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Former Deputy Prime Minister Mutambara Hints At Returning To Active Politics

1 year agoFri, 09 Jun 2023 05:24:36 GMT
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Former Deputy Prime Minister Mutambara Hints At Returning To Active Politics

Former Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara has hinted that he may consider returning to active politics after the elections. Mutambara previously served as Deputy Prime Minister between 2009-13 representing the MDC-M during the Government of National Unity.

He made the remarks during an interview with Alpha Media Holdings’ digital radio and television station, Heart & Soul TV (HSTV) about Zimbabwe’s current political climate. He said:

If they (ZANU PF government) continue failing, I might have to reconsider my retirement but for now I am teaching. I am a professor and director at the University of the Future of Knowledge, but I keep my options open.

Mutambara expressed his concerns about the upcoming election, citing issues with the voters’ roll and the unfair advantage that the ruling party has over the opposition. He said:

It’s a tragedy because I don’t see anything positive coming out of this election because already there is the story around the voters’ roll, where people go and can’t find their names. The voters’ roll is not available to the opposition. The political opposition is being harassed. Job Sikhala (CCC MP for Zengeza West) and  (Transform Zimbabwe leader Jacob) Ngarivhume are locked up as we speak.

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What kind of election can we have when your opponents are locked up and cannot have political rallies?

He also described ZANU PF leader and presidential candidate President Emmerson Mnangagwa as an average and incompetent leader who is quick to use force due to his insecurity and doubts about his own legitimacy. Mutambara also criticized Mnangagwa’s government for being corrupt and incompetent. He said:

Mnangagwa is a crude version of the late Robert Mugabe on corruption, on tribalism.

On incompetence, he is worse because he has no finesse. Mugabe had an element of finesse around him, but this one is very crude in terms of naked corruption and naked incompetence.

These guys are insecure, very insecure, very incompetent and they are very quick to use force because they doubt their legitimacy, yet Mugabe had a veneer of legitimacy as the founding father of the nation, who brought independence and carried out the land reform programme.

Mutambara expressed respect for his colleagues in the opposition, particularly Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa. He said: 

I have a lot of respect for my colleagues in the CCC.  I have a lot of respect for president Chamisa. He is doing a great job.

I try as much as I can to advise quietly, but they are doing a good job and they deserve our support. They could fix one or two things here and there but I communicate privately and tell them what I think can been done.

In the 2018 presidential election, Emmerson Mnangagwa emerged as the winner by a narrow margin. However, the opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa, contested the results, alleging that Mnangagwa received assistance from the courts and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission in securing his victory. 

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Arthur Mutambara, you once describe our former President and founder of the MDC as a political midget, but I think that description fits him best. I
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Gwendo guno hauite prime minister,pane vakakunyepera kuti uneyese book rako haritengwe see you after elections 🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼, rural area strong hold ye 🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mutambara who? This fellow never left his school boys activism. He knwos nothing olf the real world.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mutambara has proved to be very useless to Zimbabwe 🇿🇼. He is just like Thokozanu Kuphe who will tell you she was Deputy Prime minister of Zimbabwe but still can't use the toilet properly. Mutambara being a Robotics 🤖 Professor , He has made nothing to show his Intelligence.
Hillbillies Auctioneers · 1 year ago
AGO Mutambara is nothing, he is just a water- mounth loose cannon, paaimbova deputy prime minister hanty ndiye wakudaidzira kuti masanctions ngaachibviswe even pasina reform, more he was on mugabe
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Even Morgan called for the removal of sanctions, kana Chamisa akati ngaabviswe. It's only the ignoramus who think ED and his close associates are affected by sanctions. When all this is over ED will appear on the list of the richest people in Africa. A closer look into the whole sanctions issue will show you that the zanupf leadership are the biggest beneficiaries of the sanctions because these sanctions allow them to loot without anyone asking questions. Changamukai. Sanctions mean we give away our resources at give away prices.
gumlaz · 1 year ago
nhaim vanhu varipano asi zvorambifzwa kuita party yako kana tisat takunovhota here sekt sei vanhu vakungoda kuita zvimapato mekujoiner politcs panguva yekut tatarisana nesarudzo sei vasingagari vakajoiner kare muchazoti bhowa imi vanhu regai vagara vari vatambi venhabvu vatambe chero vakadyiwa vanoziva zvenge zvavadyisa kwete zvenyu izvi zvekt kwasara 2 days makuti ndipeyi jezi mripinde panhamba 9 apa session chaiwo wakaiguma kare siyanai nazvo vanamtambara izvzvo kura kungokonzeresa concussion kuvanhu
gumlaz · 1 year ago
@zupco enda wega unodya chikafu nechedu vasingait zvekushandiswa nw ndtori pabasa pangu kshandira mhuri idye ichiguta not nonsense dzako idzo
cid · 1 year ago
i think CCC as usual will welcome him if he wants to join 😂imagine if they could welcome Khupe back after all wat she did
Starbuck · 1 year ago
at zupco enda wega usatinyangadza don't tell us nonsense
coni · 1 year ago
mutambara is a no for me he is a tooothless dog just like mwonzora those pple are good when someone is monitoring and giving them orders to follow not the way round
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Prof, my engineer maybe you preparing a soft landing on your come back its fine, lessons from the terraces 1. Unite the opposition otherwise only fanatics will be with you 2. Never talk down opponents it reflects badly on your character as a leader 3. Never over estimate your chances " this is chamisa's biggest self rigging threat, he talks like ed has done nothing in zimbabwe" swing voters can not be fooled by that 4. Work to win swing voter your supporters always protect their space , men and women 5. Telling us ed is average you terribly de-campaigned your friend, we ask what kind of people are these? Lastly long as you dont find each other never ever will you win any contest in zimbabwe
· 1 year ago
After his shenanigans during the GNU era, Ago burnt his bridges. In the first place he was never a politician. He was given the golden throne courtesy of Welshman Ncube who adroitly knew the numerical impossibility of a Ndebele candidate garnering national support. Hence he roped in Arthur to lead what was hitherto MDC-N into MDC-M. So in essence he was shoed into office for tribal expediency, only because other deserving candidates (Strive Masiiwa and Nigel Chanakira) turned Welshman down. Once in the GNU, he immediately forsook his kingmakers and went berserk, maverick style to look after Mutambara interests and not MDC interests, in what was then termed The Mutambara Factor. He worked more against Tsvangirai and the opposition and endeared himself with Mugabe, to a point where even his party disowned him. The current CCC leadership knows his machinations and won't touch him with a sterilised bargepole. Which leaves him with zero credibility profile. What constituency can he hope to rally around himself? Certainly not the ordinary man on the street because he hasn't articulated anything to benefit the common man. Ditto the working class. Academia? Majority of intelligentsia are already aligned with CCC, and he can't hope to prise them from that viable alternative. That leaves him with the tribal card. Resuscitate ZANU Ndonga yekanye? His homeboys Maybe, but the Ndau clansmen of Chimanimani-Chipinge cannot by any stretch of imagination constitute a platform to launch a national political life and career. AGO Mutambara, you cooked your goose, at best you can only remain a political commentator like your fellow professor, Jonathan 3.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@X3 Why are you trying to dignify HUTUSHONA GUKURAHUNDI tribalism? It's well documented in Africa, even among themselves as different Clans. Tel it like it is. What nonsense is this ".... Welshman Ncube who adroitly knew the numerical impossibility if a Ndebele candidate garnering national support?" Why not? Wasn't Nkomo from Matebeleland when he had massive support in Mashonaland in the 1960s? Is Cyril Ramaphosa not from the minority Venda tribe, now that he is President of South Africa? Was Barack Obama no longer from the minority black race when he was voted President of the USA? You see your twisted logic? Instead openly stating Tshoona Gujurawundi tribalism, you want to rationalism Welshman's political misfortunes at the Zim Presidency as that of numerical disadvantage. We all know **** are tribalists. They can't even accept each other as Clans. They have to change government through Coups, because the Presidency is the ultimate achievement of a Clan, hence can never be let go once attained, come what may.
Joe90 · 1 year ago
Zupco 👨‍✈️👨‍✈️🚎🚎 · 1 year ago
Maswera sei , Zanu yavakutakura vanhu kubva Harare kuyenda Masvingo , Kune organization yeSmall Scale and Media Enterprises 4ED vatipa 2buses dzekuenda kuMasvingo kunenge kuna President ED Munangagwa mangwana Thursday.09/06/23 so handei tizadze mabus kunyanya mafirst voter registered chirongwa chenyu mhanyai pagombiro na6am chikafu chiritii
Ciroc 🍸 · 1 year ago
zvinoratidza kuti haina mabasa

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