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Government: Drilling A Borehole Requires A Permit From ZINWA

1 year agoSat, 15 Jul 2023 16:33:13 GMT
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Government: Drilling A Borehole Requires A Permit From ZINWA

Dr Anxious Jongwe Masuka, the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, and Rural Development, has said drilling a borehole requires a permit from the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA). His statement comes after some residents in Bulawayo were protesting against the Upper Gwayi Sub Catchment for enforcing the payment of levies for the use of underground water.

Dr Masuka emphasised that groundwater use is governed by the Water Act and that the Sub-Catchment Council is responsible for accessing and allocating water efficiently. He urged individuals to obtain drilling permits and ensure compliance with the law. In a statement seen by Pindula News, Masuka said:


The Ministry has noted the recent increase in the number of individuals and organisations drilling boreholes without the relevant permits in the country; with some of these boreholes being drilled within metres of one another.

The Ministry wishes to remind borehole owners, drillers and prospective borehole owners that groundwater use, just like surface water use, is governed by the Water Act (Chapter 20 24) Section 3 of the Water Act vests all water in the President while Section 4 of the same Act prohibits private ownership of water. With water being a finite resource, its development and use should be managed in a sustainable manner. Government, through ZINWA and Sub-Catchment Councils, is responsible for assessing and allocating water efficiently, sustainably and equitably, in view of competing water needs by multiple users.

In this regard, any individual or organisation intending to drill a borehole should apply for and obtain a drilling permit from their respective Catchment Council This allows Government to know the number and location of the boreholes, so as to avoid over abstraction of the groundwater resource The driller is required, by law, to provide the technical details on the drilling of such a borehole (i.e. the construction, the pumping tests and water yield and any other parameters). It is also a legal requirement that a holder of a groundwater permit keeps records of the water abstracted in terms of the permit and have such water analysed for physical, chemical and biological and other bacteriological constituents and to ensure that the water is safe and clean for human consumption.

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All individuals, institutions and organisations who may have drilled boreholes without the requisite documentation are, therefore, advised to approach ZINWA or their respective Catchment Councils to regularise their water use. The Ministry advises all water users to always ensure that their water use is in compliance with the law.

Some government critics are sceptical that the requirement for drilling permits is intended to prevent the opposition from gaining support through the drilling of boreholes. Hopewell Chin’ono, a prominent critic, believes that the regime will attempt to block these efforts, but the opposition can use these denials to expose the government’s disregard for the people’s needs. He urges the opposition to demonstrate their ability to lead and provide solutions, and to use the government’s obstruction as campaign material.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Aluta continua!!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
What people don't realise is that agenda 2030 with it's so called sustainable development goals (SDGs) entails total control of every aspect of our lives. Have you not heard of the mantra 'leaving no one and no place behind'? These are implemented in different ways by any government worldwide and usually people do not realise. We are heading for a global dictatorship led by the pope of Rome as foretold in the Bible especially the book of Revelation. Anoverenga ngaacherechedze.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
You never had water or electricity problems before independence. What's gone wrong.
sox · 1 year ago
pamberi panoramba pachingonzi pamberi tichingorohwa nenhamo, apa hapchadi kudzirwa ngaapinde hake mkomana
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Water is not politics, it is a resource that is available for everyone. Zimbabwe is not the only country requiring people to apply for permits, even our neighbour South Africa is doing the same. Water management is based on principles signed at Dublin Ireland so this is not unique to Zimbabwe. Water is a finite resource if not properly managed there will be serious shortages in the future. .
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Weather you vote for Ed but we will suffer together Better change this mapenzi Aya , 43 years yezvibhora muharare pakaipa,
Communal farmer · 1 year ago
Kutocherera vanhu zvibhorani mumaruwa ndokuto counter poverty nema sanctions manje bcoz mvura ikangowanika bedzi hapana munhu anomboita nzara munyika muno. Infact zvikafu zvemuma minda nemuma garden zvinotozarisisa nekutichipirawo vanhu vemuma taundi Coz it doesn't make sense kuti gvt inopa munhu 6 hectares but isinga muchereri chibhorani ipapo.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Inini hangu ndicha vhotera MDC na Dhagrasi
RG Mgabe · 1 year ago
selizibonele manje tokoo lilayekile **** zabantu
nangisai magura · 1 year ago
Takambo kanganisa chiii kune maface Aya???
nangisai magura · 1 year ago
Takambo kanganisa chiii kune maface Aya????
kv · 1 year ago
dear men u now need a permit from the ministry of women affairs inorder for u to drill your wives
Netsai · 1 year ago
yah ndokuti zvifambe kkk zvisangoitwa zvisiri pamutemo kkkkk zim soooo
that guy · 1 year ago
that is what you get after 43yrs of incompetence, residents drilling boreholes in towns
kwachu · 1 year ago
vote CCC 2023
OkongoThe Villager · 1 year ago
Chasara I oxygen tax mweya watinofema ,zvakaoma izvi uchanzwa voti all the air in the atmosphere is vested under the President,
..... · 1 year ago
It's true borehole drilling is vested on the President arms, its just mutemo wo and the levy is not much really, most is covered pa siting but mapper papers chaiwo anostater that levii The reason at most is kumwe tsinga ye water could be coming from a contaminated source cyanide chemicallised ne dombo racho rinosviniwa
Dr Kafera · 1 year ago
Mwanasikana uya, ndaida kumuwerengera Rwiyo rwaSoromoni mhani. Ndoita seiko 👤 nhaym
genuine question · 1 year ago
if I want to install a solar system,do I nid a permit from zesa?
i am Izogie · 1 year ago
yaa ndikoko
cid · 1 year ago
"Water Act chapter 20 vests water under the president " ayas nemvura nemvura makuda ku looter😂Apa mvura ye ZINWA kudhura apa inobuda painoda
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
The law is law
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Iwe kwana semari ye bhazi. What law do you see in force except harassing people fending for themselves as the government has failed? You can't expect your hand to function when your head is cutoff from your neck, shut up wena.
Sm · 1 year ago
borehole tax taimbove nehut tax
ccc · 1 year ago
pamberi but nhamo amna Haina basa kuti uriweyi tamana amana pamberi nezanu
MK SILAS · 1 year ago
Pamberi neZANU PF BOYZ
Gandanga · 1 year ago
Smith was better aaaaa
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
There was nothing better under Smith because during During Smith's time white farmers had water rights and noone was allowed to access water that a white farmer had rights to. The backs government removed the water rights and introduced permits which allow access to everyone who has a permit. No sane government would allow anyone to drill a borehole anywhere without applying for a permit which includes assessment of the proposed site for suitability
doug · 1 year ago
Too many boreholes will lead to the level where water can be found getting deeper and deeper which will lead to it becoming more expensive. What is required is shared piped water and water treatment plants in places where a lot of people live, and reliable grid electricity.
XXX · 1 year ago
Borehole tax , hanzi takasununguka ???
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
I do not deny that there is Water Act which vests water under the armpits of the President and that one who want to drill a borehole applies to ZINWA, this facility is being abused politically by ZANU PF who are sending their supporters to destroy boreholes drilled by opposition political party members without approaching ZINWA first.[ VHOTERAI CHAMISA CHETE CHETE FOR REAL CHANGE/SHANDUKO ] Some such boreholes were destroyed in Bikita by ZANU PF supporters. This was a sheer commission of a crime chargeable at law. as Malicious Injury of Property [ MIP ]. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
When the Water Act was promulgated in 1998, there was not CCC
joe90 · 1 year ago
Saddam · 1 year ago
kkk ihora chte
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
chero mkadzi wako haubvumidzwe kuita lula lula from behind.
tino · 1 year ago
yes u must go and get a letter from ministry of women affairs first😂
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
There would be no need for all these regulations if gvt just provided the water in both rural and urban areas. When you leave people to fend for themselves don't try to regulate how they do it. Gvt could drill the borehole s and provide piped water in rural areas and then urban councils would do the same for their residents. Unfortunately gvt is failing and now people are doing as they wish.
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Just comply with the law hamuna kunzi musachera. Haungocheri seuri kuchera mbeva
Anonymous · 1 year ago
i support ED but apa kubhaiza mbeva dzei
Anonymous · 1 year ago
You are an enemy of progress
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Why don't they just provide the water? It's their responsibility. Why should I be regulated in fending for myself when those responsible have failed. Start by fixing the responsible authority and I will not have a need to drill my own borehole, it's that simple. They are putting laws to cover their failures
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Drilling a borehole in some cases is an option that one can choose. In the event that one chooses that option, proper procedure must be followed.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Procedure yekuitasei govt Shd provide water for every one now wen government fails to provide a basic human right and l do it yakuda kuisa Mutemo to hell
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I was following comments, uyu anonymous Miss Jessica sounds like a Zanu Pf spokesperson.
Callyboss · 1 year ago
It's question of life or dead here we don't need these unnecessary restrictions the bore will help my neighbours we dnt need those laws they hve failed
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
It's not a by choice but by failure of councils to provide clean tap water. You can't drink tap water in Harare. There are places with no council water in many cities and towns. If gvt was providing the water then there would be no need to drill a borehole. Unogarepiko nhai Jessica? People in towns are forced to fetch water from borehole same as people in rural areas. This gvt has failed tu.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
It’s not failure ofcouncil but govt council falls under the ministry of local government
kaibos munangagwa · 1 year ago
zvakaoma tichazosunungukawo rini

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