Zimbabwe Dollar Official Rate Now ZWL$4 883 Per US$1
1 year agoFri, 14 Jul 2023 14:01:04 GMT

The Zimbabwe dollar has firmed again on the Wholesale Foreign Exchange Auction conducted on Friday, 14 July to ZWL$4883.8208 per US$1.
On Tuesday, 11 July, the weighted average was ZWL$4 998.8352, which was itself a significant recovery from the ZWL$5 251.0640 on 06 July 2023.
Today, 10 bids were received from banks, and all 10 bids were accepted but only 8 bids were allotted.
The RBZ said that the total value of bids accepted was US$5,295,000.00, while US$4,845,000.00 was allotted.
The amount on offer was US$20 000 000.00.
The highest bid rate received was ZWL$5,037.3700 while the lowest bid rate received was ZWL$4,700.0000.
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Forex AuctionExchange RatesForexForex Auction SystemForex Auction Trading SystemExchange rateZimbabwe DollarZim dollarForex Auction AllotmentsWholesale Foreign Exchange Auction

Dako · 1 year ago
Chamisa mupei chinhu ichi
chibaba · 1 year ago
unofunga kuti rtgs ririkugainer ende ufunge kana zanu pf ikasiya zvekutonga ucharamba uri muzanu hapana chaunoziwa uriusiku hutatu hurikusundana kusaziva zvakafanana nekufa
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Poor Jah people you need to do research on the origins of money as we know and use it today. It was never voluntary. It was imposed on people the same way the US$ is imposed on us today. He who controls the money controls everything and everyone.
Patriot · 1 year ago
Mthuli and Mangudya are geniouses these gyz. Zim dolar ndoyatinofanira kushandisa muno kwete mari dze vamwe.
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Poor Jah people the strength of the US$ is heavily manipulated. It's called the Petrodollar for a reason. If oil producers dump the US$ in their transactions it will fall like nobody's business. America is prepared to go to war to make sure that oil is traded in US$.
Why do you people think they killed Gadaffi? He had proposed a new African currency based on gold ad it would have meant setting aside the US$ for trade among African countries and between African countries and other regions of the world.
Svinurai vana vevhu
. · 1 year ago
So how do you explain this dramatic firming?.... You mean the green back has been dumped? Come on!
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Gvt is forcing businesses to pay taxes in Zim$ that's in a way dumping the US$.
How did Russia manage its currency after the sanctions? They just said their oil and gas will be sold in local currency and not the US$. In effect it reduced the use and demand of the US$ and increased the use and demand of its own currency. The ruble is now very stable.
If you go to SA you will not be able to pay for goods and services in US$. They force you to sell your US$ for the Rand at the bank rate. That in effect increases the demand for the Rand and helps maintain its value
Clown · 1 year ago
The ruble is stable hahah,iwewe go look at the exchange rate usd to ruble over the past year.****
. · 1 year ago
Nope, you call that dumping the Usd? The scheme is meant to mope up the green back into the reserve bank by forcing business to change their hard currency into the RtgsBondDollar at a premium at the bank . That's the trick baba, but it won't be for too long.
😁 · 1 year ago
1 : 4 unoiziva mushe here! Maybe you mean 1 : 4000
....... · 1 year ago
Nhai we! 😮 Ko rakambokwira sei kusvika kwese uko
makwiriro arakaita ndomadzikisiro arichaita
asi ravekugainer haro momentum and soon pa 1:4 payee ndoparakuzosvika manje
Anonymous · 1 year ago
kunyepa iko wakamboona rate inodzika musina ku inreaser export iwe kutopenga chaiko kuda kutora ma 40 usd awedzerwa ma civil servants vachiti rate yakadzika vozoitengesa after vatora hard cash ne higher price kutoba chaiko
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Our exchange rate has nothing to do with our exports and imports and this happens a lot in many countries. Angola is exporting lots of oil so does Nigeria but look at their exchange rates.
At one time in South Africa they fired a minister of finance and appointed another, the Rand plummeted. Did the appointment of the new minister change the export/import?
Exchange rates are managed all over the world since we abandoned the gold standard. You set your own rate or other people will do it for you and for the poor countries the rates will never be favorable.
There is a reason countries have their own currencies
. · 1 year ago
In a country like Zim, managing capital flight is important. Investor confidence had to be prioritized. In countries like Nigeria, it's not only oil they are trading with but human capital... It brings much needed forex into their fiscus. Zimbabwe also falls under that category, the diaspora remittances can see the RtgsBondDollar getting a bit of a life. Zim goods might not be competitive on the international market, the governor might devalue the currency to promote ease of trade. That is the only manipulation, never would it be firmed for prestige like what's happening right now.
Freddy mwinjila · 1 year ago
bond redu ngari rambe richi gainer
Kubikira Magandanga · 1 year ago
vachingovukura bond richiwana simba
nepaSarudzo zvichaitika futi unbelievable
Anonymous · 1 year ago
ita mushe iwe wakaroiwa newaka
. · 1 year ago
Japan is a massive exporter of her human capital and technology, and is a massive importer of resources, it's just a mere island that depends much on its multinational investments. That's why it has a strong economy.
Truth Social · 1 year ago
this strengthening is obviously fake and staged wait till the bond notes hit civil servants accounts
Blue💙 · 1 year ago
You just like suffering hanty? Applaud something positive no matter if it will be ephemeral or not.
Zimbabweans are too cynical
Freedom of speech · 1 year ago
So going by your logic is good to praise a man who has won by cheating.
Please think · 1 year ago
You must like being lied to,hansi it's OK that your stealing as long as you tell me your not
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
All exchange rates are fictitious and staged especially for third world currencies.
Japan has a very strong economy but loot at the dollar / yen rate. All economies fix rates for various reasons.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tell these ****s here. Vakangwarira zvisipo.
Sorojena · 1 year ago
Chii chatengesva, chapfemesa Zim RtgsBondDollar, just think... it can't be from nowhere. The goldmafia might have discreetly injected their loot directly into the economy so that things look as if they're doing something.
Blue💙 · 1 year ago
@Maparamuro, can you juet admit kuti things are not going thr way you CCC people wanted i.e downhill. You always want things to go bad it's a disease.
Now, economies like Japan are massive exporters and they tend to accumulate a lot of forex just like Taiwan who has the 4th maybe 5th largest forex reserves. This too has consequences on the local currency. I'll explain to you in full why let sometimes liberate their exchange. I woulfneed an entire page lol.
Those currencies just have higher number but it means nothing cause it retains its purchasing power. It's not abiut thr numbers its about the power
Blue💙 · 1 year ago
Hahaha, don't believe you arw told. Mugano said the economywill crash by June😂 but look we are still kickinh and the currency is gaining value. Muchaguta nayo government ye Zanu l know hamudi kuti iite something positive but ndoopamuno nyurira ipapa😂
. · 1 year ago
Dream on blue, our Zim dollar is a disgrace.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Blue liar .......
Blue💙 · 1 year ago
That's fantastic. Keep on gaining Zim dollar💪. The private sector is in shock, they are too scared to lower prices in accordance with a strengthening local currency. Next week rakagaiber futi black market ichidzikisawo rate vanhu votambira mari dzinotenga. Congrats @ M. Ncube, you are doing it