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ZANU PF Activist Moves To Bar Kasukuwere From Contesting In The Presidential Election

1 year agoWed, 28 Jun 2023 10:52:34 GMT
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ZANU PF Activist Moves To Bar Kasukuwere From Contesting In The Presidential Election

ZANU PF activist, Lovedale Mangwana, has threatened to approach the courts seeking to bar Saviour Kasukuwere from contesting the presidential election. Mangwana claims that Kasukuwere is not a registered voter and is therefore in violation of the constitution.

Lovedale Mangwana plans to submit an application that cites Saviour Kasukuwere and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) as respondents. Mangwana claims that Kasukuwere’s nomination for the presidential election is invalid because he is not a registered voter. Mangwana quotes the Electoral Act which states that if a voter has not lived in a constituency for a continuous period of 18 months, their name cannot be retained on the voters’ roll for that constituency. He said:

I submit that the decision to accept the first respondent’s nomination paper is in breach of section 91(1)(d) of the Constitution and invalid.

I was convinced that this circumstance meant that he is no longer a registered voter for any constituency in the republic and consequently, he does not qualify for candidacy for election to the office of President.

Saviour Kasukuwere has been in self-imposed exile in South Africa since 2017. He skipped the country when the late former President, Robert Mugabe, was ousted from power.

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He registered to contest in the presidential election as an independent presidential candidate. Kasukuwere’s spokesperson and chief election agent, Jacqueline Sande, has confirmed that the legal team is preparing a response and will fight the case in court. Sande has expressed confidence that Kasukuwere will succeed in his bid to contest the presidential election, stating that there is no sustainable case to prevent him from running. Sande told NewsDay:

The legal team is seized with the matter. They have seen the draft application which has not yet been issued and served, to us. We have prepared a response and once we are formally served, we shall fight it in the courts. We are confident that we will succeed.

We believe that there is no sustainable case which can prevent Kasukuwere from contesting for the highest post in the land. Come August 23, he will emerge as the president of the Republic of Zimbabwe.

That being said, nothing will deter Kasukuwere from running as presidential candidate come August 23.

I would like to urge all Zimbabweans to rally behind him and bring change to our country. This is what democracy is all about. Where one leader has failed, s/he has to give the baton to someone else to develop or stir the ship.

Kasukuwere, a former Minister of Local Government, is one of 10 presidential candidates who will be competing against President Emmerson Mnangagwa in the upcoming election.

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Jax · 1 year ago
Kasukuwere for ED
Analysis analytics · 1 year ago
Politics it's plan without sitting down and plan you cannot win
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
They won't waste their time on nonentities. They are after Savior because they feel his threat is real unlike vana Madhuku nana Makamba
Tea Inonaka · 1 year ago
Ngavasiyane naKasukuwere wangu, Kasukuwere its Hot Property.
??? · 1 year ago
saviour is a second candidate for zanu ( double candidates pamusorosoro😂😂😂, ndoo Saka vaa kuma courts vamwe vakanyarara, akavabata panonaka Saviour. Ma supporters ake akawanda anobva kuZanu
Zindoga · 1 year ago
ZANU is trying to divert your attention from CCC and the economic meltdown. Focus on CCC only to put the enemy @ bay
Anonymous · 1 year ago
they are trying to market his name apooooo ndo politics munhu wake uyo nomination court ingapusa zvokudaro here
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 Chandinoziva pachokwadi ndechekuti Kasukuwere zidhoooodhiii but I am happy he is giving ED and Chiwenga a headache zvake. Vote for Chamisa CCC the winning party
cde hondo · 1 year ago
this thug killed many opposition members in mash central.pasi naye
gumlaz · 1 year ago
is this not the first procedure before someone pays his or her money I think mangwana is lost because how can zec register someone who is not registered as a voter
Muzondi Maposvo · 1 year ago
Is he a registered voter at the first place
joe90 · 1 year ago
Citzn · 1 year ago
Cha Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa kasu kasu kasu kasu kasu kasu kasu
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
Mwonzora ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra
Verbatim bulletin · 1 year ago
Asi ka hee much**** kuti chamisa zvinorevei Ko kuchirozvi mnangagwa zvinorevei If you don't know now you know
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The masterminds of this plot are Ziyambi Ziyambi and Luke Malaba Mangwana is just a front Yatofa yakaloader yaKasukuwere iyi
Okongo The Villager · 1 year ago
Is there a clause or section in the Electoral Act which disqualifies a person who has been out of the country for a certain period from taking part in an election, if so how many Zimbabweans leaving in the diaspora and who come back to cast their votes during elections are going to be affected, I remember going through the Act and did not find such a prohibiting section, what are the requirements for one to be removed from the voter's roll once one has been registered and has been participating in previous elections and is still a bona fide citizen of Zimbabwe? How many Zimbabweans leaving in exile or working in neigbouring countries are still appearing on the voter's roll?there are many ,and are they going to be stopped from coming back home and vote?
The Truth · 1 year ago
Heeheedeeee uuuuuu riiiiiiii apo $20.000.00 maka bhadhara henyu mr Tyson musiri a registered voter nhai???ko iro roya renyuro ramukashandisa kuita file your papers sei risina kukuonesai nhai mr Tyson???Nyamba kukura kwakaita dzoro renyu kuya hamuna neurozvi hwose muzidengu iroriya nhai???Zvenyu zveku looter ma minerals enyika nguva ya robie muchirovana poto nana mainini gire zvakatopfuura ino yave kunzi new dispensation kana kuti second republic maona manje.Zvakatopfuura zviya zvava zviroto ndipo paya panonzi navakuru kwava kusakara kwedehwe seri sakambodyiwa nyama matove ku dustbin bambo nana mzembi wetumagirazi achiitana honey honey negogaz yake musi uya we miss zimbabwe finalists gore riya gire aita pledge more prizes nemari dzekuba.Koiye gire ariseiko mazuvano fake PhD Dr amai stop it!Akaimba Lucky dube Africa's reggae legend paakati be good to the people on your way up the ladder coz you will need them on your way down.Ana chihuri vakazotizaka muno vave pa wanted paya vakutsvagwa nevafana vavo ayaaaas my beautiful country Zimbabwe unondiitira.......
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
Hahaha kkkkk🤣🤣🤣
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
If we have this law it means we can't have diaspora vote. Most Zimboz in the diaspora have not set foot in their constituencies for more than 2 years. But hey it's Zimbabwe and anything is possible. The nomination court accepted his nomination because he met all the requirements for the application
cloe · 1 year ago
why is mangwana so obsessed that he wants to fight kasukuwere if I may ask in what way are you bothered by kasukuweres candidature...Sande is a lier more than the devil himself there's no change which will come from either ed nor kasukuwere they're the masterminds behind the collapse of this economy and country at large Zimbabweans open your eyes and do the needful by voting for change vhoterai mutungamiri akatinakira tose vote wisely vote NELSON CHAMISA
leave a comment · 1 year ago
wat happened to that guy who wanted to block Ed...sybeth musengezi
dhongi · 1 year ago
yapaka lpa vanhu vari kutya kkkkk
dhongi · 1 year ago
yapaka lpa vanhu vari kutya kkkkk

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