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Govt Orders ZBC To Respond To CCC Allegations Of Bias

1 year agoTue, 25 Jul 2023 15:52:07 GMT
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Govt Orders ZBC To Respond To CCC Allegations Of Bias

Ndavaningi Mangwana, the permanent secretary for the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, has responded to a statement issued by CCC on Tuesday, 25 July alleging State media bias in covering political events.

Mahere said that “it is a matter of public record that ZBC refuses to give any independent or fair coverage to the CCC” leader Nelson Chamisa.

She was responding to claims by the Deputy Information Minister, Kindness Paradza, that the opposition is “refusing to take up airtime on ZBC.”

Posting on Twitter, Mangwana said the Government has directed ZBC formally respond to the CCC public statement so that issue is resolved amicably. Said Mangwana:

The Public Broadcaster is independent of Govt and has its own board, management and editorial team as well as policy.

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We support them with policy directions, resource advocacy, and parliamentary accountability. We have since asked them to formally respond to the CCC public statement so as to correct any misunderstandings which may have arisen between the parties.

The ZBC have assured us that they will issue a statement in the spirit of public institution accountability.

The position of Govt is that;

-the Public Broadcaster is there to serve all. This includes all political parties, all natural or juristic persons.

From our preliminary inquiry, we have been made to understand that, there are challenges with bringing CCC people on air as they either don’t want to come to programs or they have internal contradictions which give them a challenge in deciding who should moderate or appear on a program and how the program should be structured.

This sometimes leads to indecisions on who should attend a program on their behalf and the embargoing of others from attending.

The Public Broadcaster tries to avoid getting involved in these internal contradictions which sometimes lead to the party not being represented at all in spite of ZBC’s efforts at having equitable representation of all players.

When it comes to the airing of CCC adverts, the ZBC reports that CCC leadership has an “unrealistic” expectation that ZBC should do the commercial productions for them.

This is a misunderstanding of the public broadcaster’s role. The CCC party needs to have its own creatives to do its productions just like Zanu PF.

The ZBC is a broadcaster and not an advertising agency and would appreciate completed productions and of course commensurate payment for the purchased airtime.

May we take this opportunity to point out that Zanu PF pays for all the rallies that are aired live on television.

Govt itself pays for the National Heroes Galas that also benefit from live broadcasts.

We call upon everyone to support our National institutions in their commercial efforts to avoid turning into fiscal burdens to the taxpayer.

More: Pindula News



Zviroto Incorporated · 1 year ago
Ndarota Ostallos Siziba aitwa Minister of Agriculture achibvunza Tongaat Hullet why they haven't established sugar cane estates in Nyanga to take advantage of hu**** huriko 365 days per year🤣🤣🤣
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ndavaningi Mangwana is a lying c$nt.
kk · 1 year ago
so there is no free air at zbc if zanu is paying for it's advertising slots paradza stop misleading people ccc should leave partisan zbc and concentrate on their campaigns zbc and herald will not write any good about you come rain come thunder even if the sun changes direction from west to the east.
baba two · 1 year ago
ndakashanyira muzukuru wangu teacher ndomusi wandakaona ztv pa dstv akatoti ashaya mari yekubhadara dish ndosaka aiona madhaga iwayo ndakazomuti muzaya dzima zvako tv yako tione African movie pa phone zvitori nane mukore uno ztv inoonekwa nevri mumaprazi kwete mu town mazara ma dish
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Ndavaningi Mangwana must not think all citizens are not aware of the operations of ZBC.. Yes, it has a board, the ZANU PF Political Party' interferes with the board. [ MBAVHA DZATIURAYIRA NYIKA IDZI ]. After all, why should CCC Political Party go into unnecessary quarrels at this time of the campaign ? It should leave ZANU PF with its ZBC and concentrates on campaigning. This is my story and I am sticking to it.. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ]
Wechidhaka · 1 year ago
if ZBC is to make a statement,that statement will be prepared by someone who is not a ZBC employee or board member and he/she will just read the statement to make it sound like the broadcaster has issued a statement
cid · 1 year ago
mface ari pa pic ungati anoruma
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I am not sure who would take honours for the most boring and viewer unfriendly face between Ndavaningi Mangwana and Ziyambi Ziyambi
· 1 year ago
Jojo Charamba is miles ahead
Kaffirson · 1 year ago
Do not display your ignorance here. Advertising agencies are the one that create advertising content.
ini zvangu · 1 year ago
CCC supporters do not watch ZBC, so don't bother.
Gunvosta · 1 year ago
Bounty Hunter the time is near when people will stand up and say it's enough .Remember we have suffered a lot,so we will take the law on our shoulders and protest,njalo okhulu bethu bafa kudala so we will follow them kodwa sifuna ukulungisa ikisasa yabantwana ndoda
bounty hunter · 1 year ago
zanu pf will win this election coz it is balanced everyone is on board ...
doug · 1 year ago
From news reports, that party never made a public statement, but a public reply or response. Learned journalists should not be creating news by giving half the story, it is like reading a Bible verse and dwelling on that without considering what was written before the verse. I think they are trying to get that party to make a statement as if that party originated the issue, so that, possibly for propaganda purposes, it can give a picture the permanent secretary wants. Such is what makes people shun the particular media.
bounty hunter · 1 year ago
l will not vote for ccc coz too many lawyers as for mie a political party has to balanced etc makandanga asingatodi zvema court anotoda fight vanodiwa mu part zvino ccc inongova court after court haaaaa ... this political party is a big no for mie it wot rule Zimbabwe
FBI boss · 1 year ago
Zanu is government n government is Zanu pf, so they abuse state resources to campaign.... Whereas ccc is constrained Interms of funding.
cid · 1 year ago
yaar i hate Zanu but it seems Zanu is more organized vaka hire the likes of Mudhimba ,Dhuterere ,Tambaoga to mention but a few, kuti vava buditsire ma album e campaign Akuita ma national anthem pa ZBC. We are in the digital age anyone akambosangana ne ma songs e CCC from any artist pa social media. Zvinhu zvacho soo
FBI boss · 1 year ago
Iwe kwana mhani, can't u c kuti ukaimbira ccc u will be banned on state media institutions n become an enemy. Winky D akaimba tazvidira majecha wani.
mk · 1 year ago
next rally yeZanu irikupi tienda kunodya zvedu isu
Boss Dewa · 1 year ago
tikasatodya ipapapa hatizodyi futi kkk
. · 1 year ago
The people know the truth, zbc is bias and truly disgraceful..
Führer · 1 year ago
. · 1 year ago
if opposition is given a chance on the Air it will be the end of zanu

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