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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Summons US Embassy Official Over "Register To Vote" Tweets

1 year agoThu, 01 Jun 2023 14:58:48 GMT
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Zimbabwe Summons US Embassy Official Over "Register To Vote" Tweets

Zimbabwe on Tuesday called on the United States Embassy to refrain from interfering in its electoral processes after the latter posted several election-related messages on Twitter on 26 May.

The Acting Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Rofina Chikava met with the Chargé d’affaires for the US Embassy, Elaine French, to voice Zimbabwe’s disapproval of the United States’s interference.

Following the meeting, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Livit Mugejo released the statement below:

Today, the 30th of May 2023 at 1430 hrs, the Acting Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ambassador Rofina Chikava met with the Chargé D’Affaires for the US Embassy in Harare, Ms Elaine French.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade summoned the Chargé D’Affaires after the US Embassy issued several election-related social media posts via Twitter on 26 May 2023.

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The most notable post was captioned: “Register to vote and make sure your voice is heard,” among other tweets which had been made a few days before.

During the meeting with Ms Elaine French, Ambassador Chikava underscored Government’s commitment towards holding a peaceful, free and fair election, in line with His Excellency (H.E), President E.D Mnangagwa’s clarion call.

Ambassador Chikava took the opportunity to highlight Zimbabwe’s preparations for the Harmonised Elections.

These include voter registration and education, delimitation of constituencies and wards and the ongoing inspection of the voters’ roll, in line with the country’s constitution.

Despite Zimbabwe’s strong commitment towards holding a peaceful, free and fair election, Ambassador Chikava, however, expressed concern over the Mission’s election related-social media posts, bordering on activism and meddling in Zimbabwe’s internal affairs.

Ambassador Chikava said the conduct by the US Embassy was unacceptable as it deviated from conventional diplomatic norms and values enshrined in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961).

The Ministry also called on the US Embassy to refrain from posting such messages in the spirit of re-engagement between our two countries.

In her response, the US Charge D’Affaires Ms Elaine French acknowledged Government’s concerns and reiterated her Mission’s commitment to improve its communication in line with expected diplomatic conduct.

She further expressed optimism in the continued collaboration between Zimbabwe and the US.

Zimbabwe views the U.S.A as an important co-operating partner in its development goals, in line with the Engagement and Re-Engagement policy.

More: Pindula News



Child of hope · 1 year ago
there's literally no freedom in Zimbabwe
Mohammed Zaka ali · 1 year ago
ndiri we zanu pf zvangu but apa vafunge neveche chairo Ms avo #vote for mabhangizha
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Haiwa Rofina ngaatibvire apo Kuwudza vanhu kuti register to vote and let your voice be heard zvakaipa chii? Chikava zvaari zvaari chikava chaicho
aizve · 1 year ago
what's wrong in encouraging people to vote the elections are held so that people go and vote. Am I missing something here? 🤷
Zuze · 1 year ago
In ZANU limited reasoning, people are not supposed to vote.
Mdara Odza · 1 year ago
The Embassy never said anything that crosses the diplomatic line, they only said, register to vote and make sure your voice is heard. That is very much non-partisan, and besides, it is the right of every citizen to vote. Why on earth does Zanu pf think virgin voters won't vote for them. It is also laughable that the Permanent Secretary said elections will be held freely and fairly in line with Mnangagwa's clarion call; why on earth does elections have to be held in consistency with someone's voice? Isn't it a Constitutional requirement that elections have to be held in a free and fair environment? Why then do we have to dance to the whims of a deranged man? The Permanent Secretary has to check into a mental institution
Madzibaba veShanduko · 1 year ago
hanzi virgin voter eish pano pane zvepo shuwa
chinhu · 1 year ago
saka baba vepanext door vokuudza kuti baba imi s. v. i. r a i mukadzi wenyu zvobuda here
· 1 year ago
Eheka, kuregererei kana zvisingaite basa?
ehe ? · 1 year ago
History is full of despots who, having provoked and antagonised all neighbours, claim with increasing paranoia, ‘the world is against me’. Russia as of summer 2023 has become another example.
f v c k z a n u p f · 1 year ago
Epworth Resident · 1 year ago
French uyo chana chavatete vangu, chimuzaya changu, mazvihwa hanzi vhoterai Chamisa pa cccc ipapo musi wa 23 Aug musati handina kukukudzai vana musoro bhangu🙄
Epworth Resident · 1 year ago
French uyo chana chavatete vangu, chimuzaya changu, mazvihwa hanzi vhoterai Chamisa pa cccc ipapo musi wa 23 Aug musati handina kukukudzai vana musoro bhangu🙄😁
Epworth Resident · 1 year ago
French uyo chana chavatete vangu, chimuzaya changu, mazvihwa hanzi vhoterai Chamisa pa cccc ipapo musi wa 23 Aug musati handina kukukudzai vana musoro bhangu🙄😁
PK · 1 year ago
hanzi vote for ccc
Voyis · 1 year ago
@PK kkkkk elections come & pass let's unite guys & behave because you can be an example kkkk
tino · 1 year ago
example yei? atuka munhu here?
cde · 1 year ago
example yei nhai iwe kuti ccc imhosva here under your sharia law
kg · 1 year ago
Zuze · 1 year ago
@kg, kunyora in capital letters doesn't mean you are talking sense
voyis · 1 year ago
hanzi chii guys

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