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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Team Pachedu: Our App Will Counter Fake Figures From ZEC

1 year agoMon, 14 Aug 2023 14:45:53 GMT
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Team Pachedu: Our App Will Counter Fake Figures From ZEC

Team Pachedu, a civic society group based in Zimbabwe, has announced the development of an application called Mandla which they said incorporates robust security features aimed at countering any dissemination of fraudulent data by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).

According to Team Pachedu, Mandla possesses the ability to promptly audit the votes recorded at each polling station. They stated:

In developing the App we created security features that will counter any fake figures from @ZECzim in real-time. The focus is not only the V11 but what goes into it. Mandla has the capability to instantly audit votes of each PS. We will not get tired of protecting the vote.

Some Context:

In 2018, the opposition MDC Alliance, then under the leadership of Nelson Chamisa, alleged that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), in collusion with the ruling party ZANU PF, had engaged in electoral fraud to favour ZANU PF’s presidential candidate, Emmerson Mnangagwa. The dispute escalated to the courts, where the MDC Alliance was requested to present polling station return forms (V.11) as evidence of the alleged manipulation of the electoral process. However, the MDC Alliance failed to produce the V.11 forms.

If the Mandla app is capable of providing the V.11 forms from each polling station, any potential data manipulation at the national command centre would be rendered ineffective. This is because there would be concrete evidence showcasing the voting patterns at every polling station, thus countering claims of electoral tampering. In 2018, the MDC Alliance asserted that ZEC had manipulated figures, inflating Mnangagwa’s vote count to ensure his victory over Nelson Chamisa.

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Pindula News reached out to Team Pachedu to gain an understanding of how their application functions and to clarify any concerns regarding potential legal violations. Team Pachedu explained that their application serves as a vote tabulation system. They further explained the process as follows:

Upon the announcement of results at polling stations, agents will then capture the results and the national totals will be tallied together in real time.

Team Pachedu emphasized that the system results cannot be objected to by authorities. This is because the results are sourced from valid Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) results posted publicly outside the polling stations. Team Pachedu said:

Authorities cannot object to the system results because first, the results will be valid ZEC results that are posted outside the polling stations and second, we do not intend to announce the results as the official results nor to declare any candidate to have been duly elected. The tabulation system complies with Section 66A(1) and Section 66A(2) of the Electoral Act.

Team Pachedu clarified that with data quality assurance in mind and to comply with Section 66 of the Electoral Act, for now, only ZEC-approved agents shall be using the system once their parties give the green light.


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All heard ed is planning to switch off wi · 1 year ago
Ed is planning to switch off wi fi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
All political parties please it’s high time we unite and all vote for CCC since it is the second biggest party Our focus it to ensure ZANU PF is gone Cde Kasukuwere , Madhuku , and all those from Mwonzora I am appealing to you to vote for CCC please we want this to be a history from 24 August
Anonymous · 1 year ago
1980 Rhodesian $ was neck to neck ne British Pound meaning it was above us$ . Ian Smith told Mugabe not to rejoice because he was enjoying Rhodesian cream and 10 years down the line if he is going to maintain the same exchange rate he would have proved that he knows , with his 7 degrees he failed the country faced with criticism he resorted to killing people whoever is gona vote for ZANU PF is an **** to say the least . Is this the independence ZANU PF claimed to have brought to the masses of Zimbabwe . How many families are crying , 2018 it killed invent people and you keep on voting for it. Henerietwa RUSHWAYA gold smuggling case is water under the bridge . ZANU has brought untold suffering guys . Her AID was arrested is SA trying to smuggle gold and was confiscated . Obert Mpofu looted the diamonds Putin once said Africa leaders the loot and bank outside leaving their countries poorer . Corrupt ZANU PF and it’s officials , Tagwirei included ,
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Fungu pfee Dai wanyarara vana wane ma Degree hawana mabasa nyika iri kuendepi . Hazvi shamisi wamwe pane chino nhuwa vano nhuwirirwa . 40 years chii chitsva chicha unzwa ne ZANU pF kana wakundi kana bye bye Garwe kumusha Vanhu wafa muma oko e ZANU zvanyanya wese ano vhotera ZANU PF Wari ku tenderana nema basa ayo Ropa Rama Ndiraya ana Dzamara ana Jongwe ne wese we Gukurahundi richa bvunzwawo muma oko ako
zozo · 1 year ago
yah that mandla thing is good asika lets look it from both angles if ccc is to loose this election and confirmed by mandhla cant you see that this will be the end of ccc tomboti ccc yarohwa zvemachokwadi vakomana kunonyararwa for the next five years zanu pf inotiita party ngatirege kufarira n,anga neinobata mayi
Zuze · 1 year ago
Kana CCC yadyiwa paferere ferere hazvina kuipa. Ndokuti TiripoSiii site restrategise for 2018.
.... · 1 year ago
Pindula Amandla We only await for Qiniso app kkkk
Pasi Pamera Ziso · 1 year ago
The best way to remove doubt from the Zec announced results. I think all party agents should be allowed to have a copy of the V11s in electronic and print form. They should also be allowed to do their own tabulation and come up with their own figures as long as they use the V11s anenge abva pa polling station. Izvi zvichaita kuti ma disputes anobva pasarudzo asavepo zvachose. Zec should allow all parties not Ccc or Zanu pf alone but even any accredited electoral body should be given the figures from every polling station.
. · 1 year ago
That would be the ideal situation. But I cannot see ZANU Electoral Commission and ZANU agreeing to that. My prognosis is that both ZANU and ZEC are going to throw spanners into the Mandla works. Watch this space...
Anonymous · 1 year ago
This Mandla thing is just an own interest application by the self appointed arbiters of elections. It has no agency in court.
Tea Inonaka · 1 year ago
Team Pachedu haisi yakurumidza kuburitsa deal ravo iri, now zec yakutamba ichiziva zvirimberi. CCC also announced it's V11s monitoring. Kungwadza muvengi uku, mangwana mumwe ari kuchema futi.
Zuze · 1 year ago
I think the timing is perfect. ZANU, ZEC and their rigging machines are certainly going to be working overtime the next 9 days to counter the Team Pachedu App. Furthermore, with election observers on site now, I think this pulls the rug from under the feet of ZANU and ZEC. 2018 Excelgate can't be repeated again this time.
Baboon · 1 year ago
Haaaa chamisa will never be in power haafe akatonga Zim anodiwa nevanhu hake but naMwari haadiwe ED ndiye anodiwa naMwari kunyange vanhu vasingamude ndosaka muchiona achingotonga
Dzingai N · 1 year ago
Only ZEC and ZEC alone has the authority to release results as mandated by the Law of the Republic of Zimbabwe 🇿🇼
Zuze · 1 year ago
@wydad, Team Pachedu has categorically stated that the App is not going to be used to announce results. It is basically a tool to counteract rigging. Wherever ZEC announces results that are at variance with Polling Station results, Mandla will expose that variance. Then a recount can be requested in court. period.
illuminati🌞🌞🌞 · 1 year ago
Wuto · 1 year ago
Pasi pasi ne ZanuPf
yellow · 1 year ago
But why are they disclosing such an issue, isn't it supposed to be private,hameno but azvishandi its just a confusing statement
Zuze · 1 year ago
Chisina kujeka chiiko nhaiwe Zuze sezita rangu? Futi kutaura pajekerere kuti nhunzvatunzva dziri kuronga kubira dzizive kuti dzahwanda mumunda wenzungu. Wahwanda mumunda wenzungu, simuka, takuona!
las vegas · 1 year ago
yellow iri pese Rwendo runo hazvitadzi
maki · 1 year ago
@ᴋɢᴏsɪ ᴅᴇ_ʀɪᴄᴄʜ💖 · 1 year ago
Mon | 14 | 08 | 23 @Kgosi de_Ricch 🅾️Daily Updates #Socialbrite 4ED COWDRAY PARK BULAWAYO CONSTITUENCY *E' BOOSTEN' ZANU PF STAR RALLY CAMPAIGN Starring : MP Crd PROFFESSOR MTHULI NCUBE The construction of Cowdray Park tarred roads is a everyday talk in Zimbabwe. The suburb is still developing only seven main tarred roads have been constructed. Five main roads were constructed and maintained by the opposition Party MDC for the past two and quarter decades. The Cowdray Park contesting MP of the ruling party Zanu Pf Crd Proffesor Mthuli Ncube, has been described as the magnificent man that has ever existed in the suburb. Ncube installed a billboard post that has been labelled 'Welcome to Smart City' Both President and Proffesor Mthuli Ncube's faces covered the Billboard. Citizens of Cowdray Park are well pleased with the new development brought in by Honourable Mthuli Ncube.Two main roads have been constructed within the period of six months. The Empompini to Caravan road is now working, while T Junction road that joins road to Empompini and caravan its process is underway. ROADS HAND OVER CEREMONY On Saturday 12 august 2023 Proffesor Mthuli Ncube official handed the complete tarred road to the people of Cowdray Park.During the address minister told the citizens how he enjoys to travel on the tarred road and also mentioned that the road covers a wide and long travel distance. SAFETY OF CHILDREN'S LIVES Proffesor Mthuli Ncube rescued the children's lives from life strethening deep hole by covering the deep hole with rocks and soil. Proffesor managed to eazy troubled spirits of the parents. THE COMMISSION OF COWDRAY PARK CONSTITUENCE HOSPITAL Mthuli Ncube explained about the use of the mobile X-Ray that was worth of US$80 000 for the benefit of the Zimbabweans. On Wednesday 2 August 2023 Proffesor Mthuli Ncube Minister of finance, His Excellence of the second Republic of Zimbabwe President Dr. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangqgwa and the two Vice Presidents (1) The Retired General Constastino.G.Chiwenga and (2) The Retired war veteran Vice President Kembo.C.D Mohadi, commissioned a Cowdray Park hospital in Empompini (Area) and later on headed to EMKHITHIKA THEBE GROUNDS for the 2023 Bulawayo Zanu Pf Star Rally which was held at Cowdray Park, Bulawayo constituence. THE NEW DEVELOPMENT OF T.H.E GARIKAI BUS STOP Garikai Bus stop (electric Robots) probably is the next promising development that his Excellence Crd Proffesor Mthuli Ncube will complete very soon since the road traffic lights had been installed. The Garikai Bus Stop has been marked as a death trap zone. The fatal accidents had been reported to the city council of MDC opposition Party which has ruled the suburb for over the past two and quarter decades.The complaints of the citizens were ignored as a result more fatal road accidents are still being reported. IN MARCH 2019 ZANU PF WON A COUNCIL SIT FOR THE WARD 28 COWDRAY PARK, BULAWAYO CONSTITUENCE In March 2019 Kidwell Mujuru of Zanu Pf won the Cowdray Park council post. Mujuru current is contesting for a second term run for the 2023 Cowdray Park council post standing for ward 6. Mujuru worked very well with the people of Cowdray Park. He provided people with clean water, fast water pipe maintaning services and also installed water meter and clean water for the house-holds of the new stands. TECHNOLOGY The Minister of finance applauded the Youths for inventing a radio wireless from stratch. Ncube pointed that he was over welmed at the Holy Trinity Catholic church and did testify that the radio testing was successful in the presence of hundreads of people who had attended the *E' BOOSTEN ZANU PF STAR RALLY which was held on Saturday 12 August 2023. Minister of Finance urged the youths to take part in engeenering courses for future purposes. Article wrote by Crd @Kgosi de_Ricch @Kgosi de_Ricch 🅾️Daily Updates #Socialbrite 4ED
Taliban · 1 year ago
@kgosi it seems you are Mthuli yourself manje urikuzvifonera
· 1 year ago
Unfinished projects will be forgone if they win only to try and complete them after 5 years
doug · 1 year ago
From the news, that hospital was funded by the British in a scheme where they will be building a lot more such spe****ed hospitals all over the country. What is the source of funding are the roads being upgraded with, and at what cost?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Do you really think the British made the decision in London to build the clinic? Just accept its a ZANU PF Porject.
@kgosi · 1 year ago
this is proof of abuse of state funds and disregard of government arms
Sorojena · 1 year ago
In the previous polls Zanu pf never won the elections but got favoured by the Concourt decision. So this time our eyes are wide open, all loop holes would be taken care of. Let's vote CCC resoundingly to cross over to Canaan. That patriotic vote 👆❌. Iminwe... iminywana phezulu.
V11s kupela · 1 year ago
Kkkkkk, you can come with your algorithms, hazvina basa.The only valid figures are those published by ZEC. That's what the law says. If there is a dispute we go back to the V11s and nothing else.
Führer · 1 year ago
Zec is recognised constitutionally and was set up and campaigned for by Twitter president and crew during their mdc days so this mandla thing can never be admitted in court.
Zuze · 1 year ago
Why can't it be admissible? Especially as it uses ZEC announced figures?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zuze wakaba chingwa ukarova tsamba. Who appointed Mandla? The owner of Mandla is opposition cccc so havasi known ku ZEC
CIA · 1 year ago
Pamberi phambili ne Mukomana pasi nemadhara. CCC CCC chi****ro from ground zero Mwariunokudayi vanhu veZimbabwe Chamisa Chamisa Chamisa Hoye I love this Ccc
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
cia asi unokakama, uri kudzokorora comment 1
CIA · 1 year ago
Pamberi phambili ne Mukomana pasi nemadhara. CCC CCC chi****ro from ground zero Mwariunokudayi vanhu veZimbabwe Chamisa Chamisa Chamisa Hoye I love this Ccc
CIA · 1 year ago
Pamberi phambili ne Mukomana pasi nemadhara. CCC CCC chi****ro from ground zero Mwariunokudayi vanhu veZimbabwe Chamisa Chamisa Chamisa Hoye I love this Ccc
CIA · 1 year ago
Pamberi phambili ne Mukomana pasi nemadhara. CCC CCC chi****ro from ground zero Mwariunokudayi vanhu veZimbabwe Chamisa Chamisa Chamisa Hoye I love this Ccc
CIA · 1 year ago
Pamberi phambili ne Mukomana pasi nemadhara. CCC CCC chi****ro from ground zero Mwariunokudayi vanhu veZimbabwe Chamisa Chamisa Chamisa Hoye I love this Ccc
CIA · 1 year ago
Pamberi phambili ne Mukomana pasi nemadhara. CCC CCC chi****ro from ground zero Mwariunokudayi vanhu veZimbabwe Chamisa Chamisa Chamisa Hoye I love this Ccc
CIA · 1 year ago
Pamberi phambili ne Mukomana pasi nemadhara. CCC CCC chi****ro from ground zero Mwariunokudayi vanhu veZimbabwe Chamisa Chamisa Chamisa Hoye I love this Ccc
CIA · 1 year ago
Pamberi phambili ne Mukomana pasi nemadhara. CCC CCC chi****ro from ground zero Mwariunokudayi vanhu veZimbabwe Chamisa Chamisa Chamisa Hoye I love this Ccc
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
brew kachasu..... drink and go to sleep .... wake up and go to hell. chamisa haatonge Zimbabwe
Gitutu · 1 year ago
I believe there will be cccc observers but will be asleep then now resort to madla or is it spread-sheet.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ku court hazvizishande. hatina umboo hunobva kuna Mandla wenyuwo watogakuchira.
Taliban · 1 year ago
tamba tamba chidembo muswe ndakabata huruhwese nakatsande
Zuze · 1 year ago
Nomumvura, nomumvura Nomutsanga, nomutsanga, Huri hwese naKatsande... Katsande mukono.....

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