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What Chamisa Said About Title Deeds, Giving Back Land To Former Owners

1 year agoMon, 17 Jul 2023 07:18:45 GMT
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What Chamisa Said About Title Deeds, Giving Back Land To Former Owners

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader, Nelson Chamisa, has reassured resettled farmers that his party would not take land from them. Instead, if he wins the August 23 election, he plans to give them title deeds. The announcement comes amidst allegations that the party intends to take back land and give it to former white farmers.

Speaking during the CCC’s 2023 campaign launch in Gweru on Sunday, Chamisa emphasised that those who were removed from their farms must be given back their land. He refuted claims that the party intends to take land from resettled farmers, saying that they plan to give title deeds to the farmers instead of the ZANU PF party cards they were given.

Chamisa stressed that resettled farmers should not be removed from their land and should have rights, unlike the situation in Chilonga, Dinde, and Mutoko where resources, including land, are being given to outsiders. He said:

Hatisi kuuya kuzopatsanura nyika. Vamwe vanoti akauya vakagara kuminda muri kutorerwa minda, Kwete! musanyeberwa. Mukomana paanopinda ari kuuya kuzokupa Title Deed kuti pawakagara pasava neTile deed yeCard remusangano. Unofanira kuti pawakagara usabviswa, pawakagara unofanira kuva nekodzero kwete zviri kuitwa kunana Chilonga, kwete zviri kuitwa kunana Dinde, kwete zviri kuitwa kwaMutoko kuti resource yamakapiwa naMwari inotorwa nevekunze imi hamuna chamunowana… We want to correct that. Resources for everyone, land for everyone. Vanhu vawane maOpportunity neDignity munyika mavo… Nyaya yeLand is an important point. Wese akabviswa paLand anofanira kudzorerwa, totangira ipapo.


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[Our intention is not to divide the nation. There have been claims that I will seize land from resettled farmers if elected, but this is an unfounded allegation. The Youngman will give title deeds to those who were previously issued with ZANU PF party membership cards. It is imperative that individuals are not evicted from their land and that their rights are protected, especially in light of recent events in Chilonga, Dinde, and Mutoko where resources, including land, have been granted to non-residents. Our objective is to address this issue by ensuring that resources, including land, are accessible to all citizens. We aim to provide every individual with equal opportunities and dignity within their country. The issue of land is of great importance, and we believe that the reinstatement of those who were previously displaced from their land is the first step towards achieving this goal.]

Watch the video below for more.

Last year, the High Court granted President Emmerson Mnangagwa the authority to relocate approximately 12,000 villagers in the Chilonga region to facilitate the establishment of a lucerne project by Dendairy, a Zimbabwean dairy firm. Livison Chikutu, a village head under Chief Chilonga, was taken into custody for inciting violence at the chief’s residence in April of last year after instigating villagers to demonstrate against the eviction. He was subsequently acquitted by a Chiredzi magistrate. During a visit by Vice President Constantino Chiwenga in 2020, the villagers even staged a protest. Shangaan locals have vowed to resist any form of government intimidation or interference and remain steadfast in their decision not to relocate from their ancestral lands.

The land issue in Zimbabwe

Land has been a significant issue in Zimbabwean politics for many years. The country’s colonial history saw most of the productive land taken away from black people and given to white settlers. This led to a long-standing struggle for land ownership and redistribution, which became a central issue in Zimbabwe‘s fight for independence.

After independence, the government implemented a land reform policy to address the imbalance, but it failed. In 2000, the fast-track land reform program was implemented, which forcibly evicted white farmers and redistributed land to black Zimbabweans. The program has been controversial, with critics arguing that it was implemented without due process and resulted in economic instability. Supporters argue that it was necessary to address historical injustices and promote economic empowerment.

The issue of land ownership and redistribution remains a key issue in Zimbabwean politics, with different political parties using it to gain support among different constituencies.

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Genaral · 1 year ago
chamisa chete chete ❎☝️☝️☝️ Takanonanganisa ipapo musi wa 23
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tough luck matitle deeds eku Epworth ati parira. CCC kana one square meter yeland havana asi vaakuda kupa matitle deeds ehondo yeminda. Vasikana imi munozvidyisa imi. Kuti hamusi vezanu imi????
citizen · 1 year ago
land yese ndeyema Zimbabweans , uri kt chamisa haana land anayo ndian nhy mukuru , muri kufunga kt land ndeye Zanu chete here . you stand to be corrected
fugu ndeee · 1 year ago
chero mukamutsvakira nyaya, mukarova nekuchinja zvimutemo kuti asaite camzviri zviri free, anongodiwa nevanhu uyu. Hapana chitsva chichaitwa neZanu kunze kwe kushungurudza vanhu. kurally kwacho chaiko kuita kushungurudzwa kunnzi kana usina kuenda hamheno zvako!
NSSA · 1 year ago
Bubu or Bubi · 1 year ago
Chamisa has my Vote. Chamisa chete chete😊😊😊😊😊. Chamisa will deal with Simba na Bona vane 21 farms vaye
The Truth · 1 year ago
Nhau ye land iyi people are being abused by zanu pf bcoz of land.Its kind of like being emasculated for real for instance if you look at the communal lands act it simply says all citizens in rural areas are refugees in their own country a piece of legislation which was enacted during Ian Smith regime...............
· 1 year ago
... and subject to arbitrary eviction at the whim of ZANU, as is the case with Chilonga villagers in Chiredzi.
haha · 1 year ago
unenge usiko kurally nyarara zuze remunhu
Murrooph · 1 year ago
Yes plz haasi chembere
Zupco 👨‍✈️👨‍✈️🚎🚎 · 1 year ago
@ Jombo , 80 yrs sekuru , ranga ririmo richiti mugabe arikugona , rapinda ndiye avakuzviti number 1 😜😜😜😜😜
Jombo · 1 year ago
Wamunoti mkomana ndeupiko.... 45 yr old man 😂😂
· 1 year ago
ehe mukomana compared to the sitting octogenarians
waiting · 1 year ago
thomas wajesu akapihwa opportunity yokuona mavanga ajesu and satisfied but others who believed they did before seeing him , fugu pfeee we believe on chamisa if you don't believe then you are Thomas of nowdays .... chamisa woyeeeee
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
@waiting muka ibike kachasu unwe. hope dzauri kurota dzakashata. chamisa haafe akatungamira zimbabwe
Anonymous · 1 year ago
jz · 1 year ago
ndomashoko ekukambena nawo,,,haahwini uyo
@,,, dott · 1 year ago
Wachinja zita futi? Wahwanda mumunda wenzungu. Takuona.
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
ZANU PF is at it again. They want to cause despondency among voters. They are spreading falsehoods that CCC Political Party will take back land to former owners. [ THESE ARE BLUE LIES SPOKEN BY PEOPLE FROM THE MOON ]. Chamisa meant land being misappropriated from villagers in Mutoko and Chilonga to establish granite mines and growing Lucerne grass respectively. These are a just a few stories. Some of black farmers who were allocated land through Land Reform are losing their land to ZANU PF Elites. A senior ZANU PF Administrator, Obert Mpofu, fought hard to wrestle a farm which is in Matabeleland North Province from the late Sydney Malunga's son because he is not a ZANU PF supporter !!!!! These are the acts Advocate Nelson Chamisa is saying he will stop in the new ZImbabwe. [ ZANU PF YASHUNGURUDZWA ZVAKANYANYA NA ADVOCATE NELSON CHAMISA CHETE CHETE ]. They are now telling lies between their teeth. Advocate Nelson Chamisa has never said, recently or earlier, that he will reverse land Reform. He is fully aware that Land Reform programme is irreversible. This is why he has promised them title deeds. ZANU PF, please stop it. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
CCC · 1 year ago
Ngaapinde mukomana. Zanu has failed this country through corruption and greediness. Voting Zanu is voting for empty hospitals(death traps), failed education system, no industry, valueless currency. So vote ccc Chamisa Chete Chete.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
tabvira kare tichizvinzwa izvo, hapana zvekuti vision apa. chero muzorewa abel ayingodarowo
· 1 year ago
Pamwe dai takavhotera Muzorewa zvaive nani
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
pane pangafamba achiti ndiri puppet here. chamisa wacho, anongonyebawo sezvaari kuita
@Fugu... · 1 year ago
Rega timbonyeperwawo nevamwe. Manyepo eZANU taneta nawo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ndookudhakwa nekachasu uku. A 45 year old momuti mukomana, wanzai bepa munotidyisa ne Zanu inotipamha akomana.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Chinonzi visionhauchizivi zuze. Cut and paste is not vision bur plagiarism. Land & title deeds started na ED pfee ku Epworth iye ndozvookopa. That is plagiarism not vision. Enda kwa Tsambe Zuze.

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