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"No Human Being Is Perfect", Seh Calaz Defends Jailed Mai TT

1 year agoMon, 19 Jun 2023 09:44:17 GMT
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"No Human Being Is Perfect", Seh Calaz Defends Jailed Mai TT

Zimdancehall artist Seh Calaz, whose real name is Tawanda Mumanyi, has condemned people who are seemingly celebrating Mai TT’s jailing for theft of trust property, fraud and assault.

Mai TT, born Felistas Murata, was last week sentenced to an effective nine (9) months imprisonment following her conviction.

Soon after her sentencing, some people took to social media platforms to mock the comedienne who has more than 1.4 million followers on Facebook.

However, Seh Calaz believes it is wrong to celebrate Mai TT’s imprisonment, saying every person has his or her skeletons in the closet. The Zimdancehall chanter wrote on Facebook:

I never knew kuti ndichasvika zuva randinoona vanhu nehuwandu hwavo ,worse vanhurume wishing some1 bad kufara kuenda kujeri kwemumwe munhu, vamwe saying even akafa she deserves it, asi tine shuwa shuwa here?

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Hatisati tambovhara vanhu? Hatisati tambo faker life? Hatisati tambotuka? Hatisati tamboshora vamwe nekuzvikudza?

Sure unosvika pakuda just because of hee tiri ve this family hee vamwe this family, or just because you dont like character yemunhu and 98% of hamuna kumbobvira makaonana kusanganga kana kuzivana.

Tose we are not perfect, pakukupai entertainment sometimes tinopfurira but I think as our fans and followers munofanha kutotidzora, most of us we have said or sang zvinhu kufadza chaunga, asi now we regret mamwe mashoko ataibuditsa.

Hapana akachena pano zvekutoti titoisa makumbo mudenga kurarapasi kuseka, haa wangu mangwana hapana aneruzivo rwepatichabudira.

Siistren be strong and Mwari vakusimbise nemhuri yekwako and your kids. It shal be well #Zvichanaka

More: Pindula News



ende fty · 1 year ago
vanhu u will only sympathize with a person when she commits suicide, tsvagai chaita musoro uteme , tsvagai chaita vazodato it's nty easy being a single mom trying to make ends meet
edmore dube · 1 year ago
sure tisasekane hama mangwana zvichauyawo kwenyu you will feel that pain💔💔💔
cid · 1 year ago
@clee ,,,kuvhara vanhu Hausi ****ma
clee · 1 year ago
hanzi seka urema wafa
The Truth · 1 year ago
Good riddance.calling her feaces is pejorative to human waste.
Nas · 1 year ago
l think this guy zvaataura makes sense ,just because some1 atadza doesn't mean chimumocker ,who knows tomorrow it myt be you uchiseka kudaro ,it really hurts me kuona munhu achiwisher someone kuti dai afa senane ,ya vangatadza havo but sevanhu zvimwe azvide kudaro
daily · 1 year ago
ndozvambarwadza kuno kucjikurubi nana sekuru
cde hondo · 1 year ago
garapasi mfana.don't defend a serial fraudster.funga vakatsotswa their hard earned cash nembavha iyi.mbavha mukati vakomana bopai munhu.
dudu · 1 year ago
tisarwadziwe nehupenyu wemunhu leave Mai TT alone basa nderekungowongorora hupenyu wevamwe muchitadza kunorima.mai TT wish you back soon ende akuna asina kutadza GOD be with you.mother
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 Mai Tt vako has nude pics, meaning a grown woman took naked pictures of herself and sent them to Tinashe. She is a mother who dates multiple men
Hombre · 1 year ago
Thank you Seh Calaz for reminding us that we are all sinners. My advice to maiTiti is, "Make restoration of what you stole and sin no more."
Anonymous · 1 year ago
So we should not critisize kana kutuka ED pfee mabond arikufaya because munhu samai Titi.
Hokage · 1 year ago
kuneta nema socialite kudii apa tibvirei , Mai TT vakangoita something zvisinei nemi makuchema chema asi everyday munosiirira imbwa inonzi shadaya ichingohukura non-stop , that clout chasing sl.ut shadaya , desperate for attention! even dissing people that are infinitely more Civilised and smarter than him , i hate that son of a **** !
Rita · 1 year ago
unenge wakambovhurirwa iwe
Citzn · 1 year ago
Chalaz you should know that your defensive mechanism won't always work,we are tired of these so called socialite. And these heartless we run everything gurus who think they are everything, they should know that jail wasn't built for the poor people. One has to know no matter how you assume you famous ,popular or you call yourself heavy weight. If you break the law, the strong arm of the law that shows no partiality should grab every manace mind and they should feel the heavy arm of the law. As for ambuya Tt she should not stop doing what she does atleast she has a new following now, her inmates will be entertained for free and offline.
zwana mina · 1 year ago
kainyanya kuvhaira ende kaitoda ku influencer vakadzi vari married kuti vaite ma slay queen vadisse varume. I suspect kakatokonzeresa kuparara kwedzimba because vamwe vaito believer zvakaiposta pa fb vasingazive kuti kairarama fake life. ngaamboslyera ma guard Jeri vana sekuru nanambuya nduna dzejeri
tk · 1 year ago
ibvopo iwew Saka ukufarira kudungwa kumumwr
Anonymous · 1 year ago
She must also refund her victims
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
tsvimborume kubvisa mwana wemvana madzihwa😂😂
# · 1 year ago
Haa calaz ngaambonyarara. that Felistus woman duped a lot of innocent people and she can't go unpunished kaa. she couldn't even offer an apology zvayo. she was bragging....hee endai ku porisi kana ndakakubirai. ngaambogara muhusungwa maybe anozobuda Ave ne sense of wrong
Hokage · 1 year ago
you might be a whoreman but you have spoken some sense here 👏

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