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Kwekwe Family Homeless After House Collapses Into A Mine Shaft

1 year agoFri, 02 Jun 2023 17:04:24 GMT
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Kwekwe Family Homeless After House Collapses Into A Mine Shaft

The owner of a house that collapsed into an underground mine shaft in Kwekwe’s Globe and Phoenix suburb on Sunday says her family is now homeless following the incident.

Kimberly Rusike told ZBC News that they have lived at House Number 1 Silver Oaks in Globe and Phoenix low-density suburb for the past 23 years.

She said it was their hope that the house would benefit generations to come. Said Rusike:

The first problem happened sometime last year when part of the dining room collapsed.

We thought it was nothing major but as a safety precaution, we moved out after a relative offered accommodation in Newtown.

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However, we left some valuables and tenants. On Sunday we were informed that a catastrophe had hit our property.

When we came to check, we realised that the whole kitchen and a toilet had sunk into a sinkhole.

It’s quite traumatising to imagine if we were still occupying the property and if the tenants were in the house at the time we could be telling a different story.

The house has since been decommissioned meaning we have been left with nothing.

Cracks are visible over the block of flats at the Globe Court which houses over 200 people.

One of the residents who spoke to ZBC News said every other day they hear blasts underground as illegal gold panners break up rocks in search of the yellow metal. Said the resident:

Every other day we hear blasts from underneath the surface as amakorokoza go about their business.

Windows and doors always shake as the blasts go on. We no longer know what to do anymore.

Imagine if all these flats were to collapse what would happen to us.

Living in this neighbourhood is now traumatic. The fear of waking up with no home is now a reality.

How can one survive knowing pretty well that there are mining activities underneath?

I appeal to authorities to put an end to all this madness.

As a resident, it is natural to live in fear. We have children who play outside and knowing that we are floating above some mineshafts is quite scary.

The most difficult times are when the illegal miners do their mine blasts which shake the whole yard.

The house is located in the Globe and Phoenix area, the same area as the Globe and Phoenix Primary School, which also collapsed into a mining tunnel months ago.

A number of schoolchildren at Globe and Phoenix Primary were injured after a classroom block caved in while they were in class in March this year.

Midlands Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Larry Mavima said the Government is mulling a complete ban on mining activities in Kwekwe.

More: Pindula News



😭😭 · 1 year ago
Xvonzvisa tsitsie ixvie
Da Truth · 1 year ago
The devil 😈 will never change 💯 .Watch the election drama from now killings , disappearing and jailing the opposite thinkers .
plumtree · 1 year ago
Isaac Vela · 1 year ago
Things falling apart!
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
This problem lies squarely on ZANU PF Government, especially on the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development.. The Ministry nurtured this problem. [ WHY SHOULD CITIZENS VOTE FOR ZANU PF WHO ARE GOLD MAFIA CRIMINALS ]. Complaints of unscrupulous people mining under the houses in Kwekwe are not new. The Ministry has always promised to do something about the problem,, but they have done nothing. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Genaral · 1 year ago
makorokoza honai kupera kuuraya nyika apana kwatirikuenda ne Zimbabwe
Gweja · 1 year ago
Under normal circumstances a government or council run school should house not less than 750 pupils and 2 months ago a school was reported to have been affected by underground mining activities which caused one of the classroom blocks to collapse but since then no action has been made to prevent such incidents in the near future and those kids are still attending lessons at the same school. Am sure they were told not to panic as a way to keep the so called elites making more money but at the expense of thousands of human lives. Today another tragedy has struck again in the same area someone is now homeless with kids having now where to sleep but we still have the government running this country for 43 years who does not care about other people's lives as long as they are fattening their pockets they don't care. Apa hauna kana funeral policy or medical aid musi waunofira mushaft unotengerwa coffin ⚰ re$30, 20 kg upfu, 2lts c/oil, 1kg salt, 10 cabbages, 2kg beans zvonzi nedzoi dzinoparadza MP or councilour otobuda paztv achiti tabatsira mhuri dzarasikirwa nehama dzavo konotorwa mahwindi nema**** for ***** kuti vapupure kuti ichokwadi yet vadhakiswa nenjengu. This country will never be free i tell you. British colony was way better than Africa Zimbabwe colony . Let's move on but if you are correct in your medulla you will vote ❎ wisely
PK · 1 year ago
makorokoza for ED
Zelensky · 1 year ago
Mumwe achapinda mugomba nemigoti achipika , Saka zvoreva kuti Porisi yatadza makorokodza kana kuti irikutofa zvayo negwama remakorokoza
w · 1 year ago
@Zelensky kkk can't stop laughing though ndiri muKwekwe macho hangu comment yako yandipedza pamigoti apo kkk
Hombre · 1 year ago
Makorokoza ndeavakuru vanotyisa
Child of hope · 1 year ago
Pindula ko kuisa news parepeat ndokuneyi
· 1 year ago
Nyika ino Haina president zvachose chikoro chakadhirika Waz but hapana kana danho rakatorwa rekumisa chikorokoza apa anogara Ari kukwekwe ikoko kupurazi rake
Hombre · 1 year ago
Sare iye kudhirikirwa mupurazi kana muhighway ikoko.
Gerald Chawuma · 1 year ago
You but for one you buy for everyone.the gold was supposed to develop kwekwe, results of looting resources
muroora · 1 year ago
chikorokoza ngachimiswe mukwekwe
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
@Muroora i hope they will help the families that were affected. Its so nice to see people like you showing how much u care.
Rita · 1 year ago
kubva zvaita sekuti muroora wenyu chaiye
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
@Rita hooo haha mayaz. Iwewe u are my Queen Rita, u will always be my number 1. Ndinokuda
avail · 1 year ago
@vabhomba kkkkkkkkkkkk ndasimudza maoko munodhuukira vanhu zveshuwa muribhomba
muroora · 1 year ago
chikorokoza mukwekwe ngachimiswe plse
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
muroora hurovha hunokunetsa. instead of going to kwekwe kunotsvagawo maro wakuda kumisa mining.
Black Adam ⚡ · 1 year ago
Zanu ine mari yakawanda they must buy a house for his family. Lets see if they will show some humanity apa
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Has always shown humanity since 1980. You're a blabbermouth wena
Black Adam⚡ · 1 year ago
@Miss Jessica you were brainwashed by Zanu and ZBC becoz that's the only channel u grew up watching and their propaganda got to u. Zanu tortured Tsvangirai, Chamisa, Biti, Madhuku, they kidnapped Itai Dzamara, Justina Mukoko. In 2018 probably you u were drunk and u missed the news, about 6 people were killed in the CBD including a mother.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
black adam usatityira zvako. zanu ibato revanhu uye rinoita zvido zvevanhu. mhuri iyo inobatsirwa zvakanakisisa.
Black Adam ⚡ · 1 year ago
We will see then, tinenga takaterera 🤣🤣
Da Truth · 1 year ago
kwete zvido zvevanhu asi zvinoda munhu ndo hunhu we Zanu pf.

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