even know why they are referring to him as SADC Executive Director. Its a private body, financed by unknown sponsors.
John Bonde · 1 year ago
Moreng chingoti vanhu vose vhoterayi Chamisa
Rudo💅 · 1 year ago
varikuda mugadzirire kuenda Tongogara mangwana.imi manga muchirikuitei nhy .05:00 mabhazi anenge okudai
buju · 1 year ago
Coming from town now, chatochaya Zanu Pf police yatotanga kudzinga vanhu mutown Kuma 7 pm hanzi munhu wese enda kumba...ko ngavangozvitaura ka munews kuti hatichada vanhu mutown pane kungotanga kumhanyisa vanhu nemboma. Hanti vanofanira kurongeka here vonyatsoitawona press statement kuti kutanga nguvai dzakati hatichada vanhu mutonaz.
@buju · 1 year ago
Ndokuti tivhote tese ka takakwana Hamudi izvozvo wo futi Saka munodei chaizvo
Joza · 1 year ago
That was not ZRP. Those are Zanu Pf youths dressed in police uniform. They are more effective and brutal than the ZRP. You can hear that ZRP members want to vote in private in order to vote yellow. The regime has lost faith in them.
@maroleng · 1 year ago
tagara tazviona was kut your purpose here was to ensure that political instability happens.now you're urging your fellow CCC supporters to rise against tyranny forgetting that CCC is led by a despot called Nero who is only after power retention at all costs.chimbotanga wapedza zvekupfurana kwema taxi drivers ikoko gun violence first hanty ka??? aricey mabhunu anotonga South Africa ikweyo???kuno isu vazukuru vaNehanda tinofara hedu vene vayo.
j · 1 year ago
uri mh*ta
... · 1 year ago
power retention? yaou must be talking about the current Zanu pf prez ,or you simPly dont knOw what "retention" means .
@... · 1 year ago
bambo retention simply means retaining you know nothing when it comes to structures and skills in English....by the way Nero haana kuramba here kut paitwe voting ku Congress paya?waitya mwonzora na khupe zve.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zvenyu "Vene Vayo"... Ko, isu 'varidzi vayo'.. Why border on ETHNICITY vedu we varume
Wuto · 1 year ago
We heard you brother
Mhamha Lucy · 1 year ago
One thing we've failed as a Nation is to support Chamisa. Not anyone has/had the boldness to be the face of Change. whether you're Zanu/CCC what we want are better living conditions, better schools, better health facilities and all these are to the benefit of every Zimbabwean. We know Zimbabwe needs serious reconciliation socially & economically. Yes, Chamisa displays immaturity but what else do we have... another 5 years like this?

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