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UK Govt Offers Civil Servants Pay Rise As Junior Doctors Strike

1 year agoThu, 13 Jul 2023 15:21:57 GMT
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UK Govt Offers Civil Servants Pay Rise As Junior Doctors Strike

The United Kingdom has offered millions of public sector workers salary increases in an attempt to end strikes triggered by a cost-of-living crisis.

The pay rise comes as thousands of junior doctors walked off the job in protest for five days.

So-called junior doctors, those who are in the early stages of their careers in the years after medical school, started their strike at 7 AM, demanding a 35 percent pay rise. Health Secretary Steve Barclay said:

This five-day walkout by junior doctors will have an impact on thousands of patients, put patient safety at risk and hamper efforts to cut NHS waiting lists … A pay demand of 35 percent or more is unreasonable and risks fuelling inflation, which makes everyone poorer.

The UK government decided to accept recommendations for pay increases, Treasury Chief Secretary John Glen said on Thursday.

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Junior doctors will now get a 6 percent pay uplift and a lump-sum pay increase of 1 250 pounds (US$1 633.25).

Teachers will get 6.5 percent, police officers 7 percent and armed forces will receive a 5 percent salary increment.

Glen said there would be no new borrowing or spending to fund the increases.

However, teachers’ pay rises will be funded by a reallocation of the existing education department budget.

The pay increases are below the current 8.7 percent inflation rate but are aimed at bridging the gap.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has promised to halve inflation and ministers have stressed the danger that increasing wages too far will undermine that goal and fuel rising prices.

More: Pindula News



maki · 1 year ago
haisi zim chete inematambudziko ,nyika yegayega inezvayo
gundamwenda · 1 year ago
problem ndeyekuty mese amusevenze moswerera pindula amutozive zve increment ...nyararai
· 1 year ago
Zvinotoda imi anaMahobho vanorara vakasvinura semazizi.
cid · 1 year ago
@Muzondi Posvo pakanzi "Lump sum pay increase" ukuti chii apa? increment is derived from the word increase
Zuze · 1 year ago
Vamwe vakaenda kuNight Skuru kwavaiti 'm' ndi'3' akakotama.
cid · 1 year ago
Ndiyo inonzi increment iyo $1600 increment US not mararaTGS
mtuli · 1 year ago
Muzondi Maposvo · 1 year ago
@cid Take ye time unyatsorarisa hapana kumbonzi increment ye 1600
Anonymous · 1 year ago
So zvanzii?
Kufa kwehosi inosiya imwe · 1 year ago
Kufakwako ngazvrove sure a person with five. Senses cannot compare Zimbabwe with UK where Zimbabweans are going en mass And within a year in uk one would build a mansionn but a civil servant here will work till pension and sod he built a match box that he calls a home most people who go to uk are average ones here you get a person with phd achimwa doro pa bottle store ahidzingirirana nemapurisa.Saka uri **** usashandise Bible parisingaite
Dr Kafera · 1 year ago
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Bhoso s · 1 year ago
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Phillimon Kambiro · 1 year ago
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svika mati sorry · 1 year ago
ndirikutotsvagao ndipe number ndiuye mangwana
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
usatambe nezita iro harisi remwana mudiki. Phillimon is 65 haadanane navana. udzikame please. please
Dr Kafera · 1 year ago
Anhu anofunge kuti Bhaibheri ronyepa (2 Timot 3:1-5). (Mateu 24:4-14). Munofunge kuti iZimba chete kana kuti imhaka yekuti akutonga ndiyani. Nyika iri musimba reakaipa (1Johani 5:19).

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