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"Defending A Vote" Is A Threat To Peace - Mangwana

1 year agoTue, 15 Aug 2023 16:11:04 GMT
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"Defending A Vote" Is A Threat To Peace - Mangwana

Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Ministry permanent secretary Ndavaningi “Nick” Mangwana says a call by the opposition for supporters to “defend the vote” is a threat to peace.

Supporters of Zimbabwe’s main opposition party, CCC, have reportedly been urging citizens not to go home after casting their ballots but to remain at polling stations until ballots are counted and results posted to guard against possible rigging.

Mangwana has, however, condemned the call to defend the votes saying it is a threat to peace. Posting on social media site X, Mangwana said:

There is nothing called, “DEFENDING A VOTE”. That’s a threat to peace. After voting people should just go home and wait for the announcement of the results.

Imagine a polling station with 2000 voters from different parties all milling around after voting now waiting to “defend their vote”! That’s a potentially explosive scenario.

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For the sake of peace, after voting just go home, to work to your business or whatever else that gives you a livelihood.

Responding to Mangwana, a CCC supporter, one Skilled Rebhara said there is no law against waiting for the results. He said:

… why should they go home. There is no law against waiting for the results. You have done star rallies with over 200 000 supporters with no violence 2000 is too little a number.

Renowned novelist Tsitsi Dangarembga wrote: “… So you don’t want the vote defended? Why? What do you want to do?”

Nyasha Gwata wrote:

Mr Mangwana you know that there is a 287% unemployment rate in Zimbabwe. So the businesses that you are saying people must go and take care of, where are they supposed to come from? It is not a crime to defend my vote as a voter.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Nurse Aid's end of political thinking capacity..!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Nickie mwana waamai vangu mari hai a basa takakura tese tichidya nhunguru ne gangatya usatengese Hama dzedu nekuda kwemari
MWIINDE · 1 year ago
Na kamukuta kuzanupf amukute kabotu . Tubamwi tulokimba
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 is the only place on earth where Nurse Aides are rewarded with Top Government positions. Nick NHS in UK 🇬🇧 is looking for you boy. Your wife and kids are in a safe country when you are busy abusing and raping or children in Zimbabwe.
Chimurenga · 1 year ago
Vana Nhikorasi tarisai zviringazuva. Nguva yokutaura zvamunoda kuvaridzi venyika hapachina. On 24 August you will be afraid to repeat those same words to the people.
. · 1 year ago
Varidzi venyika ndivanani?...emancipate yourself from mental slavery. The attitude of entitlement sucks, Robert Mugabe died a depressed man when the reigns were forcibly taken away from him. He thought he owned Zimbabwe until reality met with him.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ko ccc zvayamboti ine anti rigging machine ko zvekubiridzirwa mozvityireyi nekuzvitaura
. · 1 year ago
Yes it's there. Previous elections .. Zanu Pf did not win through rigging but via a technical Concourt decision that took advantage of missing v11 forms Simple arithmetic proved that Zanu Pf lost big time.
👆❌👆❌👆❌ · 1 year ago
Only in Zim, defending your vote is a threat to life. Agents must be vigilant, sign the papers and post them outside for everyone to see
outsmarted · 1 year ago
ccc has been dragged into a shameful election by zanu patriotic front .too late to cry now , you have gone too far to withdraw now ! ccc is all captured to give legitimacy to a failed state of dictatorship . you are not in any way near for you are dictated to and your intelligence is very questionable . peaceful resistance doesn't work with these guys ! you will cry again come 23 august till 2030. time will tell , you been duped , outsmarted
· 1 year ago
👆❌👆❌👆❌ · 1 year ago
Elections are a constitutional requirement, everybody is aware that they can never be perfect even in developed countries, so we focus on a standard level of appreciation. Mind you, it's not a winner take all, it's just like sharing the cake...a win win situation. We have to vote with the view to win of course but the major concern is to block the harmful one party status. If we block that at least the opposition will remain with a voice.
Chief Nemauyu · 1 year ago
A colonized mind @Hwereshenga my durawalled yard...
TTT · 1 year ago
Ziva kuti mu polling station hamu bvumirwe macamera
Zuze · 1 year ago
You ****, results are posted NOT inside polling station, but OUTSIDE, where anybody can see them and take pictures. Wise up you imbecile
Sorojena · 1 year ago
Defending the vote doesn't need a multitude, but an online camera to capture the v11s for tallying & trusted polling agents Parallel tabulation also works.
Zuze · 1 year ago
Ndipo pane Team Pachedu's Mandla ipapo. A-Mandla! Power to the People ☝️☝️☝️☝️
@Zuze. Mandla is an excellent App. But yakanonokerwa. Mandla App yeTeam Pachedu has only been used by only 87K people so far. There are more than 6 million voters in Zimbabwe. Some voters don't support the CCC & Pachedu. Some voters are dead, while some are outside Zimbabwe. Do you think a grandmother will be able to use Mandla? Polling agents in rural areas will not be allowed to use phones inside the polling stations. So, of what use will your Mandla be? CCC does not even have the final voters roll. At law, only results that come officially from ZEC announcements will take precedence. Not results that come through Mandla. All that Mandla can do is gather less than half the information which will not be admissible in court. In areas like Uzumba & others there are no polling agents yet. Team Pachedu complained about the issue of inadequate polling Agents. Next time, Ambiguity & last minute launches should be avoided.
Zuze · 1 year ago
@Huru... whatever. Uri kungozvishingisawo hako. Change is in the air. A-Mandla! Power to the people ☝️☝️☝️
Bolo · 1 year ago
I wonder why ZaNu pf ichihwina Ccc has got narrow minded havagoni kuona chicard
Muzondi Maposvo · 1 year ago
Zvakanaka wani VA Chamisa pamunovhotera ndipo pandinovhotera tongogarira tese
123_Kid · 1 year ago
Kkkkk. Ahhh kumirirawo Maya. Hanty strategy yakanzi iripo kare
Zuze · 1 year ago
Ndiyo strategy yacho ka nhai!
mwalimu · 1 year ago
just be calm there is life after elections.Better still there is life after death.🙆
coni · 1 year ago
no more rigging from Stu pid zanupf thugs this year were are going to defend our votes zanupf amulume this year majaira kubirira election madzva ****
thunder ⚡ · 1 year ago
saka kana zanu pf ika winner makarindira muchazovako here or ndiko kupera kwe ccc
coni · 1 year ago
no more rigging from Stu pid zanupf thugs this year were are going to defend our votes zanupf amulume this year majaira kubirira election madzva ****
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Munokwaturwa motiza nezhara yenyu ZEC yotakura maboxes vonochinja vodzoka nere Zanu Chete Chete mokundwa all urban constituences, moti maitei. Apa munenge muchirwara nemboma kuchipatara hakuna mushonga kana kuti wese aneronda haarapwi oenda ku Chikurubi, ZEC ichi counter ma votes. Dont be ****, ndosaka ndichiti muri ma agents eZANU imi.
coni · 1 year ago
no more rigging from Stu pid zanupf thugs this year were are going to defend our votes zanupf amulume this year majaira kubirira election madzva ****
coni · 1 year ago
no more rigging from Stu pid zanupf thugs this year were are going to defend our votes zanupf amulume this year majaira kubirira election madzva ****
coni · 1 year ago
no more rigging from Stu pid zanupf thugs this year were are going to defend our votes zanupf amulume this year majaira kubirira election madzva ****
coni · 1 year ago
no more rigging from Stu pid zanupf thugs this year were are going to defend our votes zanupf amulume this year majaira kubirira election madzva ****
Anonymous · 1 year ago
They want to rig, musabve
Nick Mangwana (the Nurse Aid) has a valid point. It is the job of polling agents, polling officials & police officers to safeguard polling stations, processes & results. It's very easy to disrupt voting yo the detriment of CCC in urbarn areas. All that's needed are AGENTS PROVOCATURES who are well trained & secretly armed to disrupt vote counting wherever Chamisa is likely to win. Such agents provacatures can pretend to be CCC supporters defending the vote. When it's counting time, the Agents Provocatures will just steal ballot boxes & V11 forms, destroy voter registers & burn the polling stations. ZANU PF will not be to blame. It will be CCC's fault for mobilising its supporters to defend the vote. MDC Alliance supporters tried it in 2018 and they got shot at point blank range & some of them died. Life is still going on. The person and the party for whom they died never visits their graves. And life is still going on. On election day. I will be defending my family. I will lock everyone inside our durawalled yard we'll braii some pork & beef until the madness is over. Ain't no politician ever came to my house to pay my bills.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
,👏👏👏👏 Apa mdara mataura zvandanzwa. Tofanira kungwarira nekuti strategy yedu inogona kuzongotipandukira, zvozonzi tisu takonzeresa nyonga nyonga maballot papers ashaikwa. Panoda kutarisiswa. Nekuti idzi mhondi hadzitye mvongamvonga nekudeura ropa. Army inengs yakagadzirira kuuraya kana vanhu vakaungana muma d****bha. Tinobva tachinyatsobirirwa. Panoda kuitwa zvine order.
Zuze · 1 year ago
@Huru... whatever, am I correct in assuming that by "provocatures" you meant to say PROVOCATEURS? Please DO NOT assassinate King Charles's language. Eish, chikoro chikaita chishoma ma1&2 chaiwo akarehwa nevakomana.
laugh emoji1
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
english is not a mesasure for being educated zuze
Anonymous · 1 year ago
HURU, by polling officials and police officers do you mean the Zanu supporters who always masquerade as such when their specific job is to assist with rigging results on behalf of their party? If people choose to peacefully spend the night at the polling station why should that be of concern to ZANU? It is your right to do as you say after casting your vote.

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