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Police Officer Commits Suicide Over Pay Shame

1 year agoSat, 24 Jun 2023 05:36:10 GMT
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Police Officer Commits Suicide Over Pay Shame

A police officer reportedly committed suicide at Parirenyatwa Hospital in Harare after telling doctors of his shame that his salary was too little to support his family.

ZimLive reported that Francis Patama (34), jumped off a moving police vehicle but survived and was taken to the hospital where he hanged himself.

Patama was taken to the hospital by a team of officers from the Support Unit and relatives, including his wife.

The publication cited police sources as saying Patama did not report for duty on time after being paid last week.

When his superiors initiated disciplinary proceedings, he allegedly assaulted one of them. Added the source:

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He jumped off a moving police car on June 17 in an attempt to commit suicide.

He was taken to Parirenyatwa’s psychiatric unit called Annex and admitted for what doctors said was major depressive disorder with psychosis.

Patama allegedly told doctors that he “feels like he is a failure because his salary can’t sustain the basic needs of his family.”

On the day of his death, Patama left Ward 12 where he was admitted to take a bath and took a cloth belt from one of the patients’ hospital gowns and hanged himself in a wardrobe.

Parirenyatwa spokesman Linos Dire declined to comment saying the matter is under police investigation.

Earlier this week, the Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) said that the Deputy school head at Sarahuru Primary School in Mwenezi took her own life due to “slave wages”.

Police officers are in the same pay bracket as teachers and other civil servants.

More: Pindula News



Lorita Mashie · 1 year ago
cid · 1 year ago
akam,amisa mashefu muface uyu anga akukwata re read
Me · 1 year ago
Next time mapholisa lingathunywa yiZanu ukuyatshaya abantu beCCC liyale,litshaye bonalabo abalithumileyo.Hope lizwile mapholisa ngiyazi abanye benu silabo lapha kuPindula ngoba ledata you can't afford.
Zuze · 1 year ago
I hope and pray that someone in the ZANU and government hierarchy reads this story and comments on Pindula. Rest in Power reverse VIP (in other words PIV - Poor Innocent Victim).
Kufakwangu Zvarowa · 1 year ago
Iye anokupai zvivindi zvekuti muti nhingi achachinja nyika ndiyani? Nyika (earth) iri musimba reakaipa! Kubvuma kana kuramba, 1 Joh 5:19. Nyika inenge bhazi, muchachinja watyairi from R.G Mugabe to E.D Mnangagwa to unkown but mark my words; “nothing is going to change”. Wait for it.
Hokage · 1 year ago
ichokwadi ichocho vaye vanoti Mwari Ndiye arikutonga nyika verengai verse iri rinotaura Rega , uye zvino maker sense hapana Mwari werudo paachazokonzera matambudziko chero API zvawo paya pakuka flooder kuMalawi vamwe venyu makati ndiMwari ai punisher vanhu , kusiri kuziva kuti nyika Ino iri mumaoko eakaipa
Green Light · 1 year ago
Ngozi iyo munoiripa nei vari kutonga
svika mati sorry · 1 year ago
so sad...bt wasira mhuri yakoo dambudziko dai wasiya wauraya akukupa Mari shoma ozofa hako
h · 1 year ago
@ pindula i encourage you not to post news like may increase suicide in country
Hokage · 1 year ago
Fun fact : if you share this post , more people will commit suicide because they would've been triggered, they'll probably try to kill themselves the same way too , isn't that just fun
· 1 year ago
I choose not to share this post
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ God help Zimbabwe. That Police officer wasnt corrupt, ndomapurisa ayiita basa nemoyowese but vaibhadharwa tumari. ED has failed Zimbabwe and now suicide cases are rising at an exceeding pace. Vote for CCC for a prosperous Zimbabwe
· 1 year ago
vana Mai batsirai varume venyu kutsvaka Mari kwete kuswera muchiita makuhwa, rongai tumiska twemabanana nemadomasi 10cents inobatsira , nguva yatiri inguva yakaoma tirikutongwa nebhinya
svika mati sorry · 1 year ago
uyu anozia zvaanotaura cz ma suicide cases akunyanya
· 1 year ago
Hee Zim manake Ee ED treats people better tgan mugabe hee hee hee. Nxaaaa kuyini so abantu sebebona ukufa kungcono. ZANU yashurungudza vanhu. This is painful. Someone being humiliated like this to an extent of deciding that there are better dead
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
akadya mari mupurisa uyo. plus kumusha kwake kunenge kune varoyi. anyway I wish you life after death.
Pfeee · 1 year ago
Ndipei dzimwe 5 years kana muchida kuramba muchifamba muchitaura moga uye muchishandira mahara. Ngaapinde Hake Mukomana!
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
makuchekeresaka ma ccc. mupurisa ane mhepo dzakewo. achatongwa nemhosva yekuuraya munhu zvake. inga zanu inogaro taura kuti kana waona kuti chibasa hachibhadhare buda upinde pane rinobhadhara. ndakatombo chiitawo chibasa ichi ndikasiya ndikainda kumunda
Hokage · 1 year ago
Aaaa @Fugu Pfee AKA Phillimon Kambiro kwana iwewe , usataure zvinhu zvisina musoro , ungati munhu ayende kurimwe basa rinobhadhara , zvoreva chinhu here izvozvo ? fut.seke useless ! you enjoy the suffering of people
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
infertile minds makes one suffer. ungashingaira nechinhu chidinga bhadhare.
Child of hope · 1 year ago
😳😳😳😳😳😳 wtf, this is bad
Hokage · 1 year ago
@Child of Hope , **** this is bad Chii ko , tinogara tichikuudzai kuti pinzai Mukomana apa , Zimbabwe yashata , basa rekutaura madh.odhi musinga zive zviri pa ground , worthless , ignorant ZANOIDs
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 @Hokage u are absolutely right my brother. 👏👏👏
CCC · 1 year ago
do something for NRZ workers coz things are bad

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