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Chamisa Alleges ZANU PF MPs Oppose Mnangagwa, Plan Bhora Musango

1 year agoWed, 02 Aug 2023 08:11:00 GMT
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Chamisa Alleges ZANU PF MPs Oppose Mnangagwa, Plan Bhora Musango

Opposition leader Nelson Chamisa has claimed that ZANU PF MPs are dissatisfied with President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s rule and have vowed to campaign against him in the upcoming elections. Speaking to his supporters recently, Chamisa alleged that Mnangagwa is not wanted in ZANU PF, and his MPs have told him that they will do a ‘bhora musango.’ Chamisa further claimed that Mnangagwa’s rule has benefited his family and that he is rewarding non-party members. He said:

This is no longer a party-aligned issue. In fact, it is Mnangagwa who is not wanted in Zanu PF. His MPs tell me that they will do a ‘bhora musango’. I said yes I’m bhora musango. They say his rule has benefitted his family. They say he is now rewarding some who are not from the party. That is why he has structures such as FAZ because he does not believe in us.

“Bhora Musango” is a Shona phrase that means “kick the ball into the bushes.” It was a term used to describe a strategy used by some ZANU PF members during the 2008 elections to protest against the party’s chosen candidates by deliberately spoiling their ballot papers. The strategy was widely believed to have been used against Robert Mugabe during the 2008 elections, mainly by people in Mt Darwin who voted for Joyce Mujuru but did not vote for Mugabe. The strategy involved deliberately spoiling ballot papers as a form of protest against Mugabe and the ruling ZANU PF party. 

Chamisa’s statements followed reports of fears of factionalism in the ruling party sparked by former commissar Saviour Kasukuwere. Kasukuwere, a kingpin of the G40 faction, announced his ambitions to run for the presidency, challenging his erstwhile colleague Mnangagwa. However, his ambitions suffered a blow after the Supreme Court upheld a High Court ruling barring him from contesting. Kasukuwere has since approached the Constitutional Court over the matter.

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Dzingai N · 1 year ago
uyu haana agenda ,tsve kutaura zveparty yako kune madouble candidates mata neZanu,it shows kuti u're direction less,Kuona katanda Kari muziso meumwe ko mako... # Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo
Form 3 · 1 year ago
kkk vanhu kutogarira Pasi kuudzwa zvinhu zvisina musoro.. Politics dzemuno ma1.
Gold Mafia boss · 1 year ago
#Bulawayo12CourtUpdate “Under the Judicial Laws Amendment Act, only the Electoral Court has jurisdiction to entertain challenges to the nomination of candidates. The High Court erred by hearing a case that falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of a spe****ed court.” #Bulawayo12CourtUpdate The respondents (ZANU PF/FAZ) have conceded that it’s in the interests of justice that the appeal be heard on the merits. They are not persisting with the preliminary objections they had raised. #Bulawayo12CourtUpdate The lawyer for @ZECzim has advised the court that they’re abiding by the decision of the Supreme Court. Despite being respondents, they’re not opposed to the relief we are seeking. In the High Court, ZEC confirmed that we submitted our papers in time. #Bulawayo12CourtUpdate “The High Court application was invalid because it was filed outside the time limits stipulated by the law. The Supreme Court (binding on the HC) has said that filing a case late without condonation invalidates an application. It should’ve been struck off.” #Bulawayo12CourtUpdate “Section 46(7) of the Electoral Act does not apply because the appellants were in court before 4pm as accepted by ZEC. The judgment of the court is not supported by the facts that were before the court.” #Bulawayo12CourtUpdate “Under the Judicial Laws Amendment Act, only the Electoral Court has jurisdiction to entertain challenges to the nomination of candidates. The High Court erred by hearing a case that falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of a spe****ed court.” ”The applicants before the High Court (ZANU PF/FAZ) were not at the Nomination Court. Their case was built on social media hearsay evidence which is inadmissible & contradicts direct evidence of people who were there. The High Court erred in relying on inadmissible hearsay.” *BREAKING NEWS The 12 CCC bulawayo MPs have been reinstated by the Supreme court*
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Vamwe vachapindwa nechando tariga isu vagoni. Mukaita bhora musango isu tinongo Riga mozhamba futi, zvoshaya basa.kkkkkk
ndine bitterness · 1 year ago
this time tinomamisa vanhu vakaita rigging. aaaa five years uchimama nenzara hadzisi fine kana tazogara. ZANU toda kuimamisa zvekuti yega ichashahaya kuti yobira sei coz mafigures tinenge tiinawo. plus bhora musango takaenda ichisimbisa mukomana. But. ndopaunoona kuti vanhu vanovhotera madalas aya havana kukwana, unomudii munhu asingagone kuisa whatsapp muphone orkuConnector paWifi zvapo password ainayo
@Vhedza · 1 year ago
Ngatisayera nyika negavi iyo iripo, election are just a stone throw away now let's keep our fingers crossed and see who will go to sleep with his shoes, clothes, hate and shades on. Then we will have a last laugh.
@ nt funny.... · 1 year ago
If they are not pre emptied they wouldn't be said and how would we know whether they would have been said when there are not said they got to be said with a patent authorisation some accompy with nyambo a joke or something to seek reverence
not funny at all · 1 year ago
if this is advantageous to you ,why pre empt ? some things are better not said until such a time it is safe or ok to do so !
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Our biggest problem so far is corruption. How do you intend to deal with it?
........ 🤷‍♂️ · 1 year ago
Hakuna munhu anoda corruption its everywhere, sembavha etc but the deterrent measures to be taken is stiffer sentences to perpetrators Akin to a Shariah law Chete
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Who will stop "bhora musango" practice in ZANU PF ? This practice is always going to be practiced in ZANU PF and I love it. This year it is mostly likely going to be practised voters inv
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Who will stop "BHORA MUSANGO" practice in ZANU PF, election in election out for ZANU PF? This year whether they like it or not, it shall be applied most likely in Mashonaland Provinces in retaliation for denying Kasukuwere the right to contest for Presidency. [ DO NOT VOTE FOR VA NHINGI, VHOTERAI ADVOCATE NELSON CHAMISA CHETE CHETE FOR REAL CHANGE/SHANDUKO ]. my own hope now lies with chamina beating His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa all systems out for denying Saviour Kasukuwere to campaign for presidency. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
what · 1 year ago
your President is the worst kind of person. A LIAR!!!
Ini · 1 year ago
@ what as for me I want a new liar
ndine bitterness · 1 year ago
@what, muZim takudawo nhema nyuwani from someone different at least dzaChamisa inhema dzatiri kuda kunzwa. Team ZANU haisisina chekunyeba coz usatambe 43years nhema dzichingorohwa kuphela
Jue saidi · 1 year ago
Agenta now from Jesus of Nazareth
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
I hope you won't make a somersault after the elections and start telling us zanupf rigged. You have promised to win under the prevailing conditions. Hatidi anochema mangwana
tribe mkosho · 1 year ago
haaa apa chamisa akuratidza kuva childish manje.... zvinhu zvingataurwa pakaungana vanhu here izvozvo.. i thought kut maybe it was your secret.. manje chero chiri chokwadi zvakutozodhakwa coz watofumura gure ka kkkkkk..... taramba kuzonzwa waakuvovora fut kut i'v been rigged aftet ma elections ..tingakusvasvanga zvausati wakamboona ne sgamhu chaiyo
🤬 · 1 year ago
**** waamai vako.
Yaa · 1 year ago
Kamfanha aka kane Rigged honours chete, Anoti ma election kuti kunzi aitwa zvakanaka anofanirwa kumacertifier ne Being rigged certification, election haizi elections kunze kunzi ariggiwa bedzi Inenge yave election kwaari 🙄
sox · 1 year ago
🧐🤔🤨wamirirei ramba uchingonyora
🧐🤔🤨 · 1 year ago
Mfanha uyu hana agenda ye opposition Irimugwara, chake mhindu pindu Kungo bvongonza muto chete but hhazvishandi mazuva ano kucontester kuno shower your capabilities kuita zvinovonekwa ne vanhu vachizviyemura ngatiti une business mugrowth point, in order for you have have many customers you make products that attract them. KWETE KUNGOTI UNE STAND YOU PREACH ON PROMISES THAT WOULD COME AFTER WA COMPLETER KUVAKA what if you fail to mete those promises ndopauno ona ka zvirikuitika ku West Africa uko cause just promises bears none Kunyegererwa nemajiggies sechana chitoko Aiwa Ini handide
Mr Man · 1 year ago
Mr Man · 1 year ago
you don't **** where you eat.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺 anongo vukura vukura. .uchiudzwa manyepo kuti ufare. zanu pf yakabatana
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 Zidhooodhiii raED remakuseni💩 riya. P****i kaDhooodhiii
Aj · 1 year ago
@Yoyoyo 👏👏 u said it right, that's the best way to describe this foool

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