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Mnangagwa Mourns Archbishop Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti | Full Statement

1 year agoThu, 06 Jul 2023 17:35:07 GMT
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Mnangagwa Mourns Archbishop Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti | Full Statement

President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s condolence message following the death of Archbishop Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti, the late founder and leader of the Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (ZAOGA) Forward in Faith International Ministries.


The news of the passing on yesterday of Archbishop Dr. Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti left me deeply shattered and saddened.

Nearly two months ago, on May 14, I joined countless congregants of the Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa, ZAOGA Forward in Faith, and many eminent Zimbabweans in celebrating 100 years of his devout life so eventfully lived.

Beyond celebrating the gift of life, we, in unison, basked in the joy and belief that our Nation stood uniquely blest and favoured by the Almighty to have in its midst such a great figure who personified longevity, tenacious faith, compassion and a givenness to serving mankind, especially in the broad areas of human development, as never witnessed before.

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Sadly, that joy has now turned short-lived, leaving our Nation all the poorer and plunged in profound grief.

A humble man of deep scriptural convictions, Archbishop Dr. Ezekiel Guti lived his Faith. Today his works and footprints indelibly abound across the length and breadth of our Nation, well beyond the vast, national movement of congregants and places of worship that he led.

He built institutions and led interventions that positively impacted the social life of the broad citizenry of our Nation.

A strong proponent of education for his African brethren, Dr. Guti leaves behind countless educational institutions that he painstakingly built and incrementally scaffolded, leading to the iconic Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University.

Never has so much been developed and achieved from so little and slander means, only compensated for by so big a heart, so abundant faith and sheer determination.

Today the Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University ranks high among private institutions which dispense higher education to our Nation, and certainly stands apart as the only one founded and developed from efforts of indigenous Pentecostal evangelism.

In the health sector, the Mbuya Dorcas Hospital which Dr Guti and Amai, Apostle Eunor Guti, founded, stands prominent in national health delivery, forever bearing testimony to how a Couple of deep faith saves many lives, thus becoming a wonderful blessing to a people and a whole Nation.

As our hearts grieve over Dr Guti’s sad demise, still we celebrate a life well lived and the numerous wondrous gifts of social development he bequeathed to our Nation.

Above all, we cherish the rare example of excelling practical faith, and the deep humanity which he personified.

On behalf of our Nation which he served with all his heart and soul, that of Government, my Family and on my own behalf, I wish to express my deepest, heartfelt condolences to the Zimbabwean Church Fraternity, and the Guti Family, especially to Apostle Eunor Guti and the children, on this their saddest loss.

May they derive solace and comfort from the knowledge that our Nation which is immeasurably indebted to the late departed, stands with them during this hour of deep grief and bereavement, and will forever be inspired by Dr Guti’s deep faith and indelible works whose wholesome impact on numerous lives is already recorded, and will remain assured across generations to come.

We beseech God the Almighty to grant this great man eternal rest in the life beyond.

More: Pindula News



saint · 1 year ago
@ Hickage. read 1Timothy 3:1
saint · 1 year ago
@ waiting. U are right 100% my brother.
Black Adam ⚡ · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣 ED is a big liar, he never cared about Ezekiel Guti kana kutomboita basa naye zvake apa. Hanzi i am deeply saddened nhai hahahah anonyepa. ED went to Ezekiel's birthday celebration uninvited apa achida ma Votes.
waiting · 1 year ago
how do you know that he wasn't invited, its not true church was polluted and allowed the spirit of ed to penetrate into congregation for merely votes and money ( tangible things ) vana makandiwa they needed huge land and support of zanu so they invited zanu defiling themselves.... now Pastor's for ed they are no longer of God poor nation of Zimbabwe .. . . go and read Psalms 14 and psalms 94:9 you people of Ezekiel Guti , Makandiwa, Angel, Java and all of you called Christians. yes ed might have lied but it is his nature we are not suprise but the truth is he was invited and old man knew that he was coming...... they made arrangements which you don't know 😁 john 9:32 you will know the truth and it will set you free... Chiwenga ndiye akaramba ku pollution of this world and was taken as an enemy. Romans 12 do not be conformed of this world but be transformed ...... so in biblical all those Pastor's and congregants they are conformed to the pettern of this world to be defiled by it . poor nation led by good liars and vipers.
MC Motors · 1 year ago
chido · 1 year ago
saint · 1 year ago
hakuna chinonzi Arch Bishop mubhaibheri. Kunema Bishop bedzi.
Hokage · 1 year ago
@Saint please ndiudzewo verse rakanyorwa zvema Bishop 😒
coni · 1 year ago
dai mnangagwa ariiye afa hake Ezekiel ararama coz anetsa
she devil · 1 year ago
uqinisile coni
Hokage · 1 year ago
oOoOO she devil ⊙﹏⊙
Ziggy · 1 year ago
shiri inozongofa

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