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VP Chiwenga Urged To Reverse Mugabe's Removal And Restore Power To The People

1 year agoMon, 14 Aug 2023 09:29:24 GMT
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VP Chiwenga Urged To Reverse Mugabe's Removal And Restore Power To The People

Maximilian Lion, a Zimbabwean blogger, asserts that if Vice President Constantino Chiwenga orchestrated the removal of Zimbabwe’s late founding leader, Robert Mugabe, from power in 2017, then he must strategise a reversal and restore power to the people in line with the liberation war struggle’s objectives.

Lion’s comments follow the testimony of South African medical doctor Willi Leo Sieling, who claimed that Mary Mubaiwa, the former wife of Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, confided in him about President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s alleged attempt to assassinate his deputy in 2018.

According to Lion, Chiwenga may have been betrayed, and therefore, he should not feel obligated to protect individuals who benefited from Mugabe’s demise. He said on Twitter:

A proposal for General V.P Chiwenga in light of the evidence adduced during a trial in which a Doctor said under oath that there was a plan to assassinate him when he was in hospital.

The evidence implies that some of the beneficiaries of the 2017 coup were dishonest players. Had the coup failed, most of the people who made the 2017 – 2023 cabinet would have faced treason trials under Mugabe and a meeting with their maker.

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The chief beneficiary of the coup only appeared on the scene when the heavy lifting had been done.

The evidence submitted in court infers that there was a great betrayal and deception among the coup players. While others courageously accepted the risk that came with the coup of potentially losing their lives, others saw it as a means to an end while there was no risk to their lives because they were in hiding.

Whether you supported the coup or not, one can’t help but see a pattern of deception which goes back decades. It is disgusting in all the circumstances. The more one thinks about this, the more one sees a potential avenue for the betrayed to redeem himself in the eyes of the country.

What General V.P Chiwenga could do is acknowledge that he took a great risk for a mission which made life worse for the country and its people. But he can do something about it. He can correct this situation by putting the country back in the position it was before the 2017 coup.

He can go further and do even better by ensuring that power goes back to the people in alignment with the objectives of the liberation war struggle. He can establish a genuine republic with accountability and separation of powers.

How is he going to do this is the question many people will be asking? The answer is, only he knows. He knows the challenges that stand in his way. We can only speculate as to the risk but he knows precisely the obstacles before him.

If he masterminded what happened in 2017, he can strategise a reversal of the process. This is more than a duty to the country, the people who are suffering and all the lives that were sacrificed during the liberation war. A reversal of the coup of 2017 could be a launch pad for Zimbabwe’s transformation.

If he can pull this off, the event could prove to be the biggest in Zimbabwe’s history. If he were to do this, he could go down as the most influential Zimbabwean to ever live. His legacy in the history books will be guaranteed for the next 1000 years and beyond. Zimbabweans would be willing to forgive the drama of 2017 for returning to order.

He added that the proposal is driven by the realisation of Zimbabwe’s immense challenges and another five years of the same would be disastrous. He said the country has reached a critical point with wasted potential. Other countries with fewer resources have achieved better organization adding that people deserve a functional country, accountable government, and ethical leadership. He is sceptical that elections will bring change as the process is biased. He says the upcoming elections won’t be fair, leaving Zimbabwe in a difficult situation. The country lacks a democratic model for solutions. He says General V.P. Chiwenga understands the power dynamics. 

Unsubstantiated reports suggest an agreement between Mnangagwa and Chiwenga, wherein the former would vacate his position to allow his deputy to assume the presidency upon the conclusion of his final term. This potential scenario adds complexity to the situation. The question arises whether Chiwenga will demonstrate selflessness and relinquish the opportunity to become president, granting power to a civilian. If Mnangagwa emerges victorious in the presidential election on August 23, he will remain president until at least 2028. Previously, he ambiguously stated he will still be around by 2030, leaving the intention behind his remark unclear, whether it was a joke or a serious declaration. 

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Zvenyika · 1 year ago
Dzokerai paCoup zvishoma moverenga makuva atinoti Graves nechirungu amacoup plyers , sibusiso uyo akambova Dj wecoup pa ZBC tina Perrence wekwaShiri varimuvhu rinotonhora vote wisely nangisai pana ED magunners ese apere kana tirivapenyu tese naana fugu tosvka 2028 taradzika Chiwenga gamba ramagamba kuchikomo kwatakanosiya Sibusiso kwakarambwa nauncle Bob ombonoita nyaya naana Peter Pamire
Zvenyika · 1 year ago
Dzokerai paCoup zvishoma moverenga makuva atinoti Graves nechirungu amacoup plyers , sibusiso uyo akambova Dj wecoup pa ZBC tina Perrence wekwaShiri varimuvhu rinotonhora vote wisely nangisai pana ED magunners ese apere kana tirivapenyu tese naana fugu tosvka 2028 taradzika Chiwenga gamba ramagamba kuchikomo kwatakanosiya Sibusiso kwakarambwa nauncle Bob ombonoita nyaya naana Peter Pamire
Pourosi · 1 year ago
Mary tried her best . She lied tovthe Doctor in order to hide her action of removing Chiwenga from the support machines . On the issue of someone suggesting a coup by Chiwenga , that playing with fire because you can be charg3d with high treason . Stop the coup coup budiness.
dr · 1 year ago
picture bhoo hre pindula?
raskuh · 1 year ago
save us genaral, munozvigona izvi kna gwena akamutadza Mugabe 37 yrs bt makazviitaa👩‍🍳
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
The Doctors evidence that Mary Mubaiwa cofided in him that the grenade which was thrown immediately after the rally was targeted at Vice President Constantino Guvheya Chiwenga clears the air. [ VOTE FOR CHAMISA CHETE CHETE FOR REAL CHANGE/SHANDUKO ].The Doctor claimed that Mary said His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa had planned to eliminate his deputy by death. This may clear the puzzle why this case seemed to have suffered a stillbirth.. If the docket had been closed, who ordered its closure and why ? This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Gayigusu · 1 year ago
Izvi azvisati zvamboitika pasi pano, musoja oitira mumwe munhu coup. Now Chiwenga is hopelessly incapacitated hapasisina chanogona kuita. ED is on top of the situation, tsoro dzese akachinja chinja whilst he was on medication in China. Kasukuwere is the only threat remaining in Zanu pf politics.
Sorojena · 1 year ago
Chiwenga lost his opportunity, he'll never get back. His mistake was to rush for tux suit
Zindoga · 1 year ago
Chiwenga is now powerless. He was given Ministry of Health where there are no guns to start a coup. Mnangagwa's bootlicker.
. · 1 year ago
iwe general vachiriko ku army
Mike · 1 year ago
CCC ndosolution chete
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
day dreaming by Mike
@maximilian · 1 year ago
wangu generari vakatoita mistake it's like kupfimba babe uchri fambra zvekupera bhutsu robvuma woitwa munyai apo pfuma iri yako wonoroorera another man ototanga kuisa yeke yeke hake pababe riya iwe uchirova gweto kuma terrace imagining her mudhoto skin smoothness and kurembera kwenzeve downstairs ayaaaas generari vakatoita mistake paya.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Guys Genarari knows what he is doing
maparamuro · 1 year ago
restore power to which people? on which planet are you living? Zimbabweans never had political power, that power has always rested in the hands of the military and zanupf elite.
. · 1 year ago
the truth is chiwenga is coming for ed. Ed knows that. he once said even a coup can not put me down. the only one capable of that is the VP. watch the slaves
Tea Inonaka · 1 year ago
uyu munangagwa anotsvotwa nachiwenga, izino irema paya
xyz · 1 year ago
Let the games begin.
nangisai magura · 1 year ago
in politics there is no permanent enemy or permanent friend,it's a cat and mouse game
@maxmilion...🤷‍♂️ · 1 year ago
There's fluency in what you saying, nyaya iyi wakabatira pamusoro, if you are in the diaspora I guess you came a bit late, may be it was jus a coy to invoke the sitting doctors testimony, but ka, the doctor is a good actor in a spy am movie, its election time and lunacy begins just to fuel instability your blog is trash it doesn't matter you made cash but its jus good for the gutters
xxc · 1 year ago
zino irema haisi secret, waunodys naye ndoanokuuraya ,
Tyy · 1 year ago
Analysis analytics · 1 year ago
Uyu haafungi uyu.Dont you know kuti chakashanda paya maposition avaiva nawo kumilitary.How can he do it whilst not having any military post.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
He can do it....Dont forget kuti he still has strong/personal ties in the military s top brass...he is better off in the military than civillan
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
izvo chiwenga akatogadziria kare nekuita elections 2018 after coup.
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣 @Fugu pfee hazviite change th fact yekuti u have been wearing the same underwear since Saturday uchiyi pindurudza shaaz.
laugh emoji1
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
2018 election zvakatogadzirisa coup kare

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