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ZANU PF Pays ZBC For Live Coverage Of Rallies, Says Mangwana

1 year agoWed, 26 Jul 2023 13:20:52 GMT
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ZANU PF Pays ZBC For Live Coverage Of Rallies, Says Mangwana

The Government has said ZANU PF pays the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Services (ZBC) for all rallies that are broadcast LIVE on ZBCtv.

Ndavaningi Mangwana, the permanent secretary for the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services said the opposition CCC party should pay ZBC for live coverage of its rallies.

He made the remarks while responding o a statement issued by CCC on Tuesday, 25 July alleging State media bias in covering political events. Said Mangwana:

ZANU PF pays for all the rallies that are aired live on television.

Govt itself pays for the National Heroes Galas that also benefit from live broadcasts.

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We call upon everyone to support our National institutions in their commercial efforts to avoid turning into fiscal burdens to the taxpayer.

Mangwana repeated the claim on Wednesday as he responded to journalist Mduduzi Mathuthu who had queried why ZBC refuses to broadcast CCC rallies. Said Mangwana:

If they pay for live broadcasts, the broadcaster will oblige the request. It’s a commercial arrangement.

Mathuthu responded by saying that in neighbouring South Africa, SABC does not charge the ruling ANC party, or opposition parties such as EFF and DA to show their live rallies. He said:

That’s where the “public broadcaster” comes in. SABC does not charge EFF, DA or ANC to show their live rallies. You will remember that ZBC forces us to pay the licence fee, and in turn, the public – in their varied interests – expect the ZBC to be fair and balanced, which they are not.

On Saturday, 24 June, CCC leader Nelson Chamisa’s rally in South Africa was broadcast live on SABC’s news channel, SABC News.

More: Pindula News



😂 · 1 year ago
Ccc ikutsemurwa ne Zanu pf zvakare yo mhanya kuma courts isina primary evidence..
...... · 1 year ago
mngangagwa chakaarova kambucha ikamira kuti tare tare tsinga fugu ndeee chikaiyamwa sena ndikaona tsatsa tsaysa.k
simba · 1 year ago
kunyepa munokugona vanhu vezanu.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
qinisani sibanda · 1 year ago
Zbc not paid even workers crying for salaries same as zupco employees since February salaries not yet paid but they claim kuti vanobadhara tibvirei apo
· 1 year ago
Fanike veZUPCO, kana kumba havachakuzive. Vaakugara kumaRally eZANU. A friend says the only Consolation ndeyekuti they are getting field allowances nechikafu for free.
... · 1 year ago
I feel CCC have lost it this time vakagarwa bumper even helicopters are seen flying around their campaigning area.
· 1 year ago
Anomakwa ndiye ane bhora. ZANU ndiyo irikutiratidza kuti iri kukwata Yellow Brigade, itori neYellow Fever.
😂 · 1 year ago
bhora ripiko rine Ccc , iko kupemhako mototi ndo bhora...15 billion yekwa Trump makazodii nayo..
Anonymous · 1 year ago
As long you have a gukuraundist card you pay nothing
· 1 year ago
Chero muzukuru wangu ari kuECD anotoziva kuti nguva yemajingles eZANU ndonguva yekunoita weee weee.
🥰 · 1 year ago
Form 3 · 1 year ago
problem ye Ccc cash dololo, kangoriwo ka pressure group kajaira zvekupemha all the time.Bhadharai ka zbc yacho mubudewo ipapo .Pane pakambobhadharwa Mari ne Ccc zbc ikaramba kutambira Mari here.kuda zvamahara..Izvezvi ma Mamwe ma MP arikupemha Mari dze camping.Ndo ma strategies acho here iwawa.Ko 15 billion ravaka promiswa nava Trump havasaty vapihwa here
@ form 3 · 1 year ago
you seem to be so much in love with the words 'pressure group'. please enlighten us what it means
@form 3 · 1 year ago
You seem to have a penchant for feigning confusion and blurting outright lies like that very same propaganda station that you defend. It's common knowledge in Zim that ZBC is partisan and has been used against opposition parties since time immemorial. And why are you and your paymasters losing sleep over a pressure group? I think you're straining your little form 3 mind too much.
Form 3 · 1 year ago
why are you n your Pastor cry babies.This is politics.Those are Zanu pf strategies.As Ccc come up with your own strategies to dethrone Zanu pf.Zanu pf is safeguarding it's position jealously.Stop complaining..nyika haitongwe nembwende.this nation is different from Zambia.Come 23 August you will hev a rude awakening..
soldier · 1 year ago
aizve ? a mastatimende ukubhadhara futi?
doug · 1 year ago
What was said a few days ago and what has been said now is characteristic of those broadcasters they are trying to defend. Are these bosses the ones who train reporters and staff for those entities? They create news, then by omission or commission they repeat the creation with the hope that it sticks. The said party did not issue the said statement but were responding to what the deputy information minister had said to foreign diplomats, and the deputy minister has been taken out of the story for it to appear as if the said party just woke up and started blurting the issue.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@ Kaffirson, learn to analyse facts objectively and not with an oppositional mind always. Not all programs are for free dude. Some are charged commercially. Nick is very clear in his explanation that there are free slots for every party but not all. So why cant you go and pay for your rallies so that they are aired live you CCC supporter?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@Kaffirson, have a neutral mind and not an oppositional mind when facts are presented. Not all programmes are aired free of charge dude. Some are commercially charged as explained by Nick. Endai munobhadhara mari ku ZBC muone kuti live rallies dzenyu hadzibude here iwe mu CCC wangojaira ku opposser zvese zvese.
Fifi · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👏 CCC dai zvanga zvakadaro handiti taiona ma rally ese. ZBC is owned by Zanu and it will show only Zanu content. It's a shame
Next they will say ZANU is paying ZUPCO buses.
Greatworld · 1 year ago
Free airtime .. zanu inobhadhara nyangwe zviri free mmm ndinzvireiwo
Tkz · 1 year ago
Ndozvakaipira kunyepa unokoshiwa zvaunenge wambo taura
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
This is not RSA,we are Zimbabwe,zbc and SABC not the same, hallelujah
Sir Canvas · 1 year ago
It's not about South Africa but about the constitution you damn half wit
what · 1 year ago
why can you not make your point without calling people named
ndizvozvo · 1 year ago
uri Damn half jangwa iwe
Zuze · 1 year ago
@What, if he is a half wit, he is a half wit. Full stop. As for me, I would have called him worse names because from his comments @Putin certainly is the progeny of undocumented profusion of numerous fathers and a maternal species of the night.
aa · 1 year ago
chero mukahwereketa ne mashoko makuru echirungu, Zanu pf ndiyo Jongwe muno mu Zim ,Ccc ka tseketsa... Vivaaaaa Zanu pf , Vivaaaaa Zanu pf
Kaffirson · 1 year ago
Now which is which, last time they said opposition parties were refusing free airtime now they say Zanu pf pays for linve rallies. The problem with lying is that it never stops sinceonewill have to create new lies for the old ones.
ZIMBA🇿🇼Original · 1 year ago
ZBC inobuditsa nhau dzevene vayo nyika. yet opposition parties want to air the white minority propaganda some of which they always post on their social media platforms
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ko mari tinayo yekupa bato redu, over 400 million usd for elections. plus imwe tiri kudira

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