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Mnangagwa: The State And Church Have A Complementary Partnership

1 year agoSun, 11 Jun 2023 14:27:52 GMT
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Mnangagwa: The State And Church Have A Complementary Partnership

In a recent speech, Zimbabwe’s President E.D. Mnangagwa recounted his experiences with the Church and Church leaders in the early years of Zimbabwe’s independence. He spoke of how Rhodesian propaganda had demonized the freedom fighters, painting them as a godless lot associated with all manner of devilry. He said by contrast, white Rhodesia had beatified itself as a God-fearing civilization whose mission was to redeem and Christianize a benighted race inhabiting the “Dark Continent.”

President Mnangagwa also described how the Church and State were inseparable in Rhodesia, with the Anglican Church being the Church of the Settler Rhodesian State. He explained how the Church had viewed the freedom fighters as “ogres” and how the Church had heavily invested in African education, running the majority of schools for Africans in the country, right through to Zimbabwe’s independence.

Despite initial anxieties from the Church, President Mnangagwa explained how the State had sought to heal the wounds of colonialism and develop the country on egalitarian principles through the ideology of Marxist-Leninism. He further explained how their choice of ideology was appropriate for a post-Independent Zimbabwe and drew parallels and similarities between their ideology and the values espoused by Africans under African communalism.

He highlighted how the State and Church had partnered to build a better Zimbabwe, with the State resting their politics and development on God. President Mnangagwa emphasized the importance of a God-fearing leadership in Zimbabwe, stating that the First and Second Republics were built on values espoused by the Church.

He noted that the State and Church have a complementary partnership, and he frequently meets with Church leaders across denominations. The President said he introduced a new mantra, “Nyika inonamatirwa nevene vayo,” which completes the Holy Trinity at the heart of the Church and emphasizes the need to give God to all politics, policies, and programs.

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He called on Church leaders to pray for peaceful elections and urged the nation to put God at the heart of development, citing the success of the mining, agriculture, and tourism sectors as evidence of divine favor. The President also praised the Catholic Church’s agricultural and value-addition program, which demonstrates a symbiotic relationship between the State and the Church, both serving the same person created in the image of God.

Mnangagwa has been attending multiple religious groups, which is perceived by some as a strategic effort to amass support for the ruling party prior to the upcoming August 23 harmonized elections.

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Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣Hahaha aaaaah hahaa 🤣🤣🤣. Mwari vari kuona zvavo. Mwari Baba hoonhai zviri kuitwa muno muZimbabwe nema Satanists eZanu Pf
Sorojena · 1 year ago
0f course the state and the church have a complementary relation , however I would like to point out that Zanu pf is not the state but a political organization. The State in its entirety is bigger than any political organization or church Not all Zimbabweans go to church or are members of Zanu pf.
Pk · 1 year ago
He has no problem with donning the gown, hullabaloo with start when you give him the bible to read. Manifestation, bellowing and mooing
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
hausi PK iwewe. pk tomuziva chero panonyora
Pk. · 1 year ago
He has no problem with donning the gown, hullabaloo with start when you give him the bible to read. Manifestation, bellowing and mooing
PeaceArt · 1 year ago
zvekunamata hauna kana clue, haunyari here ****
gumlaz · 1 year ago
Mwari haagari mugemenzi kuripfeka o ksaripfeka moyo wako mnhu ndounofanira kutya Mwari
kumusha · 1 year ago
gemenzi nderekwa marange Kuta kunoroora vana vasina choooo yaaaah ndiye arikuti vadero, mhombwe muchurch
doug · 1 year ago
Rhodesia was a British colony, and the Anglican Church ( or is it Church of England) is part of the ruling system of the British.
doug · 1 year ago
Rhodesia was a country now called Zimbabwe. It followed Christian principles, just like Zimbabwe.
amg · 1 year ago
anga aripiko kwaataura izvo
zvesebho · 1 year ago
@mmmmm kkkkkkk wamaona hre magemenzi manyama kkkkkk president ****
citizen · 1 year ago
nyeredzi iri kutitungamirira kwatiri kuenda iri pagemenzi app, makomborerwa your excellence
Hokage · 1 year ago
@citizen 😂 asi hauzive kuti yanga iri nyeredzi ya satan ? vanhu vaye pavakaenda nema presents vakaenda kuna Herod vachiti vakutsvaga mambo azvarwa from that day Herod aida kuuraya Jesus .
ummmmmm · 1 year ago
igemenzi rekupi ko iro mr president?mukati manheru mave kuvata paya or mangwanani pamunomuka paya munotomboisa mabvi pasi apa muchi nyengetera kuna musiki??????
Dladla · 1 year ago
Zim is a hell hole...where u meet hypocrites
bhishu · 1 year ago
mapicture manyama
Hokage · 1 year ago
This is not good at all , Anyone who has laid eyes on the crevasses of the bible knows that the state and Christianity do not mix , I mean there's literally a prophecy that says the state will Destroy the churches , ain't anybody reading the bible? even the pastors as well? 🙆🏽‍♂️ we're all gonna die!
SC · 1 year ago
But a wise king listens to God. Isn't it good to be led by a God fearing man?
Hokage · 1 year ago
@SC stop pretending , we all know he's trying to make churches an extension of ZANU PF , God does not work that way , also the times of the old kings are over , when kings (mostly decedent's of Jesus) would speak to God , tell me is ED a descendant of Jesus? has he done any good to be worthy to speak to God ? Wisdom you say ? he's clearly learned NOTHING from the bible , a good king is fair and just.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
mnangagwa manyama✊✊
😆😆 · 1 year ago
... manyama embongoro.
SC · 1 year ago
Hokage you must understand my point. I'm not being his lawyer or anything but I'm defending the issue of church and state. I'm not saying anything about him. My point is on church and state.

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