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ZCTU Has Been Captured By The State, Says Crisis In Zimbabwe Coalition

1 year agoSat, 29 Jul 2023 17:46:12 GMT
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ZCTU Has Been Captured By The State, Says Crisis In Zimbabwe Coalition

The Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC) has accused the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) of being captured by the State following the suspension of Obert Masaraure, the president of the Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ).

Masaraure was suspended recently for alleged misconduct and is also accused of leaking information from ZCTU deliberations of a 27 April 2023 meeting.

In a statement, CiZC said a small clique in the ZCTU leadership has been captured by the State as part of the post-coup government’s project to establish a one-party dictatorship. It said:

The manoeuvres to capture the labour movement follow a similar pattern to what we have seen with the main opposition political party post-2017.

Indeed, it is no mistake and clearly, part of the broader scheme of the second republic under President Emmerson Mnangagwa to re-establish the one-party State project.

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By allowing itself to be used in the second republic’s one-party State project, this small clique in the ZCTU leadership must be reminded that it will never have its cake and eat it.

And, indeed, the affiliate unions of the ZCTU have already shown that they will not take the victimisation of labour leaders lying down.

According to a report by The NewsHawks, ZCTU has been accused by its affiliates of betraying the workers’ cause and hobnobbing with State officials.

During a trip to Geneva last month for an International Labour Organisation (ILO) meeting, ZCTU president Florence Taruvinga, and secretary-general Japhet Moyo flew out of Zimbabwe together with the government delegation led by Labour Minister Paul Mavima.

Zimbabwe Federation of Trade Unions secretary-general Kennias Shamuyarira was also in the delegation.

The ZCTU leaders flew business class and the trip was funded by the Zimbabwean government, raising speculation that Taruvinga and Moyo could have been compromised.

They informed ILO that Zimbabwe no longer had a bad human rights record, resulting in Zimbabwe being struck off the list of 24 countries with a terrible human rights and labour injustice record.

More: Pindula News



ZCTU Labour officer · 1 year ago
Was captured by the opposition which is wrong. Tsvangirai was zctu secretary general when they formed MDC. labour bodies must be apolitical bcz they represent both ZANU PF AND OPPOSITION supporters. The politics of the worker must be bread and butter issues. That's why politics is bared at the work places workers have suffered a lot bcz of the destruction of ZCTU BY THE OPPOSITION ! ZCTU was now being used as a political tool by Tsvangirayi and crew.An injury to one is an injury to all and an insult to one is an insult to all ! That's our moto ! LEAVE ZCTU TO CARRY OUT ITS MANDATE , CCC ! CHAMISA CHAORA CHETE !.
tindo.com · 1 year ago
muchanyarara kuti mwii
rr · 1 year ago
hb tfffgg
cadza · 1 year ago
ko iwe jue saidi unoiziva here pay slip
Jue saidi · 1 year ago
ana fuguu pfee tinyararirei kna pay slip ahuizive
aa · 1 year ago
kokuita pay slip ndomari here ..
Form 3 · 1 year ago
iyo payslip yenzungu dzama RTGS ndoyowoda kuvhairira vanhu nayo..
g · 1 year ago
the payslip was rendered useless by the second republic, the point is has firimon been ever formally employed before? I doubt very much
. · 1 year ago
Spare a though for @form 3. He tries to think too much with his form 3 mind. No wonder why he's always in support of nonsense. Hope he's not firimoni taking on another name.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ndino tambirisa vanhu mari ndichitovapa ma pay slip
@ fugu · 1 year ago
wet dreams
Kasyu kasyu · 1 year ago
No,@Jah,it was actually in the hands of the workers who later decided to confront the bull by it's horns.
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
The former ZCTU was captured by the opposition and now by the state 🤔
FBI boss · 1 year ago
ZCTU played a vital role in the formation of the MDC
Wilfred Ndege · 1 year ago
I can feel the winds of change. Dambudzo atitambudza.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
tozviita isu tombonzi vana ani. ko before yangeburi captured neyi ???? opposition
@fugu pfee · 1 year ago
You comment on each and every topic if when you know absolutely nothing about it and exposing your very shallow mind in the process. If shame was a person, it would be you old fellow.

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