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ZRP Blocks Harare Mayor From Commissioning Rufaro Stadium

1 year agoThu, 10 Aug 2023 17:57:50 GMT
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ZRP Blocks Harare Mayor From Commissioning Rufaro Stadium

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) prevented Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume from commissioning Rufaro Stadium this morning. Originally scheduled for Saturday, the event was subsequently rescheduled to Wednesday and then Thursday, only to be cancelled following orders from the police.

Journalists and council officials were instructed to leave the stadium, which is still undergoing renovations. Despite claiming that the stadium is 95% complete, Mayor Mafume received instructions from the Mbare Police not to proceed with the commissioning ceremony.

In response to media inquiries about the stadium’s status and the matter of maintaining law and order, the police released a statement redirecting all questions to the Permanent Secretary for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Harare Province, Tafadzwa Muguti. The ZRP emphasizes that it follows the guidance of the Permanent Secretary, who holds responsibility for government and local authorities’ programs in the city. Read the statement:

With regards to media queries on the status of Rufaro Stadium in Harare and the issue of maintenance of law and order, the ZRP reiterates that it stands guided by the Permanent Secretary for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Harare Province as he is the one in charge of Government and local authorities programmes in the city.

The incident occurs after President Emerson Mnangagwa told ZANU PF supporters at a campaign rally on Wednesday that the central government would renovate Rufaro Stadium, facilitating the return of the Dynamos football club to play their home games there.

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Sorojena · 1 year ago
Uuuummm, kukambira kambira manyanya imi mapurisa. Kurotomoka ka uku?. Siyayi Mayor aite basa rake akasununguka . Don't play the devil's tools of destruction.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Let's unite
377 · 1 year ago
asi voramba havo vachingotonga. ndokuva ne simba.
377 · 1 year ago
politics dzonakidza. especially ma comments. vamwe vanotoita zvekugumbuka vachipa ma comments. Tose tiri pakuona vatambi vachitamba. Kunotonga vanesimba. Zvavashandisa kukunda, intimidation, rigging, vote buying nekunyepa kana vangobudirira kutonga ndovanesimba. That's politics it's never fair.
doug · 1 year ago
Politics dzakasiyana ne American wrestling yekuti referee kana asiri kuona panoittwa zvisingabvumidzwe vanobirira vonzi ma winners. Panopinzwa vanobirira ve politics hapana kubudirira kungoita nyika nekuti kwe 5 years abirira anenge achishandira kuti kuba kwake kusaonekwe.
Sorojena · 1 year ago
Muno muZimbabwe, Job description yapresident needs to be looked into. Commissioning and splashing money 🤑 during the process has become the top duty for the president. Such commissioning events should be delegated to state runners. President hafaniri kugara echingomanya manya netunhu twenando worse Mnangagwa akwegura...haati zvekumanyisva too much, ogoberengesva zvimabepa zvisina nemsoro. Let's respect our aged president.
Cliv3 · 1 year ago
New parliament was built by the Chinese using their own finances then donated it but vamwe takavanzwa vakut yakawakwa na Ed
Anonymous · 1 year ago
ndo paunoona rimwe zimunhu richida kutengesa rusununguko nekuda kwe ka chicken hamper.Selling a better future just becos of a chicken leg, chips and a can of COKE or kamunda kasina zvakanokupa.SHAME. Kusaziva kwakafanana nekufa.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Do not try to show us your dunderheadness ma CCC. The protocal is that the president is the head of Government which includes local government and the councils report to the minister of local government. So the minister has all the say over what councils do and also the president has the overall say over what is happening in councils. To be blunt, macouncils ma runner a minister we local council and ultimately the president has an overview of all of them. Not to mention kuti Rufaro Stadium is a national asset. Ndimo makaitirwa mabiko e Independence imomo saka usatambe iwe mu CCC. Ndipo pamunorashika ma CCC nemamwe ma opposition parties. Munoshandisa pfungwa dzenyu instead of what the law or protocal say.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
If that is the case then the Minister is also responsible for the rot in the city kkkkkkkk
@ᴋɢᴏsɪ ᴅᴇ_ʀɪᴄᴄʜ💖 · 1 year ago
Insimbi ZeZhwane's trip was doomed from the beginning! by Staff reporter 7 hrs ago | 536 Views INSIMBI ZeZhwane's trip was a doomed one from the beginning as they should not have taken to the Bulawayo-Victoria Falls Road which resulted in the death of the group's core owner Elvis "Ma Eli" Mathe yesterday. The trip also claimed the life of drummer Thembinkosi "Maviri" Mpofu who died on the spot following an accident which occurred yesterday after the vehicle they were travelling in burst a tyre and veered off the road before ramming onto a tree along the Bulawayo-Victoria Falls highway. The condition of core band owner Meluleki Brema Moyo who was also seated in the front was said to be critical last night. One of the band managers who was overseeing the group while in the country after their relocation from South Africa, Tiro Maphosa said the group took the doomed trip to Binga on Friday when they were supposed to head to Mashonaland Central for the national gala in honour of the late Dr Samuel Parirenyatwa. The gala was held last night in Mutawatawa. Maphosa said he was supposed to be part of the travelling team, but something came up which forced him to cancel the trip. "When the accident occurred, the band was travelling from Binga after being invited to perform at a national gala there. They were told that the gala was in Binga on Friday night, but when they got to Binga, the person who had contacted them was no longer reachable. Elvis phoned me on Saturday at around 5am advising me that the show was instead in Mashonaland East (Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe) and advised me that they were en route there. "They were supposed to have a stopover in Bulawayo before proceeding, but sadly, this did not happen. Elvis was driving when the accident happened," said Maphosa. The manager said the official had spoken directly with Elvis and the band left Bulawayo for Binga at around 5pm on Friday. Maphosa said the late was a soft-spoken person who was very reserved. Ma Eli who was just 31 years of age, having been born in Tsholotsho on 28 February 1992 at Magabelana village had the Rhumba entertainment industry in his hands, but sadly his life has been cut short. "I stayed with the band in Emakhandeni suburb when they returned from South Africa. Elvis was not a sociable person, instead, he did his things silently. He was the direct opposite of Meluleki ‘Brema' Moyo." The group's manager said they will advise the public once funeral arrangements are made. South Africa-based music promotions company Underground Entertainment and the group's management released a joint statement last night mourning the two late members. Underground Entertainment was supposed to host the band for the reopening of Hilbrow Theatre in the coming months. "Our condolences to the family, friends and music lovers at large. The spear has fallen and it's a big loss to the entertainment industry," read part of the statement. The National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ) has also mourned the death of the group's members. "The NACZ extends its deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Elvis Mathe and Thembinkosi Mpofu. Our sympathies also extend to all the band members' families affected by this untimely and unfortunate situation. The NACZ wishes the remaining band members a speedy recovery," NACZ director Nicholas Moyo said in a statement.
Sorojena · 1 year ago
It's very unfortunate that Zim is riding on the wave of dictatorship. Commissioning the stadium 🏟️ shouldn't be a cause for concern and viewed with a political eye. ZANU is behaving like a desperate opposition party, and indeed it's an opposition masquerading as a ruling party. Zanu pf is a baby whose umbilical cord is still attached to the state apparatus, if we cut that umbilical cord for sure ZANU will cease to exist. The police hierarchy no longer have the control of the force, they take orders from the Shake Shake building.
kgb · 1 year ago
Do not be fooled all councils were run by zanu through July Moyo and Mwonzora zanu appendage Saka musanyeperwe kuti ccc failed when it was clear that zanu and Mwonzora are the ones who failed pasi membavha.
. · 1 year ago
All councils are run by ZANU through that white headed geriatric, July Moyo. July Moyo has been throwing spanners on the works of local authorities.
zozo · 1 year ago
vamafume murikumhanyira kupiko mirayi basa ramakatanga ripere mozovhura zvenyu nhandare asi mukutya kuti zvingazoitwa after erection here imi musisipo hazvineyi hazvo anenge ave panyanga ndiye achavhura zvake .handiti makati stadium ndeye ruzhinji saka mukumhanyira kupi?siyayi basa ripere 100% movhuraka zvenyu kuda kupfeka hembe isati yapera kusonwa .
Zuze · 1 year ago
Ko ED zvaanoita ground breaking ceremonies pane chinenge chapedzwa kuvakwa here?
NATO · 1 year ago
**** ccc · 1 year ago
How can he intend to commission an unfinished project. TO HELL WITH JACOB
. · 1 year ago
This Stadium was commissioned long back by capable leaders, the Mayor is just ground breaking the renovation process. Klaar.
ghg · 1 year ago
maPrice eData neRTGS muri kuti kudii nawo 560000-$110us for 50gig
sad emoji1
jaa · 1 year ago
they just join what they don't know
kg · 1 year ago
5yrs ago there was no ccc
Boss veda · 1 year ago
@Kg haaa sure hauna chaunoziya iwe. Kusaziva zvakafanana nekufa.
doug · 1 year ago
If the permanent secretary wields such power as to order the police and they comply, why did he let what government terms the "rot" in Harare to carry on? With what happened at Rufaro, did he make a report or just give an order?
chamisa chete chete · 1 year ago
Good question
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zanu pf wants to ride on dynamos popularity and the work done by CCC, havanyari shuwa, no sense of shame at all
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
His Excellency Advocate President ED MNANGAGWA was briefed wrongly that if ZANU PF government takes over the renovation of Rufaro Stadium, it shall capture Dynamos fans to become ZANU PF supporters. [ DO NOT VOTE FOR GOLD MAFIA CRIMINALS AND MONEY LAUNDERERS ]. This is far from the the truth. Politics and football are two different things. ZANU PF is going to be surprised. It will bite the dust on 23 August 2023. I want to repeat that this legislature on municipalities and town councils must be rewritten. You cannot have a Minister of another Political Party supervising a municipality run by a rival Political Party. The Minister will always throw in the engine. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Dzingai N · 1 year ago
zvimwe ndezvimwe ground harisati raita , ukaona machanging rooms ma1 , City Council should not Rush ,ngavaite basa ravo zvinoita chete vanopedza ,even rikaita next season asi vaita good job it will be better, the turf looks ok
Kaffirson · 1 year ago
The opening is reserved for Mnangagwa. Even before you use your blair toilet you must invite him to commission it💩💩

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